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The XIVth International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences will take …

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New publication: The Uncertain Future of Antarctica’s Melting Ice

A new publication in EOS highlights the important work of …

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Introducing PetroChron Antarctica database

PetroChron Antarctica is a new relational database containing a compilation …

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Call for applications for Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups

The Alfred Wegener Institute seeks Expressions of Interest from outstanding …

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Advances in Polar Science Special Issue looking for submissions

The journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) is looking for submissions for …


AntArchitecture Workshop Announced

The AntArchitecture Action Group is planning to hold an in-person …


Antarctic Tourism Action Group invites input from the SCAR community

The SC-HASS Tourism Action Group (Ant-TAG) was approved at the …


Turkish Polar Sciences Workshop and Festival

Under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of …

SCAR News|

SCAR appoints new Antarctic Environments Portal Editor

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research is pleased to announce …


AntArchitecture paper: New radiostratigraphic dataset for central East Antarctica

A new paper and dataset, entitled “A detailed radiostratigraphic data set …

SCAR News|

SCAR 2021 Fellowship awards announced

The the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Council of …

SCAR News|

2021 Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly

The Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly 2021 is taking place on 1 …

SCAR News|

Celebrate Antarctica Day with us on 1st December 2021

The Antarctic Treaty, considered to be one of the most …


III Chilean Conference on Antarctic Law held

The 3rd Chilean Conference on Antarctic Law (III Jornadas Chilenas …

SCAR News|

SCAR celebrates Polar Pride Day 2021

Happy Polar Pride Day 2021! We are excited to celebrate …

SCAR News|

SCAR featured in Unlocking Science series: What Antarctica can teach us about climate change

  The Antarctic ice sheets are an incredibly valuable resource …


Map the Gaps Symposium

Map the Gaps convenes a global event on bathymetry on …

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