Masaru Kogure
Home: National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
Host: Hampton University, US
Impact of change in Antarctic gravity waves due to climate change on the atmosphere
![Image Jackson Chu](
Jackson Chu
Home: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Host: British Antarctic Survey, UK
Sarah Jackson
Home: The Australian National University, Australia
Host: British Antarctic Survey/Cambridge University, UK
Development of the 17O-excess paleoproxy: insights from a high-resolution Antarctic Peninsula core
Andrew Corso
Home: Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, US
Host: CCAMLR, Australia
A larval fish bycatch guide for the Antarctic krill fishery
Kimberlee Baldry
Home: Institute of Marine Science and Antarctic Studies, Australia
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, France
The improvement of Biogeochemical Argo chlorophyll-a concentration data for large-scale studies of Southern Ocean phytoplankton
Martina Mascioni
Home: Department of Phycology, University of La Plata, Argentina
Host: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, US
Diversity of bloom-forming phytoplankton species in Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) nearshore waters
Mia Wege
Home: Mammal Research Institute, South Africa
Host: Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia
Long-term foraging strategies and their consequences to Antarctic fur seals
Mariia Pavlovska
Home: State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center, Ukraine
Host: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Exploring the interplay of Antarctic bacterioplankton and phytoplankton by integration of biodiversity, contextual, and OMICS data
2018 Fellows
Lettie Roach
Home: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Host: University of North Carolina, USA
The influence of nonlinear physical processes on the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice
Pamela Santibáñez
Home: Instituto Antartico Chileno, Chile
Host: Desert Research Institute, USA
Microbes within deep ice cores: Unravelling the microbial responses to climatic and ecosystem processes
Abhilash Nair
Home: National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, India
Host: GNS Science, New Zealand
Pleistocene-Holocene variability in ACC strength and Agulhas leakage intensity
Bruno Fusaro
Home: Instituto Antártico Argentino, Argentina
Host: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Spain
Molecular and epidemiological diagnosis of parasitic diseases in Pygoscelid penguins in the content of global climate change
2018 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
![Monica Remedios web](
Mónica Luján Remedios-De León
Home: University of the Republic, Uruguay
Host: The British Antarctica Survey, UK
Development of a non-native species management plan: Development of a non-native species management plan: Trichocera maculipennis (Meigen, 1818) (Diptera: Trichoceridae) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands (Meigen, 1818) (Diptera: Trichoceridae) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands
2017 Fellows
Leena Riekkola
Home: University of Auckland, New Zealand
Host: Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA, USA
Spatial analysis of humpback whale behaviour and habitat use patterns in Antarctica.
Julie Janssens
Home: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN), France
Representation of iron in a sea-ice biogeochemical model.
Hanne Nielsen
Home: University of Tasmania, Australia
Host: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Framing Antarctica as Fragile: Tracing the evolution of media narratives about the far south (1945 – 2015).
Antonio Aguera Garcia
Home: Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Host: University of Otago, New Zealand
Transgenerational Plasticity (TGP) and acclimation in a keystone Polar Invertebrate in response to a warmer more acidic Antarctic.
Filip Hrbáček
Home: Department of Geography, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Host: Insubria University, Italy
Effect of vegetation cover on active layer thermal regime in climatically contrasted environments of Antarctica.
2017 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Shramik Patil
Home: The National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), India
Host: UPMC-CNRS Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
Response of Southern Indian Ocean coccolithophores to climate change: evidence from laboratory culture experiments.
2016 Fellows
Lavenia Ratnarajah
Home: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie Microbienne, France
Effects of natural iron fertilisation by baleen whales on the microbial community in the Southern Ocean
Jilda Caccavo
Home: University of Padua, Italy
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, France
Trophic dynamics and nutritional condition of Pleuragramma antarctica in the Weddell Sea, as related to population genetic structure
Ryan Reisinger
Home: Zoology Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
Host: Australian Antarctic Division
Marine Top Predator Habitat Use around the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands
2016 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Graeme Clark
Home: The University of New South Wales, Australia
Host: McGill University, Canada
The final frontier: protecting Antarctica from invasive species
2015 Fellows
Christine Dow
Home: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Host: Australian Antarctic Division
Analysis of Antarctic subglacial hydrological development in Aurora Basin using aerogeophysical data and numerical modeling
Jennifer Newall
Home: University of Stockholm, Sweden
Host: Bremen University, Germany
MAGIC-DML – integrating ice sheet modeling and field studies
Sebastian Rosier
Home: British Antarctic Survey, UK
Host: Gateway Antarctica, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Satellite observation and model intercomparison of tidal processes in ice-sheet grounding zones
2015 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Rowan Trebilco
Home: ACE-CRC, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Host: (1) Collecte Localisation Satellite, Ramonville-Saint-Agne and (2) Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
New models for understanding the role of mesopelagic fishes and squid in Southern Ocean ecosystems
SCAR-COMNAP Combined Fellowship
Inka Koch
Home: University of Otago, New Zealand
Host: University of Texas Institute of Geophysics, USA
Detecting marine ice internal layers and thickness in an Antarctic ice shelf with airborne ice penetrating radar