The Action Group on Tropical Antarctic Teleconnections (TATE) aims to promote international collaboration, enhance coordination, and encourage participation in improving our current understanding of the mechanisms of tropical-Antarctic teleconnections. It is distinct from, but complementary to, the AntClim21 Scientific Research Programme in that it is concerned with the processes linking the tropics to Antarctica, which are not well understood yet are key to the future trajectory of Antarctic climate. AntClim21 is a much broader effort that emphasizes coupled climate modelling for the 21st century.

Tropical Antarctic Teleconnections
There are very distinct connections between tropical and Antarctic climates, particularly over the South Pacific and South Atlantic with the West Antarctic/Antarctic Peninsula regions, but these are not fully explored. For example, atmospheric wavetrains show spatial and temporal (seasonal, interannual) variations in both regions.
All these wave variations have important roles in the tropical-Antarctic relationships including, for example, the one between climate and sea ice extent. Coupling of tropical forcing with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) also impacts the weather and climate throughout the Southern Hemisphere. For example, extreme weather events in subtropical South America result from interactions between the tropical and Antarctic regions. TATE aims to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of tropical-Antarctic teleconnections.
The goals of the TATE AG are to:
- increase discussion and collaboration to explore tropical and polar weather and climate interactions, carrying out at least one interdisciplinary workshop;
- investigate the tropical forcing of the atmospheric circulation in the present and in the recent past (the last 200 years based on proxy records such shallow ice core studies);
- explore the air-sea ice coupled systems and their relation to weather and climate of the tropics and subtropics, including interactions with the monsoons systems;
- conduct case studies on the relation between complex weather and climate patterns inthe South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific regions and the Southern Ocean sea ice cover, andhow they are connected to natural modes of climatic variability (e.g., ENSO, SAM, PSA,PDO) or anthropogenic-induced changes;
- organize a session at the XXXV SCAR (Davos, 2018) exploring the tropical polar teleconnections (to be carried out together with IASC);
- produce at least one special volume of articles on the tropical polar teleconnections.
News and Updates from the TATE Community.
The Chair of the TATE group is Sheeba Chenoli.
Members of the TATE group
Azizan Abu Samah | Malaysia |
David Bromwich | USA |
Kyle Clem | New Zealand |
Seong-Joong Kim | Republic of Korea |
Sheeba Chenoli – Chair | Malaysia |
Sebastián Marisek | Argentina |
Jefferson C. Simões | Brazil |
Francisco Aquino – Secretary | Brazil |
Publications, Data and Links of interest to the Tropical-Antarctic connections community