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Asian Polar Science Fellowship Programme 2017

21 February 2017: The Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) is …

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Halley VI Research Station slides to its new home

14 February 2017: The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has successfully …

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ICSU, GenderInSITE and the ISSC join forces towards applying a gender lens to international scientific research production and coordination

13 February 2017: Contributed by ICSU   On the occasion …

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IAATO seeks applicants for Executive Director

4 February 2017: The International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators …

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Update from the Polar Cyberinfrastructure Research Coordination Network on Antarctic Needs

2 February 2017:– Contributed by Heather Lynch, Stony Brook University, …

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Call for Guest Scientists on Antarctic Expedition

30 January 2017: Quixote Expeditions has a Guest Scientist Program …

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WIGOS and OSCAR – two acronyms that you might want to know more about…

30 January 2017: We all know that observations and sharing …

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Antarctic Science Bursary Support for Early Career Scientists

26 January 2017: Applications are now being accepted for grants …

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Polar prediction and sea ice modelling workshops

10 January 2017: The Polar Prediction Workshop 2017 (PPW 2017) …

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A free virtual field trip to Antarctica

It’s not every day you get the opportunity to explore …

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The 23rd International Symposium on Polar Sciences at KOPRI

Life at the Extremes: Resilience, Adaptation and Application Potential The …

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Global survey on shipping in polar regions

14 December 2016: The World Ocean Council (WOC) and EU-PolarNet …

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APECS Annual Report 2015-2016 released

7 December 2016: APECS (the Association of Polar Early Career …

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ICSU to merge with the International Social Science Council

24 October 2016: Article from ICSU, SCAR’s parent body World’s …

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Future of the Ocean and its Seas: Non-governmental input to the G7

31 October 2016:  The International Association for the Physical Sciences …

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SCOR Approves New Sea Ice Working Group

31 October 2016: The Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR), …

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