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Folder SCAR EXCOM 2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

The SCAR Executive Committee Meeting of 2019 took place from 30-31 July in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Meeting Report:

Report of the SCAR Executive Committee Meeting held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 30-31 July 2019

Actions and Decisions:

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting, July 2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria – Actions and Decisions

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 10: Report from Ant-ICON PPG

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 10: Report from Ant-ICON PPG

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 10: Report from Ant-ICON PPG

Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation (Ant-ICON) – Draft Science and Implementation Plan

Agenda Item: 5
Person Responsible: Aleks Terauds and Mercedes Santos


Antarctica and Southern Ocean environments are facing increasing pressure from multiple threats. The Antarctic Treaty system is increasing looking to SCAR for the provision of independent and objective advice to make informed decisions. The SCAR Scientific Research Programme (SRP) – Ant-ICON – will foster, facilitate and coordinate high-quality transdisciplinary research to support conservation and management of Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic in the context of current and future change impacts. The outputs of this research will address some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing Antarctica, and support decision-making, policy response and development and effective environmental management. The initial core membership of Ant-ICON includes 45 members from 17 countries, representing the biological sciences, physical sciences, earth sciences, humanities, social sciences and a range of other Antarctic stakeholders – including policy makers and environmental managers. The proposed Chief Officers of the SRP will be finalised at a meeting of the PPG in 2019. While there is a strong biological focus, Ant-ICON will integrate research from multiple disciplines and fields of study to build on and complement existing SCAR activities.

The SRP will focus on three research themes and one synthesis theme:

R1 – Current state and future projections of Antarctic systems, species and functions

R2 – Sustainability and impact mitigation of human activities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

R3 – Socio-ecological approaches to Antarctic and Southern Ocean conservation

S1 – Science synthesis for decision-making and policy development

The three research themes each have sub-themes to prioritize targeted research. Outputs from the research themes will inform and guide the sub-themes and deliverables of the Science synthesis for decision-making theme.


pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 11: Hobart 2020 Progress

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 11: Hobart 2020 Progress

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 11: Hobart 2020 Progress

Progress towards SCAR OSC 2020

Agenda Item: 6
Person Responsible: Catherine Ritz

Report Authors: Catherine Ritz and Chandrika Nath


The 9th SCAR Open Science Conference themed ‘Antarctic Science – Global Connections’, and XXXVI Delegates meeting will take place in Hobart from July 31st to August 11th 2020, concurrently with the COMNAP 2020 AGM. Meeting venues have been secured, a Professional Conference Organiser has been appointed and the event website ( is now operational. The first event circular has been distributed to the community along with two calls inviting input on the list of sessions. Key issues for discussion at the 2019 ExCom meeting include:

  • Topics and speakers for plenary sessions and mini-symposia
  • Parallel sessions list
  • Agreement of the event schedule and registration fee schedule
  • Other issues, including environmental sustainability/remote participation

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 12: Report from Geosciences Group

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 12: Report from Geosciences Group

Geosciences Group (GSG), 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 7
Person Responsible: Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar

Report Authors: Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar (Chief Officer, Spain), Naresh C. Pant (Deputy Chief Officer, India), Marcelo Leppe (Secretary, Chile), Contributions of Chairs of Expert Groups and Action Groups.


The Geosciences Group includes seven Expert Groups and four Action Groups, three of them cross-disciplinary. The EGs / AGs continue their scheduled activities and do not have any major issues. Progress reports submitted by EG/AG leaders have been uploaded in the Action and Expert Group folder.

The main activity in this period is to hold the XIII ISAES in Incheon, Republic of Korea, July 22-26, 2019, hosted by KOPRI, with 443 submitted abstracts, expecting about 300 international participants and 100 to 150 Korean attendees (

In the frame of GSG, the activities of the Action Group on Geological Heritage and Geoconservation should be underlined, in response to the request from the CEP to SCAR for advice on the protection of geological values. In addition to the documents already submitted to the CEP, the group intends to present to CEP XXXIII in 2020: a list of National Repositories, a Code of Conduct on Geosciences Field Research and a Methodology for the Identification of Antarctic Geological Heritage. These outputs will require the close interaction of the Geosciences Group and SC-ATS.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 13: Report from Life Sciences Group

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 13: Report from Life Sciences Group

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 13: Report from Life Sciences Group

SCAR Life Sciences Group, 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 7
Person Responsible: Yan Ropert-Coudert

Report Authors: Yan Ropert-Coudert (France), Ian MacDonald (New Zealand) and Marc Shepanek (USA)


Following Davos, several workshops from several groups were held: an ISSA Long Term Ecological Research and Monitoring Workshop to which several nations participated and which had a strong involvement of ANTOS; IUCN workshop on Important Marine Mammal Areas; the Monaco Open Ocean Week; the Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean workshop. In the coming months, there will be several other meetings, including for the new AGs, Plastic and SKAG, involving early-career scientists in the process.

One major change was the re-allocation of 5000U$, initially planned for a BEPSII summer school, to two BEPSII workshops in 2019. Matching funds have been obtained from two groups (+60U$).

No specific recommendation to the Secretariat. We are still looking forward to seeing the new financial reporting system in action.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 14: Report from Physical Sciences Group

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 14: Report from Physical Sciences Group

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 14: Report from Physical Sciences Group

Physical Sciences SG, 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 7
Person Responsible: David Bromwich

Report Authors: David H Bromwich (USA), Adriana Gulisano (Argentina), Steven Colwell (UK)


Highlights for the Sub-Groups are given below under “What has been achieved”. Individual Sub-Group reports have also been uploaded to the Google Drive. Most EGs and AGs are delivering on their activities proposed at Polar2018 in Davos, Switzerland. There are too many EGs and AGs under the PS umbrella and termination of dormant groups will be recommended to the SCAR Delegates in Hobart 2020.

The two-term appointments of the Chief Officer and Secretary will be completed at the SCAR Meeting in Hobart 2020, and candidates are being recruited.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 15: Report from SCADM

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 15: Report from SCADM

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 15: Report from SCADM

Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management, 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 8
Person Responsible: Anton Van de Putte

Report Authors: Anton Van de Putte, Johnathan Kool, Frank Nitsche, Helen Peat, Masaki Kanao


The Antarctic Master Directory (AMD) continues to be hosted by NASA’s GCMD (Global Change Master Directory) and was migrated to the NASA CMR structure. The AMD remains one of the largest portals in the GCMD with significant use of the portal, especially from Asian countries (India, Korea, but also Italy).

Several NADC representatives expressed issues regarding the current AMD. Two surveys will be launched: one for NADC’s and how they use the AMD; and a second that will be SCAR-wide to better understand how researchers search for data.

In 2018, a considerable amount of effort was put into Polder, a joint committee of SCADM and ADC (the Arctic Data Committee), to investigate the possibilities of a federated search tool. The SCADM group compiled a list of requirements and functionalities that a federated search tool would have to meet and additional ones that would be nice to have.

Due to current issues with the AMD and the potential development of new tools to search for Antarctic data, SCADM recommends to NADCs that their metadata information should be provided in one or more of the following formats: ISO, DIF, and

SCADM aims to increase its representation in SCAR Science groups and SRPs.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 16: Report from SCAGI

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 16: Report from SCAGI

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 16: Report from SCAGI

Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information (SCAGI), 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 8
Person Responsible: Adrian Fox / Jean-Yves Pirlot

Report Authors: Adrian Fox (UK) and Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium), co-Chief Officers, SCAGI


SCAR SCAGI Meeting 2019: The SCAGI group held a successful meeting in June 2019 hosted by Professor Carlo Baroni, at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa, Italy. There were thirteen attendees, including delegates from Australia and New Zealand who joined by skype. The meeting included presentation of nine National Reports from Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, UK and USA. National reports are an important part of the SCAGI meeting – they are an opportunity to inform delegates from other organisations about current and planned activities, which can highlight opportunities for collaboration and sharing of resources.

Progress with SCAGI Products: The SCAR products can only be as good as the data that are in them. National Mapping Agencies and other organisations producing maps and geospatial data should offer this for inclusion in the SCAR Products.

SCAR Map Catalogue: Hosted by the Australian Antarctic Division. AAD and the US PGC are actively scanning historical and recent maps for listing in the MapCat. SCAGI Delegates were asked to check their nation’s entries in the MapCat for completeness and update if needed.

Antarctic Digital Database: There was a December 2018 release with updated data for some areas, including the coastline around the Thwaites Glacier region – the focus of a large international science programme. Work at BAS on data QA and structures aims to ensure the continued usefulness and relevance of the ADD.

Composite Gazetteer: There are now 37,893 place names referring to 20,078 features. New names entered included 56 from Bulgaria and 57 from Norway. There are 77 names from the UK, 4 from Argentina and 3 from France in process.

Air Operations Planning Maps: This comprises a series of 16 maps at 1:1M scale with and an overview map. Contours and spot heights are in feet and the maps present information relevant for Air Operations to a standardized specification. The maps are a collaboration between Belgium, with Australia, and Norway, UK and USA. All the maps were freely available as PDF and iPad app compatible geotiff download for the beginning of the Antarctic Air Operations Season.

Review of SCAR principles and procedures for Antarctic place names: A working Group within SCAGI, Chaired by Jean-Yves Pirlot, has been reviewing the existing document from 1994. A side meeting at the annual meeting of UN Group of Experts on Geographic Names developed a draft document, which was further refined at a workshop at the Pisa SCAGI meeting.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 17: Report from SC-HASS

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 17: Report from SC-HASS

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 17: Report from SC-HASS

Standing Committee on the Humanities and Social Sciences (SC-HASS), 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 8
Person Responsible: Daniela Liggett

Report Authors: Elizabeth Leane (University of Tasmania, Australia), Daniela Liggett (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) and Cornelia Lüdecke (University of Hamburg, Germany)


SC-HASS came into existence at the Delegates Meeting in 2018, when a proposal was tabled to merge the existing HASSEG and History EG groups to form a permanent Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Group on an equal footing to the existing three SCAR Science Groups. Despite the disappointment that the Delegates did not approve our original proposal for a new HASS Group, we were very pleased to have a permanent place in SCAR as a Standing Committee.

In consultation with the SCAR President and Secretariat, we formed an initial leadership group consisting of the co-chairs of the two merged groups and an advisory committee, and drew up terms of reference for SC-HASS with specifications for leadership renewal.

We approved three initial Action Groups, two of which have been active in 2019: the Action Group on Intrinsic Values in Antarctica (AGIVA) and the Action Group on Resilience and the Future of Science-based Decision-making for Antarctica (PolSciNex). We also approved in principle a third history-focussed Action Group which is still in formation. At our business meeting in April 2019 we supported a proposal for a Public Engagement with Antarctic Science Action Group.

The joint HASSEG/History EG conferences, which have been running biennially since 2013, have in turn become SC-HASS conferences. The most recent conference was held in Ushuaia, Argentina, from 3-5 April 2019. 130 delegates, 106 of whom gave presentations and 40 of whom were students or unwaged, attended the conference. Twenty-three students were awarded travel bursaries of up to USD$500, and the PolSciNex AG also awarded four bursaries of $250 to support researchers from non-traditional SCAR states or students. The PolSciNex AG and AGIVA both organized sessions at the conference. The Polar Museums Network held a half-day symposium as a satellite event, and Ria Olivier ran a half-day workshop on data management in HASS-based polar research. A special issue of The Polar Journal with the theme “Latin America and Antarctica” will feature articles based on papers from the conference.


We recommend that the SCAR Executive Committee take note and approve of the activities undertaken by SC-HASS to date and remain supportive of future initiatives, including the organisation of our biennial conferences.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 18: Report from AAA Expert Group

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 18: Report from AAA Expert Group

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 18: Report from AAA Expert Group

Astronomy and Astrophysics from Antarctica (AAA) Expert Group, 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 9
Person Responsible: Tony Travouillon

Report Author: Tony Travouillon (AAA chair), The Australian National University, Australia


The Astronomy and Astrophysics from Antarctica (AAA) expert group finished the 2018-2019 year holding its 5th bi-annual science workshop ( The meeting was held in June 2019 at the Mont-Blanc conference centre in Italy. 42 astronomers met to discuss the latest scientific results from observations taken from the South Pole, Dome C, Dome A and by circumpolar balloons. Upgrades and future projects were also presented establishing clear scientific objectives for the future of astronomy at the different sites, taking into account the strengths and restrictions of each location on the plateau. The polar institutes of countries operating bases on the high plateau were invited to present the status of operation and the expected level of logistical support they can offer to scientist over the next few years. The AAA SCAR budget for 2019 was in large part ($4,600) used to help participants attend the meeting prioritizing the early career scientists and minorities. The organising committee was able to leverage the SCAR contribution to obtain local funds from the Aosta Valley tourism office and government to bring the conference fee well below cost.

The AAA steering committee has met quarterly by teleconference. Dr Tony Travouillon has replaced Prof Anna Moore as the chair of the AAA expert group and as the IAU delegate at the beginning of 2019. His priority will be to deliver on the wish of AAA members to become of full-fledged science group. The steering committee meeting were also spent focusing on features that the groups new website should include. This new website is nearing completion and is expected to go live in August 2019, replacing the current website at The new features will focus on providing astronomers with information on existing projects and partnerships operating in Antarctica and encourage new collaborations. The website will also improve one of its main feature, with access to an updated list of publications on the atmospheric conditions of the different sites that will help astronomers determine the expected performance of observatories to be located on the Antarctic plateau.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 19: Report from SCATS

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 19: Report from SCATS

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 19: Report from SCATS

Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SCATS), 2018-19 Report

Agenda Item: 10
Person Responsible: Aleks Terauds

Report Author: Aleks Terauds (Australia)


Since the last Delegates Meeting, the SCAR Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS) continued to focus on the provision of advice to the Antarctic Treaty System and engaged in a range of international activities that enhanced SCAR’s reputation as a provider of independent and scientific advice and as a leader in Antarctic science. These activities have included: active participation in the 2018 CCAMLR Meetings; a workshop on Antarctic Tourism in 2019; the 2019 CEP/ATCM meetings; the development and support of one major international workshop; maintaining an active and influential role in the Antarctic Environments Portal; and direct involvement in a diverse range of research projects.

SC-ATS continues to energetically pursue the development of new policy-relevant advice through active engagement with international scientists and policy makers. To help achieve this, SC-ATS is continually working on developing ideas to underpin future international initiatives.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 1: Agenda and Schedule

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 1: Agenda and Schedule

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 1: Agenda and Schedule

Agenda Item: all
Person Responsible: Secretariat

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 20: Other Policy Related Activities

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 20: Other Policy Related Activities

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 20: Other Policy Related Activities

Other Policy-Related Activities

Agenda Item: 10
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath

Report Authors: Chandrika Nath and Eoghan Griffin


An overview of policy-related activities undertaken by SCAR since the 2018 Delegates Meeting is provided. These include SCAR’s engagement with the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in June 2019 and an exhibition at the UK Houses of Parliament in January 2019. Reports are also provided on the work of the Antarctic Climate Change and Environment Group, SCAR’s support to the Antarctic Environments Portal and the SCAR/IAATO collaboration to develop a systematic conservation plan for the Antarctic Peninsula.

A key topic for discussion is SCAR’s takeover of the Antarctic Environments Portal in 2020 and a background paper on this is provided in Annex 1.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 22: CBET report

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 22: CBET report

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 22: CBET report

Capacity Building, Education and Training (CBET) Report

Agenda Item: 12
Person Responsible: M. Ravichandran

Report Authors: M. Ravichandran and Eoghan Griffin


The CBET Committee continues to work on building capacity across all of SCAR activities. The Committee played a key role in the reconstitution of the Visiting Professor scheme as the Visiting Scholar scheme, resulting in dramatic increases in applications and representation.

Significant additional funding has been secured for the Fellowship and Visiting Scholar schemes in 2019, both from SCAR member countries and through a new partnership with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

In partnership with Polar Educators International (PEI) and others, the Committee is helping update the Polar Resource Book published as part of the International Polar Year (IPY).

The Tinker Foundation has decided to close the Tinker-Muse Prize after the tenth award, presented in 2018.


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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 23: Finance update

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 23: Finance update

Finance Report

Agenda Item: 13
Person Responsible: Jefferson Simões and Eoghan Griffin

Report Authors: Jefferson Simões and Eoghan Griffin


Budgeted income and expenditure have been updated to reflect decisions made at the 2018 Delegates meeting, decisions since then by the Executive Committee, changes to currency exchange rates along with predicted administration costs. The providers of our Virtual Finance Office (VFO) service have been replaced and the Investment portfolio has been implemented and its performance being monitored.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 24: Financial statement for 2018

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 24: Financial statement for 2018

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 24: Financial statement for 2018

2018 Financial Statement

Agenda Item: 13b
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin

Report Authors: Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simões


The audited statement for 2018 is presented, which resulted in a surplus of USD$42,731 at year end.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 25: Revised budget for 2019

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 25: Revised budget for 2019

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 25: Revised budget for 2019

2019 Budget Update

Agenda Item: 13c
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin

Report Authors: Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simões


The budget for 2019 is presented with updated expenditure to June 30th 2019 and revised projections for expected costs to year end.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 26: Revised budget for 2020

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 26: Revised budget for 2020

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 26: Revised budget for 2020

2020 Budget Update

Agenda Item: 13d
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin

Report Authors: Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simões


The updated budget for 2020 is presented.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 27: Draft budget for 2021

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 27: Draft budget for 2021

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 27: Draft budget for 2021

2021 Draft Budget

Agenda Item: 13e
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin

Report Authors: Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simões


The first draft of the budget for 2021 is presented.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 28: Secretariat Report

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 28: Secretariat Report

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 28: Secretariat Report

SCAR Secretariat Report

Agenda Item: 14
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath

Report Authors: Chandrika Nath, Rosemary Nash, Alice Oates and Eoghan Griffin


The SCAR Secretariat now consists of four staff members, since the appointment of a new Executive Director in June 2018 and a Communications and Information Officer in December 2018.

A recent independent audit highlighted that the Secretariat was working well, pointing to strengths such as improved team spirit, job satisfaction and relationships with the Executive, pointing out that the excellent work now in train should be formally acknowledged and used as a platform for further development.

Over the past year work has been undertaken to improve the representation of SCAR groups on the SCAR website and build awareness of the work of SCAR groups through its newsletter and other outreach activities. The Secretariat has also supported SCAR’s input to the ATCM and other policy bodies through assisting with the coordination and preparation of papers, the ED’s attendance at the ATCM and participating in related events such as the SCAR/CEP protected areas workshop.

In 2019 the Secretariat’s hosting arrangement with Scott Polar Research Institute was secured for a further six years. Upcoming priorities include preparations for the Open Science Conference in 2020, plans for the transition of the Antarctic Environments Portal to SCAR in 2020 and further work to strengthen the internal functioning of the secretariat.

Areas for discussion include possible work on diversity and inclusion, environmental sustainability and work to boost donations from the public.

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SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 29: SCAR Communications Activities

SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
30-31 July, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

SCAR EXCOM 2019 Paper 29: SCAR Communications Activities

SCAR Communications Report

Agenda Item: 14b
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath

Report Authors: Alice Oates, Chandrika Nath and Eoghan Griffin


The employment of a Communications and Information Officer in December 2018 has enabled the Secretariat to expand its communications activities. Over the past year, the Secretariat has worked to build up SCAR’s presence on multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, the website, and a re-launched monthly newsletter. It has also developed print materials in-house and showcased SCAR’s work at a number of conferences and events. The ongoing development of an updated Communications Strategy will enable a targeted approach to communications informed by SCAR’s wider strategic aims.

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