CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel – 2018-19 Report
Expert Group of the Physical Sciences Group
Report Author: Inga Smith (New Zealand)
The CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel (SORP) organized three teleconferences among its panel members since the SCAR Delegates Meeting in 2018. The purpose of the teleconferences was to discuss science
updates, organize upcoming events and the overall organization of the Panel activities.
Major outcomes include: the appointment of four new Panel members (from Canada, South Africa, Japan and Brazil); the appointment of new National Representatives (from Turkey, India, Sweden, United Kingdom and France) from which SORP has received already ten National Reports to build an overview of observational, modeling, national projects and initiatives, ocean reanalysis and state estimation initiatives relevant to the SORP; the establishment of Task Teams within SORP for a better coordination of SORP scientific efforts; the participation of some of the Panel members in two OceanObs’19 White Papers.
Upcoming activities include: the organization of a joint NORP-SORP coordinated session at the forthcoming IGS Sea Ice Symposium in 2019; the organization of a SOOS-SORP joint side meeting to be held alongside the SCAR OSC in 2020; the organization of the next SORP Panel Meeting (SORP-14) alongside SCAR OSC 2020; the early stages planning and organization of a possible joint NORP-SORP AGCI (Aspen Global Change Institute) workshop in spring 2020.