
Folder Administration  (121)


In this category, we provide documents related to the administrative side of SCAR. It includes our financial statements, budgets and quarterly reports on SCAR Secretariat activity.

Folder Capacity Building  (202)

Capacity Building

In this section you will find documents related to SCAR’s Fellowship and Visiting Professor Schemes, SCAR Awards and various reports and associated documents related to our capacity building activities.

Folder Conferences and Symposia  (98)

Conferences and Symposia

One of SCAR’s key activities is providing opportunities to bring researchers together to share their latest results, discuss new ideas, and develop new projects. Here you will find various documents related to our conferences and symposia, including reports from previous conferences, bids from hosts, a guide for those interested in hosting a SCAR Meeting and past Open Science Conference abstract books.

Folder Governance  (43)

As a UK Charity and Company, SCAR is required to have various documents outlining its governance. Here you will find SCAR’s Articles of Association, various policies on how the organization is governed and other documents important to the running of SCAR.

Folder National Member Reports  (254)

National Member Reports

There are many countries that are active in Antarctic research and SCAR helps to coordinate those activities. One pivotal way this was done in the earlier years of SCAR was through the reporting from member countries. Here you will find reports from our member countries (countries not listed have submitted no reports). Since 2018, National Member Reports are no longer mandatory, although some members do still choose to submit them.

For more infomation about SCAR Members see the SCAR Members list.

See also National reports to SCAGI on geographic data and information


Folder Newsletters  (90)


The SCAR Newsletter is currently issued monthly and sent electronically.  It contains several sections including featured news, updates from SCAR’s various projects and groups, community news and research highlights, events and opportunities and an image of the month. 

Prior to 2016, newsletters were produced quarterly. From January 2005 to December 2010, quarterly Newsletters were published online only and these can be viewed on the archived website.


Folder Policy  (400)


SCAR provides objective and independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM) and other organisations such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Here you will find various documents related to these efforts including papers submitted to the ATCM and other science policy advice documents.

Folder SCAR Delegates and EXCOM Meetings  (1264)

SCAR Delegates and EXCOM Meetings
Most of the yearly business of SCAR is recorded in the papers submitted to the SCAR Executive Committee and Delegates Meetings. These include reports form various groups within SCAR, updates on activities with partner organizations, budgets and more. Here you can find a wealth of information on past SCAR activities.

Folder SCAR Publications  (106)

SCAR Publications

Many SCAR publications are individual, one-off publications which are classed as “occasional” since they do not form part of a series. Recent Occasional Publications include the Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment report, the History of SCAR (“Science in the Snow”) and SCAR’s Strategic Plans. Here you will find some of those high level publications.

Folder SCAR Reports and Bulletins  (255)

SCAR Reports and Bulletins
SCAR produces a number of publications.  The SCAR Bulletin is issued around two or three times a year and reports on SCAR meetings, SCAR’s involvement in Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings and other major activities. SCAR Reports are issued irregularly and report mostly on SCAR subsidiary group meetings and workshops, strategy meetings and meetings with other organisations. Here you will find those documents.

Folder Science  (263)


The main activities of SCAR’s research are coordinated through our many subsidiary groups. Documents from these groups such as implmentation plans, annual reports and more are found here.

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