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pdf ATT060 to WP019: Antarctic Environments Portal Content Management Plan

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ATT060 to WP019: Antarctic Environments Portal Content Management Plan

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Attachment to Working Paper WP019

ATT060 to WP019: Antarctic Environments Portal Content Management Plan


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf ATT099 to WP033: SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica

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ATT099 to WP033: SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Attachment to Working Paper 33 (WP033)

ATT099 to WP033: SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf ATT100 to WP034: Method for the systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica

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ATT100 to WP034: Method for the systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Attachment to Working Paper 34 (WP034)

ATT100 to WP034: Method for the systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf ATT137 to IP029: SCAR Annual Report Infographic

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ATT137 to IP029: SCAR Annual Report Infographic

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Attachment to Information Paper 29 (IP029)

ATT137 to IP029: SCAR Annual Report Infographic


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP012: Antarctic Bioprospecting – SCAR Survey of Member Countries

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IP012: Antarctic Bioprospecting - SCAR Survey of Member Countries

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP012: Antarctic Bioprospecting – SCAR Survey of Member Countries

Submitted: 28 April 2021


This Information Paper provides further detail in support of Working Paper WP016 Antarctic Bioprospecting: SCAR Survey of Member Countries.

The paper includes a summary of the responses from the SCAR survey. The findings of a literature search undertaken during early 2020 are included in the Annex.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021


pdf IP022: Projections of future population decline indicate the need to designate the emperor penguin as an Antarctic Specially Protected Species

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IP022: Projections of future population decline indicate the need to designate the emperor penguin as an Antarctic Specially Protected Species

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP022: Projections of future population decline indicate the need to designate the emperor penguin as an Antarctic Specially Protected Species

Submitted: 29 April 2021


Loss of suitable breeding habitat is the most important challenge that emperor penguins face. Whilst global endeavours seek to fight human-induced climate change arising from increasing greenhouse gas emissions, it would be precautionary to reduce or eliminate other stressors that could otherwise add to the burden that emperor penguins face. Consequently, it is important to develop management options that are informed by the best available scientific evidence. Listing emperor penguins as a Specially Protected Species would enhance management options.

This Information Paper supports Working Paper WP037.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP024: Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) within the Antarctic Treaty area

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IP024: Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) within the Antarctic Treaty area

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP024: Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) within the Antarctic Treaty area – An international collaboration to inform habitatrelated conservation decisionmaking and conservation planning for marine mammal species

Joint paper with IUCN

Submitted: 30 April 2021


An international group of scientists from 11 countries and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), including those holding or having access to long-term marine mammal data and having experience of working with marine mammals in the Extended Southern Ocean region, came together for five days to nominate candidate Important Marine Mammal Areas (cIMMAs), as determined by a set of criteria supported by specific evidence. At the conclusion of the five days, 15 cIMMAs were submitted to an independent review panel and 13 were later approved as IMMAs: Four IMMAs are located wholly or partially within the Antarctic Treaty area. These are now listed and shown on the IMMA e-Atlas with access to shapefile and background information ( The outcomes of this work may be useful in the development of spatial conservation measures.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP029: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2021 to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting XLIII

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IP029: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2021 to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting XLIII

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP029: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2021 to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting XLIII

Submitted: 4 May 2021


This paper presents the annual report of The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. For ease of consideration, the main features of the report are presented as an infographic (attachment ATT137).


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP055: Risks of COVID-19 to Antarctic Wildlife

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IP055: Risks of COVID-19 to Antarctic Wildlife

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP055: Risks of COVID-19 to Antarctic Wildlife

Submitted: 12 May 2021


In 2020, the Antarctic Wildlife Health Monitoring Working Group of the SCAR Expert Group on Birds and Marine Mammals (EG-BAMM) assessed the risk of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak to Antarctic wildlife. Based on the scientific literature about the structure and function of SARS-CoV-2 as well as its stability in different environmental conditions, and taking into consideration information available on other viruses in Antarctic wildlife, a risk assessment was conducted to examine whether SARS-CoV-2 could survive in the Antarctic environment and be transmitted from humans to wildlife (and vice-versa) and if so, whether Antarctic wildlife could be susceptible to the virus.

The findings from this study were published in the journal Science of the Total Environment and followed up by two publications in the outreach platform The Conversation. This Information Paper highlights the vulnerability of Antarctic wildlife to novel viruses, our limited knowledge and understanding of infectious diseases in Antarctic wildlife, and the potential risks posed by human activity on the Antarctic continent.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP060: State of Antarctic Penguins 2020 Report

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IP060: State of Antarctic Penguins 2020 Report

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP060: State of Antarctic Penguins 2020 Report

Submitted: 13 May 2021


Oceanites’ State of Antarctic Penguins 2020 report is available on the Oceanites website

The report summarizes the status — population size and population trends — of Antarctica’s five penguin species, continent-wide and in key regions.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021


pdf IP135: Development of draft Antarctic Terrestrial and Underwater Archaeology Best Practice guidelines

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IP135: Development of draft Antarctic Terrestrial and Underwater Archaeology Best Practice guidelines

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP135: Development of draft Antarctic Terrestrial and Underwater Archaeology Best Practice guidelines

Submitted: 15 May 2021


The International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) of The International Council on Monuments and Sites, (ICOMOS) is an international scientific committee, focused on the preservation and protection of polar (Arctic and Antarctic) heritage. The IPHC Polar Archaeology Working Group is developing, for the Parties’ future consideration, draft Antarctic Terrestrial and Underwater Archaeology Best Practice guidelines. These are being developed in alignment with the Antarctic Treaty’s principles of peace and science, the Environmental Protocol’s concepts of conservation and remediation, and in accordance with current Measures, Decisions and Resolutions.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP136: The Southern Ocean contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

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IP136: The Southern Ocean contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP136: The Southern Ocean contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

Submitted: 15 May 2021


In 2017, the United Nations proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health, and globally strengthen the international cooperation needed to develop the scientific research and innovative technologies that can connect ocean science with the needs of society. By gathering stakeholders worldwide, the initiative intends to set up a common framework to ensure ocean science can fully support countries in achieving the sustainable management of oceans across the globe.

The vast, remote and harsh environment of the Southern Ocean means that no single nation can sustain a research and data strategy alone to understand and manage this region. The Southern Ocean community of stakeholders is globally unique in its operation within the context of the Antarctic Treaty System, which is based on scientific understanding and environmental protection. It is imperative to strengthen international collaborations to improve scientific understanding of this remote region.

The Decade Societal Outcomes are strongly affiliated with the remit of the Antarctic Treaty. The Southern Ocean community therefore recognises the need to develop and implement a coordinated, international plan that builds on an understanding of how human interactions with the Southern Ocean can benefit society in ways that will also protect and conserve the unique characteristics of this region.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf IP137: Persistent Organic Chemicals in Antarctica – A horizon scan of priority challenges

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IP137: Persistent Organic Chemicals in Antarctica - A horizon scan of priority challenges

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Information Paper

IP137: Persistent Organic Chemicals in Antarctica: A horizon scan of priority challenges

Submitted: 15 May 2021


This information paper has been developed by the SCAR ImPACT (Input Pathways of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Antarctica) Action Group and presents a horizon scan of priority challenges in the field of persistent organic chemical research in Antarctica.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a subset of synthetic chemicals that share the four characteristics of: i) persistence, ii) mobility in the environment, iii) toxicity, and iv) tendency to bioaccumulate. The SCAR ImPACT Action Group was established in 2018 to facilitate coordinated investigation and monitoring of chemical input to the Antarctic region. In March 2021, all ImPACT members were invited to participate in a scoping meeting to identify key priorities for Antarctic persistent organic chemical research.

This paper presents a summary of identified priority research gaps and suggested actions arising from this meeting. It suggests potential approaches for coordinated research and monitoring efforts and highlights the importance of such activities for informed policy decision-making. It also outlines a number of actions needed to align Antarctic persistent organic chemical research with international efforts and existing global monitoring frameworks. The ImPACT Action Group aims to undertake further work towards specific recommendations, in consultation with other interested groups.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf Overview of SCAR papers to ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021

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Overview of SCAR papers to ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

An overview of SCAR papers submitted to ATCM XLII and CEP XXII 2019


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf WP016: Antarctic Bioprospecting – SCAR Survey of Member Countries

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WP016: Antarctic Bioprospecting - SCAR Survey of Member Countries

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Working Paper

WP016: Antarctic Bioprospecting – SCAR Survey of Member Countries

Submitted: 28 April 2021


ATCM XLI requested SCAR to provide an update to its 2010 report contained in ATCM XXXIII WP002 Biological prospecting in the Antarctic region: a conservative overview of current research.

To assist with that review SCAR has: surveyed its Member countries to assess the extent to which bioprospecting has been undertaken through national Antarctic programmes since 2010; reviewed national Antarctic science strategies to assess the extent to which bioprospecting is prioritised and reviewed the academic literature on the issue published since 2010.

This Working Paper summarises the findings. Further details on the survey results and the literature search are provided in Information Paper IP012 Antarctic Bioprospecting: SCAR Survey of Member Countries.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf WP017: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Climate Change in a Global Context

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WP017: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Climate Change in a Global Context

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Working Paper

WP017: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Climate Change in a Global Context

Submitted: 28 April 2021


Climate change and its impacts are of much concern globally and to the Antarctic Treaty System given realised and expected impacts on global sea level rise and biodiversity.

The recent Special Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provide the clearest recent summaries of global climate change that has taken place, impacts that are being realised, and changes that are projected.

Attention is drawn here to key findings from these IPCC Special Reports, focussing on substantial uncertainties about global and Antarctic impacts; and to the research being undertaken through SCAR to address these uncertainties. The paper presented here is not intended as a comprehensive synthesis.

Key uncertainties include the current and future behaviour of the Antarctic cryosphere (especially implications for global sea level and coastal populations and infrastructure); climatic variability over short timescales which is especially important given its significance for impacts and operational forecasts; and the future of marine and terrestrial Antarctic biodiversity, approaches to improve its conservation, and ways to mitigate climate change impacts on both.

Quantifying and reducing these uncertainties through focussed research is critical.

More critical is the need to convey to Treaty nations the importance of the Paris Climate Agreement, and expected strengthening of greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets, for maintaining Antarctic and Southern Ocean environments and their biodiversity as they have come to be known over the 60 years of the Antarctic Treaty.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf WP019: Antarctic Environments Portal

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WP019: Antarctic Environments Portal

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Working Paper

WP019: Antarctic Environments Portal

Submitted: 28 April 2021


The Antarctic Environments Portal has been designed and developed to support the work of the CEP by providing accurate and up-to-date information on issues of relevance to the Committee’s work.

Since January 2020 SCAR has assumed oversight and management of the Portal. A new website has been designed and launched with the aim of ensuring easy access to Information Summaries.

This Working Paper provides examples of how Information Summaries published in the Portal link directly to issues of priority interest for the CEP.

The Paper recommends that the CEP continue to support the Portal, acknowledge the support that the Portal can provide to the CEP’s Climate Change Response Work Programme and identifies any additional Information Summaries it would like to see prepared.

The Antarctic Environments Portal Content Management Plan is in attachment ATT060.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf WP033: SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica

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WP033: SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Working Paper

WP033: SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica

Submitted: 29 April 2021


Following broad and extensive consultation, SCAR has updated earlier advice to geoscientists undertaking field research in Antarctica with the preparation of the SCAR Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities in Antarctica (see Attachment). SCAR recommends that the CEP considers the Code of Conduct and, if agreed, encourages its dissemination and use when planning and undertaking geosciences field research activities in Antarctica.

The draft Code of Conduct is in attachment ATT099.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf WP034: Systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica

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WP034: Systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Working Paper

WP034: Systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica

Submitted: 29 April 2021


SCAR has developed and tested a systematic method to identify globally-important geological sites in Antarctica (Antarctic Geosites). SCAR recommends that the CEP:

  • acknowledges that the identification of globally-important geological sites in Antarctica (Antarctic Geosites) could be useful as a tool to assist Parties when conducting environmental impact assessments and, more generally, when planning and conducting activities in Antarctica;
  • endorses the proposed systematic method for identification of Antarctic Geosites;
  • endorses the identified Antarctic Geosite representing the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) transition on Seymour Island; and
  • considers practical approaches for the implementation of the proposed method to identify further Antarctic Geosites, including through the SCAR Expert Group on Geological Heritage and Geoconservation.

The method for the systematic identification of globally important geological sites in Antarctica is in attachment ATT100.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

pdf WP036: Ocean Acidification in the Southern Ocean

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WP036: Ocean Acidification in the Southern Ocean

ATCM XLIII and CEP XXIII 2021, Paris, France / Online

Working Paper

WP036: Ocean Acidification in the Southern Ocean

Submitted: 29 April 2021


The world’s oceans are inexorably evolving toward a state of acidification dissimilar to what has been witnessed throughout human history, this anthropogenic phenomenon is termed Ocean Acidification (OA). The coupled physical/chemical changes have far-reaching consequences for marine habitats, organisms, ecosystems and ecosystem services. Predicted intensification of OA in the coming decades will likely disrupt physiological processes and reduce calcification, development, and fecundity in a range of organisms. As with global temperatures, the rate of OA is as concerning as the degree of change. Acidification is accelerating faster than previously estimated driven by the increasing rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.


ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
14 – 24 June 2021

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