Ant-ICON (Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation)

The Ant-ICON Scientific Research Programme aims to answer fundamental science questions (as identified by the SCAR Horizon Scan and emerging issues) relating to the conservation and management of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.  It will focus on research to drive and inform international decision-making and policy change.

While there is a strong biological focus for much of the research, this SRP will integrate research from multiple disciplines, complement existing SCAR activities and work with feedback from policy bodies to achieve conservation outcomes and improve environmental management in Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic.

The programme will focus on three research themes:

  1. Current state and future projections of Antarctic systems, species and functions,
  2. Sustainability and impact mitigation of human activities in the Antarctic region and
  3. Socio-ecological approaches to Antarctic and Southern Ocean conservation,

It will also include a synthesis theme (Science synthesis for decision-making and policy development) to help facilitate the transition from scientific results to policy change.

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The SCAR Scientific Research Programme – Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation (Ant-ICON) will answer fundamental science questions (as identified by the SCAR Horizon Scan) relating to the conservation and management of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. It will focus on high-quality research to drive and inform international decision-making and policy development.

The core membership of the group which planned the programme included 45 members from 16 countries, representing the biological and environmental sciences, physical sciences, earth sciences, humanities and social sciences and other stakeholders. While there is a strong biological focus for much of the proposed research, the SRP will integrate research from multiple disciplines, complement existing SCAR activities and engage with policy bodies to achieve conservation outcomes in Antarctica and protect Antarctic environments and biodiversity.

Ant-ICON is structured around three primary research themes (R1-R3), and one synthesis theme (S1):

  • R1 – Current state and future projections of Antarctic systems, species and functions
  • R2 – Sustainability and impact mitigation of human activities in the Antarctic region
  • R3 – Socio-ecological approaches to Antarctic and Southern Ocean conservation
  • S1 – Science synthesis for decision-making and policy development

Current Chief Officers of the Ant-ICON SRP are Jilda Alicia Caccavo and Daniela Liggett. Please contact them if you have any questions.

News and updates from the Ant-ICON community.

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The Chief Officers of Ant-ICON are Daniela Liggett and Jilda Caccavo.

Keep up-to-date with Ant-ICON developments by subscribing to the mailing list.

Add your profile to the Ant-ICON membership directory by filling in this google form.
(*NOTE: these are manually updated, so will not appear automatically.)

To let us know of new Ant-ICON relevant research and publications, please fill in this google form.

Steering Committee

Role Name and Email Affiliation Country
Chief Officer Jilda Alicia Caccavo Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace France
Chief Officer and Theme R3 Lead Daniela Liggett University of Canterbury New Zealand
Secretary Jordane Liebeaux University of Bristol UK
Theme R1 Lead Mercedes (Mecha) Santos Instituto Antártico Argentino Argentina
Theme R1 Lead Alvaro Soutullo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain
Theme R1 EMCR Svenja Halfter NIWA New Zealand
Theme R2 Lead Kevin Hughes British Antarctic Survey UK
Theme R2 Lead Andy Lowther Norwegian Polar Institute Norway
Theme R2 EMCR Jasmine Lee British Antarctic Survey UK
Theme R3 Lead Adrian Howkins University of Bristol UK
Theme R3 EMCR Stephen Chignell University of Bristol UK
Theme S1 Lead Hyoung Chul Shin Korea Polar Research Institute South Korea
Theme S1 Lead Neil Gilbert NZ Antarctic Science Platform New Zealand
Theme S1 EMCR Natasha Gardiner University of Canterbury New Zealand

Ant-ICON/SC-ATS Fellowship Programme

The fellowships are co-sponsored by SCAR’s Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS) and its Scientific Research Programme on Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation (Ant-ICON) and are open to early-to-mid career researcher (EMCRs) from all SCAR member countries. The aim of the fellowship programme is to provide the opportunity for EMCRs to gain experience in the science-policy interface from participating in Antarctic policy forums through the preparation and potential submission of a science/policy paper based on their research.

Applications for the 2025 Fellowship Programme have now closed.

Past and Current Ant-ICON/SC-ATS Fellowship Recipients

Gabriel Stefanelli Silva (2025)

CEP/ATCM Fellowship

Universidade de São Paulo &Instituto de Pesca, Brazil

View more

Charlotte Walshaw (2025)

CEP/ATCM Fellowship

Global Change Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK

View more

Zuzana Zajková (2025)

CCAMLR Fellowship

Institute of Marine Sciences, Spain

View more

Yousra Makanse (2024)

CEP/ATCM Fellowship

Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands

Fellowship Report | Information Paper 172: Antarctic tourism diversification | View more

Noémie Friscourt (2024)

CCAMLR Fellowship

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Tasmania, Australia

Background Paper 20: Antarctic fur seals as bioindicators | View more

Lucia Ziegler (2023)

CEP/ATCM Fellowship

Department of Ecology and Environmental Management, University of the Republic, Uruguay

Fellowship Report | IP 100: Anthropogenic noise | View more

Kirsten Steinke (2023)

CCAMLR Fellowship

Oregon State University, United States

Fellowship Report | Background Paper 18: Antarctic krill reproductive success | View more


Publications, Data and Links of interest to the Ant-ICON community.
