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  5. GeoMap Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits: Underpinning Datasets for Studies of Glacial Dynamics and Climate Change

Folder GeoMap Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits: Underpinning Datasets for Studies of Glacial Dynamics and Climate Change

ISAES XII: International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences

Pre-Symposium Workshop

12 July 2015

Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits: Underpinning Datasets for Studies of Glacial Dynamics and Climate Change

pdf GeoMAP Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits (Announcement)

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GeoMAP Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits (Announcement)

ISAES XII: International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences

Pre-Symposium Workshop

12 July 2015

Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits: Underpinning Datasets for Studies of Glacial Dynamics and Climate Change

pdf GeoMAP Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits (Slides and Notes)

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GeoMAP Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits (Slides and Notes)

ISAES XII: International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences

Pre-Symposium Workshop

12 July 2015

Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits: Underpinning Datasets for Studies of Glacial Dynamics and Climate Change

pdf GeoMAP Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits – Summary

By 1243 downloads

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GeoMAP Workshop 2015: Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits - Summary

ISAES XII: International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences

Pre-Symposium Workshop

12 July 2015

Towards Improved Geological Maps of Antarctic Rocks and Surficial Deposits: Underpinning Datasets for Studies of Glacial Dynamics and Climate Change

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