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pdf Background: What Antarctic Science is Funded by National Antarctic Programs?

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Background: What Antarctic Science is Funded by National Antarctic Programs?

What Antarctic Science is Funded by National Antarctic Programs?

International Planning for Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science at the Dawn of the 21st Century

By MC Kennicutt II, D Liggett, C Havermans, and R Badhe


Future directions in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science will in large part be determined by current and planned investments by National Antarctic Programs, the global funders of Antarctic research. In order to provide a sound basis for projecting what the Antarctic science landscape will look like in two decades, it is important to understand the strategies and research that are presently supported, or planned, in the next 10 years by those that manage and allocate financial resources. While current research provides the “stepping stones” to the future, it can be assumed that unforeseen discoveries and technological advances may re-direct international scientific efforts and focus in unexpected ways that may not be predictable. This review of recent funding trends provide a prism to view the future but are not intended to restrict or inhibit an expansive and imaginative look beyond the horizon.

pdf Brief Summary Presentation of the Horizon Scan

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Brief Summary Presentation of the Horizon Scan

The 1st SCAR Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science Horizon Scan

The international Antarctic community came together to “scan the horizon” to identify the highest priority scientific questions that researchers should aspire to answer in the next two decades and beyond.

pdf Call for Community Participation in Planning Efforts

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Call for Community Participation in Planning Efforts

From: SCAR Action Group on Horizon Scanning
To: The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Communities and those with Interests in the Southern Polar Regions
Re: Antarctic Science and Policy: Beyond the Horizon – A Call for Community Participation in Planning Efforts

You are invited to provide input to the development of a framework and process for a Horizon Scan of Antarctic Science and Advice to Policy Makers. Wide consultation and input on how best to conduct the Horizon Scan is sought. Your participation is not only welcomed but needed.

pdf Challenges to the Future Conservation of the Antarctic

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Challenges to the Future Conservation of the Antarctic

Changing environments and resource demands present challenges to Antarctic conservation.

Published in Science, 337, 158-159, July 2012 – Policy Forum: Conservation

Authors: S. L. Chown, J. E. Lee, K. A. Hughes, J. Barnes, P. J. Barrett, D. M. Bergstrom, P. Convey, D. A. Cowan, K. Crosbie, G. Dyer, Y. Frenot, S. M. Grant, D. Herr, M. C. Kennicutt, II, M. Lamers, A. Murray, H. P. Possingham, K. Reid, M. J. Riddle, P. G. Ryan, L. Sanson, J. D. Shaw, M. D. Sparrow, C. Summerhayes, A. Terauds, D. H. Wall



pdf Detailed Summary Presentation of the Horizon Scan

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Detailed Summary Presentation of the Horizon Scan

The 1st SCAR Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science Horizon Scan

The international Antarctic community came together to “scan the horizon” to identify the highest priority scientific questions that researchers should aspire to answer in the next two decades and beyond.

pdf Exemplar Horizon Scan Output

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Exemplar Horizon Scan Output

A fictitious cluster of scientific questions based on a scenario to illustrate one of the goals for the Retreat.

pdf Integrating Science, Conservation and Policy in Antarctica in the 21st Century

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Integrating Science, Conservation and Policy in Antarctica in the 21st Century

Integrating Science, Conservation and Policy in Antarctica in the 21st Century (Horizon Scan broader framework) – a presentation given at the closing ceremony of the XXXIII SCAR Open Science Conference, held in Auckland, New Zealand in August 2014

pdf The 80 most important scientific questions as identified by the Scan

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The 80 most important scientific questions as identified by the Scan

Final list of questions identified by Horizon Scan.

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