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Folder XXXVII SCAR Delegates 2022, Goa, India

scar2022 logoThe XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting was held in Goa, India and online, making it the first Delegates’ Meeting to be held in hybrid format. The Directors, Executive Officer, Delegates from 15 members and a few observers attended in person. Belgium, France and the UK met at a regional hub in Belgium, supported by SCAR’s Project Officer. All other participants attended online.

The meeting took place over three days, with two sessions of three hours on each day. The 6th session was set aside as an overflow session in case business was not concluded by the end of session 5.

Note: No papers 5, 7, 37 or 41

Meeting Report:

Report of the XXXVII SCAR Delegates’ Meeting held in Goa, India and online, 5-7 September 2022

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 23: Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS)

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 23: Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS)

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 23: Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS)

Agenda Item: 6.2
Person Responsible: Susie Grant
Report Authors: Susie Grant (UK)


During 2020-22, the SCAR Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS) continued to provide independent, evidence-based, scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty System (ATCM, CEP and CCAMLR) and other organisations (e.g., UNFCCC), across a wide range of fields, particularly relating to environmental and conservation matters. In developing its advice, SC-ATS has consulted with SCAR experts and groups to compile information and to formulate recommendations on issues relevant to policy and management. This has included i) responses to direct requests for information or advice, and ii) proactive advice drawing attention to emerging issues. Advice has been delivered to the annual meetings of Antarctic Treaty System bodies (both in person and online) as well as being communicated throughout the year as required.

Highlights from this period have included updates on current understanding and future projections of climate change, including the major Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment Decadal Synopsis report, advice on special protection and conservation status of the emperor penguin, establishment of an Environmental Code of Conduct for Geosciences Field Research Activities, development of closer links between SC-ATS and the Antarctic Environments Portal, and a mini-Symposium jointly convened by Ant-ICON and SC-ATS on “How SCAR informs and guides Antarctic policy and conservation during the SCAR Open Science Conference.

Recognising the high regard in which SCAR’s contributions to the ATCM, CEP and CCAMLR are held, SC-ATS recommends that the SCAR Delegates approve the funding request below, to allow SC-ATS to continue its engagement with scientists, policymakers and bodies of the Antarctic Treaty System.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 24: The Antarctic Environments Portal

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 24: The Antarctic Environments Portal

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 24: The Antarctic Environments Portal

Agenda Item: 6.3
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath / Keith Reid
Report Authors: Keith Reid, Chandrika Nath, Susie Grant, Deneb Karentz, Daniela Liggett, Johanna Grabow


The primary aim of the Antarctic Environments Portal is to support the work of the decision-making bodies of the Antarctic Treaty System by providing impartial and up-to-date ,peer-reviewed information based on the best-available science. In January 2020, SCAR took over the management of the Portal from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), including the operation of the portal website that has been designed to provide easy access to the Portal’s Information Summaries. SCAR is grateful for financial contributions from New Zealand, Australia, the UK and the Netherlands which will support SCAR’s management of the Portal.


It is recommended that the Delegates acknowledge the Portal’s valued contribution from SCAR to the ATS and wider policy-making landscape, and that they support the efforts of the Portal Management Board to sustain SCAR’s hosting of the Portal over the longer term.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 25: Advice to other bodies

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 25: Advice to other bodies

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 25: Advice to other bodies

Agenda Item: 6.4
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin
Report Authors: SCAR Secretariat


In addition to the scientific advice co-ordinated by the SCAR Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS – see Paper 23 for details), SCAR also provides scientific advice and information to a variety other bodies, helping to raise the profile of Antarctic research and of SCAR’s work at international level.

This paper summarises the recent relevant activity at the UNFCCC COP meetings and notes a proposal for closer ties to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Delegates are asked to note SCAR’s provision of advice to other bodies, expanding SCAR’s influence beyond the ATCMs.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 26: Proposed Programme Planning Group – Antarctic Geospace and ATmosphere reseArch (AGATA)

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 26: Proposed Programme Planning Group - Antarctic Geospace and ATmosphere reseArch (AGATA)

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 26: Proposal for a Scientific Research Programme Planning Group – Antarctic Geospace and ATmosphere reseArch (AGATA)

Agenda Item: 4.2.3
Person Responsible: David Bromwich
Report Authors: Lucilla Alfonsi (Italy), Nicolas Bergeot (Belgium) and core membership


This document outlines the proposal for establishing a Programme Planning Group for developing a SCAR Scientific Research Programme (SRP) provisionally entitled “Antarctic Geospace and ATmosphere reseArch” (AGATA). The proposed SRP will contribute to answering the outstanding scientific questions within atmospheric and space physics, namely:

  • How are different atmospheric layers coupled in the polar regions?
  • How does the upper polar atmosphere respond to increased geomagnetic activity, including energy transfer from space into the ionosphere?
  • How can we improve the understanding of the Antarctic atmosphere by radio signals from the GNSS or other satellites, and from ground based radars?

The proposed SRP will bring together communities that investigate the polar atmosphere and geospace, with a particular focus on Antarctica, but also with a bi-polar perspective. AGATA will be a coordinated, worldwide effort to monitor, investigate and better understand the physics of the polar atmosphere and the impact of the Sun-Earth interactions on the polar regions. AGATA will take advantage of existing and planned instrumentation in Antarctica, but also in the Arctic and satellite-based observations, and it will aim for coordinated research efforts and data exchange.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 27: SCAR partnerships, MOUs and agreements

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 27: SCAR partnerships, MOUs and agreements

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 27: SCAR partnerships, MOUs and agreements

Agenda Item: 7.1
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath
Report Authors: SCAR Secretariat


Informational reports are included from the following SCAR key partner organizations:

  • Association of Polar Early Career Scientist (APECS)
  • European Polar Board (EPB)
  • International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) – Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica
  • International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO)
  • International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS)
  • International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
  • Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI)
  • World Meterological Organization (WMO) and World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
  • Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP)

This report also lists details of SCAR’s eight formal Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) or Letters of Agreement (LoA) noting that none are set to expire before 2024.


The Delegates acknowledge the reports and thank partner organizations.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 28: Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 28: Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 28: Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

Agenda Item: 7.2
Person Responsible: Jefferson Simões
Report Authors: Jefferson Simões, Eoghan Griffin and Rosemary Nash


In February 2022, SCAR, together with IASC, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, signed an MoU on the “Polar Initiative”, the first activity of which was the Scientific Symposium: From Arctic to Antarctic ‘The Cold is Getting Hot!’, held from February 24-25th in Monaco. As part of the Initiative, the Foundation will also fund an additional SCAR Fellowship each year for at least four years, beginning in 2022.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 29: International Polar Year 2032-2033

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 29: International Polar Year 2032-2033

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 29: International Polar Year 2032-2033

Agenda Item: 7.3
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath, Eoghan Griffin, Deneb Karentz
Report Authors: Chandrika Nath, Eoghan Griffin, Deneb Karentz


An interim planning group consisting of representatives from a number of SCAR’s partner organisations along with various Arctic groups, has been engaging in very early discussions to consider the desirability and feasibility of planning for an International Polar Year in 2032-2033, 25 years after the last IPY (instead of the typical 50-year gap between previous IPYs). These discussions are outlined in this paper along with the results of a SCAR community survey.


Delegates are requested to consider whether SCAR should support an International Polar Year in 2032-33 and are asked to advise on what role SCAR might wish to play, if an IPY were to be organized. If the Delegates support the concept of an IPY in 2032-2033, Delegates are requested to endorse the creation of an IPY planning committee within SCAR which can participate in the planning discussions of the wider polar community.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 30: SCAR Fellowship Programme

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 30: SCAR Fellowship Programme

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 30: SCAR Fellowship Programme

Agenda Item: 8.1
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin
Report Authors: Eoghan Griffin, Rosemary Nash and Johanna Grabow


The Fellowship programme is one of the key capacity-building activities undertaken by SCAR. Initiatives such as mentoring webinars and improved guidance notes have been introduced since 2016 to help applicants improve their proposals and also to expand the base of potential reviewers for the scheme. In 2021 we received 30 applications and 5 SCAR Fellowships were awarded, with a further 2 applicants being awarded Fellowships by COMNAP.

The Secretariat continues to work flexibly with Fellowship recipients to reflect the impact of delays and restrictions due to the Covid pandemic.


Delegates are requested to consider making voluntary contributions to the Fellowship Scheme and to widely advertise the scheme nationally and internationally. An effort should also be made to secure additional funding from other donors. The impact of the mentoring provided in support of applicants could be enhanced through the translation of key material into other languages.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 31: SCAR Visiting Scholars Programme

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 31: SCAR Visiting Scholars Programme

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 31: SCAR Visiting Scholars Programme

Agenda Item: 8.2
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin
Report Authors: Eoghan Griffin, Rosemary Nash and Johanna Grabow


The Visiting Scholars scheme is intended to facilitate capacity building for mid- to late career-stage researcers and academics, whose work contributes to the scientific objectives of SCAR. The Visiting Scholars programme complements the SCAR Fellowship scheme.

Prior to 2018, a number of issues with the scheme were identified, including applications not addressing the purpose of the scheme and the lack of female applicants. Following a review, the previous Visiting Professor scheme was replaced by the Visiting Scholars scheme at the end of 2018.

For 2021, 14 applications were received and 3 awards were made to Dr Faradina Merican (Malaysia), Prof Hongjie Xie (USA) and Dr Jeronimo Lopez-Martinez (Spain).


Delegates are asked to consider ways to help with the funding and advertising of the scheme.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 32: Capacity Building, Education and Training

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 32: Capacity Building, Education and Training

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 32: Capacity Building, Education and Training, including proposed internship programme

Agenda Item: 8.3 and 8.4
Person Responsible: M. Ravichandran
Report Authors: M. Ravichandran, Eoghan Griffin


The CBET Committee has worked to advance SCAR activities in building capacity where possible, and in particular in working with the newly-established EDI Action Group to coordinate advice on those activities. The annual Fellowships and Visiting Scholar schemes have been reviewed and new proposals for the process of nominations for SCAR Medals have been proposed and implemented.


Delegates are asked to consider making additional voluntary contributions to the Fellowships and Visiting Scholar schemes to allow extra awards.

Delegates are also asked to note the establishment and development of an Action Group to tackle Equality, Diversity and Inclusion issues, which works with the CBET Committee and reports to the Vice President for CBET.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 33: Action Group on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 33: Action Group on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 33: Action Group on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

Agenda Item: 8.5
Person Responsible: Eoghan Griffin
Report Authors: Adriana María Gulisano (Argentina), Zia Madani (Japan) and Pilvi Muschitiello (UK)


A scoping committee was established in 2020 to determine the best course of action for SCAR in tackling issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The membership drew on SCAR’s and EDI’s combined expertise, acknowledged efforts made by other polar organizations, and shared membership with the SOOS Working Group on EDI.

The scoping group’s principal recommendation to the SCAR Delegates was to form a specific SCAR Action Group on EDI to move forward the topics it had highlighted. It was intended to offer these to the new Action Group so that they could start working on a number of SCAR-related measures, with the Action Group selecting how to carry them out. The Action Group made decisions regarding how to carry out these tasks and what additional tasks were necessary.

The steps included gathering pertinent baseline data from the community, the use of historical data to assess diversity, and an investigation of best practices for behavior codes. Language constraints might have a negative effect and make it difficult to share pertinent research on EDI concerns.

The formation of the EDI Action Group was accepted by the SCAR Delegates at their meeting in March 2021, and the SCAR Executive Committee approved the formal Group proposal in May 2021. The Action Group’s leadership was chosen among the community volunteers, and the team is collaborating with the Executive Committee, Secretariat, and Capacity Building, Education and Training (CBET) Committee to address the issues raised by the scoping group and advance SCAR’s goal of becoming a truly inclusive organization.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 34: SCAR Communication Activities

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 34: SCAR Communication Activities

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 34: SCAR Communication Activities

Agenda Item: 9.1
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath
Report Authors: Johanna Grabow and Chandrika Nath


Effective communication is vital to SCAR, underpinning all of its activities, as highlighted in SCAR’s draft strategic plan 2023-2028 (see agenda item 11). To support this, the SCAR Secretariat undertakes a range of communications activities aimed at both the internal SCAR community and wider audiences, furthering awareness of the global significance of Antarctic research as well enhancing SCAR’s own visibility and expanding participation in its activities. Uptake of communications outputs has grown over time, evidenced by statistics such as subscriber numbers and followers.

The Secretariat works on day-to-day / ongoing communications, and on innovative new projects to engage the SCAR community and beyond. In 2021 and 2022, the SCAR Secretariat have worked on three key projects to showcase the work of SCAR and its groups in innovative new format: A dynamic article on BBC StoryWorks, the 10-minute film “Peace and Science” and an animated video to summarise the main findings of SCAR’s report on “Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment: A Decadal Synopsis and Recommendations for Action”. Further highlights include the launch of a new social media campaign to showcase education and outreach opportunities and a successful internship programme with science communication students.


SCAR Delegates are asked to note the report on SCAR Communication Activities and the value of regular outreach and communication activities.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 35: Major Meetings Coordination

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 35: Major Meetings Coordination

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 35: Major Meetings Coordination

Agenda Item: 10.1
Person Responsible: Yeadong Kim
Report Authors: Yeadong Kim


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the XXXVI SCAR Delegates Meeting was postponed from 2020 to 2021, with elections for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency subsequently being delayed and thereby disrupting the sequence of SCAR meetings and elections. In order to revert back to SCAR’s sequence of elections, the President and the SCAR Directors that were elected in 2021 will resign prior to the 2024 SCAR Delegates Meeting.

In addition, to reflect SCAR’s commitment to carbon footprint reduction in action, all science meetings are recommended to be held in hybrid formats. The SCAR Science Group Business Meeting, the Open Science Conference, and the Delegates Meeting will be held consecutively at the same venue, to better facilitate SCAR Delegates’ and Science Group Chief Officers’ participation.


Delegates to note and approve new scheme for major meetings.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 36: SCAR 2022 Online Open Science Conference

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37-36_2022 SCAR Open Science Conference_002.pdf

SCAR XXXVII Paper 36: SCAR 2022 Online Open Science Conference

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 36: SCAR 2022 Online Open Science Conference

Agenda Item: 10.2
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath
Report Authors: Johanna Grabow and Chandrika Nath


The 10th SCAR Open Science Conference was held online from 1-10 August 2022. The conference was hosted by the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) and the conference theme was “Antarctica in a Changing World”. In order to maximise inclusivity and accessibility, the conference registration fee was waived.

A total of 69 events ran over 10 days, including plenary lectures, mini-symposia, parallel sessions, workshops and satellite meetings. Over 2,700 participants registered for the conference.

The conference was hosted on an events platform in an interactive and innovative online format to foster collaboration and networking across time zones.

The SCAR communication channels saw a marked increase in activity across its channels during the conference. Recordings of sessions will be made available through the SCAR YouTube channel. The Secretariat is currently analysing a demographic survey and working on preparing a participant’s feedback survey to help maximise inclusivity and best practice for future conferences.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 38: Update on 2026 Meetings in Norway

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 38: Update on 2026 Meetings in Norway

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 38: Update on 2026 Meetings in Norway

Agenda Item: 10.3.2
Person Responsible: Ole Arve Misund
Report Authors: Ole Arve Misund (Norway), Rosemary Nash (SCAR Secretariat)


The XXXIX SCAR Meetings and 12th Open Science Conference will be hosted by Norway in the capital city of Oslo.

Tentative dates for the meetings are 8-18 August 2026:

8-9 August side meetings, associated meetings, etc.
10-14 August Open Science Conference
15-16 August 2026 side and associated meetings continue
17-18 August 2026 SCAR Delegates Meeting

Proposed venue for the OSC and side meetings: Oslo Kongressenter.
Proposed venue for the SCAR Delegates Meeting: Oslo Plaza.


Delegates to note the proposed venues and tentative dates.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 39: Bid from Bulgaria to host SCAR 2028 Meetings

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 39: Bid from Bulgaria to host SCAR 2028 Meetings

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 39: Bid from Bulgaria to host SCAR 2028 Meetings

Agenda Item: 10.3.3
Person Responsible: Christo Pimpirev
Report Authors: Bulgarian Delegates


Proposal from the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute to host SCAR’s Open Science Conference and Biennial Meetings in 2028 in the city of Sofia.

The bid comprises a letter from the Director of the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute and a letter of support from the Mayor of Sofia.


Delegates are asked to consider the bid from Bulgaria for hosting the 2028 meetings.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 40: Plans for XIII Biology Symposium 2023

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 40: Plans for XIII Biology Symposium 2023

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 40: Plans for XIII Biology Symposium 2023

Agenda Item: 10.4.1
Person Responsible: Craig Cary
Report Authors: Craig Cary


The XIII Biology Symposium 2023 will take place in Christchurch, New Zealand on 31 July to 3 August 2023.

Conference website will be:

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 42: SCAR Strategic Plan 2023-28

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 42: SCAR Strategic Plan 2023-28

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 42: SCAR Strategic Plan 2023-28

Agenda Item: 11
Person Responsible: Yeadong Kim
Report Authors: Strategic Plan Committee


SCAR develops and approves a strategic plan to guide its decision-making and operations on a five-year cycle. SCAR’s mission and core values remain highly relevant after more than 60 years, while the details of how the mission is accomplished and goals achieved have evolved in response to changes in the internal and external environment in which SCAR exists. The Strategic Plan guides decision-making and resource allocation within a holistic framework to create synergies and optimize outcomes. This Plan is a roadmap for SCAR from 2023-28.


Delegates are asked to review and approve the Strategic Plan 2023-28.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 43: SC-HASS Rules of Procedure

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 43: SC-HASS Rules of Procedure

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 43: SC-HASS Rules of Procedure

Agenda Item: 12.1
Person Responsible: Chandrika Nath
Report Authors: Secretariat


In 2018, the History Expert Group and the Humanities and Social Sciences Expert Group proposed merging to form a single overarching group. At the XXXV SCAR Delegates Meeting held in June 2018, the importance of the humanities and social sciences within SCAR was recognised by the Delegates, and the SCAR Standing Committee on the Humanities and Social Sciences (SC-HASS) was established.

The group has been a very active part of SCAR’s research portfolio for the past four years but its status has not yet been formalised within the Rules of Procedure for SCAR Subsidiary Bodies, which governs how Standing Committees and other SCAR subsidiary groups operate. Draft Rules of Procedure have been developed by SC-HASS leadership and the SCAR Executive Committee and are presented here.


Delegates to approve the SC-HASS Rules of Procedure, to be included in the Rules of Procedure for SCAR Subsidiary Bodies.

pdf SCAR XXXVII Paper 44: Executive Committee (Directors) Report 2021-22

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SCAR XXXVII Paper 44: Executive Committee (Directors) Report 2021-22

XXXVII SCAR Delegates Meeting
5-7 September 2022, Goa, India

SCAR XXXVII Paper 44: Executive Committee (Directors) Report 2021-22

Agenda Item: 12.2
Person Responsible: Yeadong Kim
Report Authors: Yeadong Kim, M Ravichandran, Jefferson Simões, Deneb Karentz, Chandrika Nath, and Steven Chown


Since the last Delegates Meeting held online in 2021, the Executive Committee (SCAR President, Vice Presidents, Immediate Past President and the Executive Director) has focused its attention on revitalizing SCAR’s activities that have been postponed or cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Secretariat Arrangements
Evidence-based Advice to the ATS
Open Science Conference (online)
SCAR Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Capacity Building
Budget Sustainability

The Executive Committee met regularly every four to eight weeks for the full interim period. Frequent meetings were held when decisions had to be made on the Open Science Conference (OSC) and the Delegates Meeting.

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