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pdf Proposal for EG-GEOCON Expert Group, 2022

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Proposal for EG-GEOCON Expert Group, 2022

Proposal for Expert Group on Geological Heritage and Geoconservation (EG-GEOCON)

Expert Group of the Geosciences Group

Name(s) of the lead proponent(s): Jeronimo Lopez-Martinez (Spain), Marcelo A. Reguero (Argentina), Kevin Hughes (UK), Anne Grunow (USA) and Cliff Atkins (New Zealand)


The main purpose of this Expert Group is to advance the identification of Antarctic geological sites of exceptional value to be designated geological heritage of international relevance, and to contribute to SCAR advice to the CEP and the ATCM on matters related to conservation of geological heritage.

A success of the former SCAR Action Group on Geological Heritage and Geoconservation was the development of a practical methodology for the identification of the most valuable geological sites in Antarctica, including criteria for the identification of Antarctic Geological Heritage, as a means of enhancing Antarctic geoconservation. A major aim of the new Expert Group is to apply this methodology more widely across all of the Geological Frameworks identified for the continent by the previous Action Group, which will enable the systematic identification of individual Geosites across the entire region. The intent is to enable SCAR to more widely implement the methodology, thus ensuring that the geological heritage of Antarctica is adequately identified, internationally recognised and, if necessary, provided with further protection under the Antarctic Treaty System.

pdf Proposal for ICEPRO Action Group, 2022

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Proposal for ICEPRO Action Group, 2022

Proposal for ICEPRO Action Group (An International Collaboration Effort for Improving Paleoclimate Research in the Southern Ocean)

Action Group of the Geosciences Group

Name(s) of the lead proponent(s): Johan Etourneau (France) and Carlota Escutia (Spain)


ICEPRO aims to improve our understanding of past ocean-ice-earth interactions by linking modern observations and paleo-records by facilitating transnational collaborations on (paleo)environmental studies in the Southern Ocean. To reach this goal, ICEPRO will bring together international partners to coordinate and harmonize joint research activities in terms of sampling strategies, methodologies, proxy calibrations and the development of future Antarctic expeditions.

pdf Proposal for SCAR Krill Expert Group, 2022

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Proposal for SCAR Krill Expert Group, 2022

Proposal for a SCAR Krill Expert Group

Expert Group of the Life Sciences Group

Name(s) of the lead proponents: Prof. Dr. Bettina Meyer, Dr. So Kawaguchi, Dr. Simeon Hill, Dr. Angus Atkinson, Prof. Dr. Kim Bernard, Dr. Ryan Driscoll, Dr. Zephyr Sylvester, Dr. Javier Arata and Dr. Steve Parker


Recent findings on Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, the central prey in the Southern Ocean food web, have demonstrated that even after almost 100 years of research on this species, there remain crucial gaps in our understanding of its life history, response to climate variability, spatial population dynamics, and the environmental mechanisms that drive its life cycle throughout the Southern Ocean. Increasing commercial interest in Antarctic krill resources in the 1970s followed over-exploitation of other marine resources in the Southern Ocean. Concerns about the potential ecosystem impacts of krill fishing led to the establishment of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), an international organization responsible for managing Southern Ocean fisheries and conservation of the wider ecosystem that depends on fished species. The krill fishery grew rapidly in the 1980s and remains responsible for over 90% of the fishery catch in the Southern Ocean. Historically CCAMLR has received scientific advice on Antarctic krill only from the official delegations of CCAMLR member countries, representing a small subset of the overall community of krill researchers. CCAMLR’s Scientific Committee has emphasized the need for a mechanism to better incorporate the results of relevant krill research into fishery management decisions. Thus, the SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) was initiated in 2018 to become a prime conduit between CCAMLR and the wider krill science community in SCAR and beyond.

SKAG now provides a forum to (1) guide the direction of krill-related research; (2) promote international collaboration among both senior krill scientists and early career researchers (ECRs); (3) improve understanding of krill biology and ecology; (4) serve as a conduit between scientists and the krill fishing industry; and (5) through the SCAR Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System, assist in providing critical scientific information to CCAMLR that are relevant to krill fishery management. Furthermore, the group provides a forum for information exchange on upcoming cruises and funding opportunities, including fishing vessels, as well as lab facilities for experimental krill work, and serves as a platform for the development of future international collaborative research proposals and programs. Since 2020, SKAG has cemented its position as a voice of Antarctic krill researchers. Through publications, reports, website and well-attended annual workshops, SKAG has developed into the central node for transferring relevant krill science to CCAMLR and other organisations, such as the newly established Science-Industry Forum (SIF) and Non-Governmental Organisations ( NGOs) like the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) and the Pew Charitable Trust (PEW). In addition, SKAG is well integrated with the existing SCAR group “Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean” (ICED). SKAG’s joint workshops and papers have greatly enhanced the opportunities for ECRs to connect with peers and experts internationally and to nurture collaboration. We are currently at a crucial juncture in the management of the krill fishery. As the climate warms and the krill fishery continues to develop, CCAMLR is developing a new krill management approach that relies heavily on new survey and life history information. The role of SKAG in providing policy-relevant information on krill and in serving as a conduit for collaboration is a key legacy that we wish to continue. We, therefore, propose that SKAG becomes a SCAR Krill Expert Group (SKEG) in 2023 for an initial period of 6 years. An application is submitted to the heads of the Life Science Group.

pdf SCAR Krill Action Group Report 2022

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SCAR Krill Action Group Report 2022

SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) 2020-22 Final Report

Action Group of the Life Sciences Group

Report Author(s): SKAG Board


The CCAMLR Scientific Committee has emphasised the need for a mechanism to better incorporate the relevant science being done on krill into CCAMLR. Thus, a SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) was initiated in 2018 to become a prime conduit between CCAMLR and the wider krill science community. SKAG provides a forum to guide research directions, promote collaboration, improve understanding of krill biology and ecology, and through the SCAR Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System, will assist in providing critical scientific information relevant to krill fishery management. Furthermore, the group will provide a forum for an information exchange on upcoming cruises and funding opportunities, as well as lab facilities for experimental krill work, and will serve as a platform for the development of future international collaborative research proposals and programs.

Since 2020 SKAG has developed to an established body to transfer krill science which is important for management into CCAMLR and beyond such as the new established Science Industry Forum (SIF) and NGOs like WWF and PEW. In addition, SKAG has a close interaction with, and provides input to, the existing SCAR group Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean – ICED, by performing joint workshops and papers, which greatly enhanced the opportunities for the ECRs to connect with peers and experts internationally and nurture collaboration. The role of SKAG as prime source for providing information on krill biology and ecology and as a conduit to facilitate collaboration becomes even more important in understanding and managing the SO ecosystem and its fishery in the changing environment. Due to this circumstances we like to continue with SKAG as SCAR Krill Expert Group in 2023. An application is submitted to the heads of the Life Science Group.

pdf SO-CPR Expert Group Report 2022

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SO-CPR Expert Group Report 2022

EG-Continuous Plankton Recorder and the SCAR Southern Ocean CPR Survey (SO-CPR) 2020-22 Report

Expert Group of the Life Sciences Group

Report Author(s): Kunio T. Takahashi (Japan) and John A. Kitchener (Australia)

Summary of activities from 2020-22

Since the last report 2020, we have completed over 20 CPR tows during the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Antarctic field season. Due to the influence of COVID-19, each country reduced the Southern Ocean research, so the number of towing was about half of the normal level.

As a task of the EG-CPR of ten years, we published a special report on the “Status and Trends of Southern Ocean Zooplankton” as  SCAR Bulletin 206 in June 2021. This report brings together all information from 25 years of the SO-CPR Survey into one report. This report also identifies any trends (seasonal or long-term) in relation to changes in abundance, shifts in distribution, timing of events, or changes in composition and community composition.

Our important future task for maintaining high quality data is developing and enhancing the skills of current and new technicians. We have held standards workshop by technicians form each country every two years, but due to the influence of COVID-19, we have not been holding them for the past three years. It is difficult to hold online because we need to actually observe the sample. We are planning to hold a workshop in 2023. The purpose of the workshop is to ensure that high standards of data quality are being maintained, in terms of species identification and methodology, among the main analysts of the SO-CPR survey, and to discuss future training methods and a future roadmap for the SO-CPR program. We also aim to publish SO-CPR processing manuals and zooplankton counting rulebooks for the purpose of training for new technicians.

pdf SORP Expert Group Report 2022

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SORP Expert Group Report 2022

Southern Ocean Regional Panel (SORP) 2020-22 Report

Expert Group of the Physical Sciences Group

Report Author(s): Torge Martin (Germany) and Elisabeth Sikes (USA)

Summary of activities from 2020-22

The Southern Ocean Region Panel (SORP) is co-sponsored by the World Climate Research Programme’s core projects the Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change (CLIVAR) and the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC), and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). The SORP serves as a forum for the discussion and communication of scientific advances in the understanding of climate variability and change in the Southern Ocean. It advises CLIVAR, CliC, and SCAR on progress, achievements, new opportunities and impediments in internationally-coordinated Southern Ocean research.

Highlights of SORP activities since 2020 have been:

  • Protocol and first exemplary model experiments for a community-wide Southern Ocean Freshwater release experiment InitiAtive (SOFIA) focusing on a model intercomparison for the ocean and climate response to enhanced freshwater release from Antarctica.
  • Southern Ocean Action Plan for the UN Ocean Decade (
  • Special volume in Frontiers in Marine Science on interbasin exchange between the Southern Ocean and South Atlantic.
  • CLIVAR Exchanges issue on Southern Ocean/Antarctic research inviting contributions specifically from less developed programs/nations.
  • Scientific sessions at international conferences and workshops co-organized and led by panel members.

After a period of reduced activity owed to challenging work conditions during the COVID pandemic in 2020 and 2021, SORP has become very active again in 2022.

SORP has held its 14th business meeting in September 2021 in an online format over four days (3h each) from which a reorganized and reinvigorated task teams emerged.

pdf TATE Action Group Report 2022

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TATE Action Group Report 2022

Action Group on Tropical Antarctic Teleconnections (TATE) 2020-22 Report

Action Group of the Physical Sciences Group

Report Author(s): Sheeba Chenoli (Malaysia)

Summary of activities from 2020-22

The Tropical Antarctic Teleconnections (TATE) group sponsored a half-day workshop on TATE, which was held on 20 June 2019 in conjunction with 9th Malaysian International Seminar on Antarctica. A total number of 6 papers were presented at the workshop. Details as given below:

  1. Francisco Aquino: Synoptic and isotopic influence of tropical Antarctic teleconnections in two consecutive explosive cyclones in Southern Brazil.
  2. Seong-Joong Kim: The recent weakening of the southern stratospheric polar vortex and its impact on the surface climate over Antarctica.
  3. Rui Mao: Virtual The interannual linkage between the Antarctic Oscillation and tropical cyclone activity in the Southern Indian Ocean
  4. Prof Ryan Fogt: Extratropical Southern Hemisphere Recorded Synchronous Pressure Variability in the Early 20th Century
  5. Dr Ing. Sebastián Marinsek: Ongoing negative mass balance low Virtual precipitation in Bahía de Diablo Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula
  6. Dr Jonathan Willie: Antarctic Atmospheric River Life Cycles

TATE would also be linking to the Asian Forum for Polar Sciences (AFOPS) and plans to contribute to the Near-term Variability and Prediction of the Antarctic Climate System (AntClimNow).

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