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Folder XXXV SCAR Delegates 2018, Davos, Switzerland

XXXV SCAR Delegates 2018, Davos, Switzerland

The XXXIV SCAR Delegates’ Meeting was held at the Davos Congress Centre from 24-26 June 2018. There was an Icebreaker Reception from 16:00 on 24 June, and the Delegates Dinner on Monday 25 June at 19:00.

The preceding Open Science Conference was a joint event with IASC. The POLAR 2018 website is available at:

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 200 – 2018 December – Report of the XXXV SCAR Delegates’ Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 2018


pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 39: Capacity Building, Education and Training & Future Plans

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SCAR XXXV Paper 39: Capacity Building, Education and Training & Future Plans

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 39: Capacity Building, Education and Training & Future Plans

Agenda Item: 8.4.

Person Responsible: K. Lochte & E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Karin Lochte (Germany) and Eoghan Griffin (Secretariat)


Through 2017 and into 2018 the CBET Committee worked on the roles defined and approved at the 2016 Delegates meeting with teams assigned to each role. The Committee has reconstituted its membership, importantly including greater representation from Early Career Scientists in collaboration with APECS.

In collaboration with the Development Council extra funding was successfully solicited to support both the Fellowships and Visiting Professor schemes for 2017.

A new Medal for Education and Communication has been created and the first award will be made at the Polar2018 meetings. SCAR administration of the Tinker-Muse Prize has been renewed for one year, to complete 10 awards of the Prize.


Delegates are asked to note the establishment of a Review of the Visiting Professor scheme, in part to address the low number of female applicants and the high number of applications failing to address the objectives of the scheme. There will be a further round of requests for additional contributions from members to support a greater number of awards within the SCAR CBET activities. Delegates are asked to proactively consider opportunities to assist in this funding.

Summary Budget 2017 to 2020

In 2017 the CBET budget of USD$3,000 was used to support 2 Early Career Scientist attendees at the Polar Educators International (PEI) Workshop in Italy with travel grants of USD$500 each. These were the only representatives from South America and Asia at the meeting. Two awards of USD$1000 each were provided for an Early Career Scientists to attend the Polar Science Communication Workshop in Boulder, Colorado in August 2017 and for travel to the Polar Prediction School in 2018. In 2018 the full budget has been allocated to support Early Career Scientist attendees at Polar2018. For 2019 and 2020 the annual budget will also be allocated to support those requests best meeting the goals of the CBET Committee.

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SCAR XXXV Paper 40: SCAR Communication Activities

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 40: SCAR Communication Activities 

Agenda Item: 9.1.

Person Responsible: Secretariat


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Rosemary Nash


In this paper we provide an overview of the various forms of communication used by the Secretariat.


Delegates are asked to review the current communication activities and proposed future plans, and to provide suggestions/advice to the Secretariat. SCAR officers and chairs are asked to submit meeting reports to the Secretariat for inclusion in the SCAR Reports series. If National Committees have reports on activities that they would like to share with the SCAR community (in any language) through this series, they should be sent to the Secretariat. Delegates are asked to take note of the new online newsletter format and send suggestions and potential content ideas to the Secretariat.

Summary Budget 2018 to 2020

Following the 2016 Delegates Meeting a specific budget line for website costs has been added at USD$2,500. The costs of the online meeting provision have now been included in the “Postage and telephones” budget line. Communications activities have also had USD$11,148, allocated from the 2016 contingency funds and carried forward to 2018. Some of these funds will support the creation of “History of SCAR” and “What is SCAR” videos.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 41: SCAR Member Reports and their Future

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SCAR XXXV Paper 41: SCAR Member Reports and their Future

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 41: SCAR Member Reports and their Future

Agenda Item: 9.2.

Person Responsible: S Chown


Executive Summary 


Steven L Chown (Australia)


SCAR currently requests reports from its Members on an annual basis, providing information on activities, science being undertaken and outcomes, and on involvement of their scientists in SCAR activities. With some notable exceptions, Members routinely do not provide reports in response to the requests. The response rate has also been declining. Thirteen reports were received in 2016, four in 2017, and one has been received to date for 2018.


The Delegates consider the proposal that the annual reports from Members be discontinued and their content subsumed within the general news feed of SCAR, and that Members alert the Secretariat to important news from their programs in a timely manner as they see fit.

Summary Budget 2017 to 2020

No direct financial implications, but a reduction in workload for the SCAR Secretariat in sending out requests and reminders will increase Secretariat time available for other work.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 42:  Highlighting the role and activities of SCAR Groups, Union Members and National Committees

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SCAR XXXV Paper 42:  Highlighting the role and activities of SCAR Groups, Union Members and National Committees

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 42:  Highlighting the role and activities of SCAR Groups, Union Members and National Committees

Agenda Item: 9.3.

Person Responsible: Secretariat


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Rosemary Nash


The work going on within SCAR groups, Member countries and within the ICSU Union members dealing with better understanding Antarctica is extensive. Yet, it is often difficult to get a quick overview of what groups are doing, where new researchers might be able to get involved, and how countries might better collaborate with each other. This paper describes the activities within SCAR that have been employed to help with communication of groups.

In particular we highlight the “SCAR Activities Poster Session” at the Open Science Conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2016 and the “Polar Expo Poster Session” to be held during the Polar2018 meetings in Davos.


Delegates are requested to note the range of activities being highlighted at the Polar Expo through the Polar2018 meetings and ensure that the opportunities for further participation are communicated at a national level.

Summary Budget 2018 to 2020

No specific budget is required however SCAR Groups actively highlight their activities and incur some costs in doing so.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 44: SCAR Executive Committee Report

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SCAR XXXV Paper 44: SCAR Executive Committee Report

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 44: SCAR Executive Committee Report

Agenda Item: 11.1.

Person Responsible: Steven L Chown


Executive Summary 


Steven L Chown (Australia), Jefferson Simões (Brazil), Karin Lochte (Germany), Azizan bin Abu Samah (Malaysia), Terry Wilson (USA), Jerónimo López-Martínez (Spain)

Summary of activities from 2016-18 and any other important matters

The Executive Committee (ExCom) met once in person in Brno, Czech Republic. ExCom considered and approved reports and progress of all SCAR subsidiaries at this meeting (see Addendum I to this paper and: scar-bulletin-199/file/). ExCom also held electronic face-to-face meetings on an approximately three-monthly basis.

The Secretariat was restructured including an increase in remuneration for allpositions, the addition of a second administrative assistant, and the appointment of a new Executive Director, Dr Chandrika Nath. Two SpecialConsultants, Emeritus Professor Mahlon (Chuck) Kennicutt II and Dr Colin Summerhayes were appointed for the 2018 period, in the absence of a sitting Executive Director until July 2018, to assist with the SCAR OSC and Delegates Meeting and the 60th Anniversary celebrations, respectively. 

The ExCom negotiated a new fellowship program with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). It also obtained ca. US$ 15 000 in support of SCAR’s 60th Anniversary activities. ExCom also gave effect to the majority of actions requested in the previous Delegates meeting, though noting some delays owing to the absence of an Executive Director for an eight-month period.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 45: SCAR Secretariat Report

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SCAR XXXV Paper 45: SCAR Secretariat Report

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 45: SCAR Secretariat Report

Agenda Item: 11.2.

Person Responsible: Secretariat


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin, Rosemary Nash


Since the 2016 Delegates meeting, a new appointment has been made to the Executive Director role. Dr Chandrika Nath became ED in June 2018 and is attending Polar2018 and the Delegates Meeting in this capacity. The Executive Committee have approved as additional part time (50%) support position within the Secretariat. The recruitment process will be managed by the new ED.

The Secretariat has been under significant pressure in the build up to Polar2018, considering the workload and staffing level, but has been very grateful for the assistance of the Special Advisors to the President and also to the extra support provided by the short-term assistance of Johanna Grabow in the office.

The SCAR Secretariat has been hosted by the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK, since its inception. The agreement is due for renewal in 2019.

The Secretariat staff look forward to working positively with the new Executive Director and the Executive Committee, and welcome the addition of further support in the near future.


Delegates are asked to note the report and accomplishments of the staff in difficult circumstances. Delegates should also note the changes to Secretariat salary scales and staffing levels. The SCAR Archives Project has made significant progress, however it will be evaluated internally before any further requests for Project funding are developed.

Summary Budget 2018 to 2020

The impact of revised Secretariat salary scales, timing of recruitment and related staffing levels are detailed in the Finance Report (SDM49) and statements and budgets (SDM50-54).

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 46: Proposed Revision of Presidential Voting Procedure

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SCAR XXXV Paper 46: Proposed Revision of Presidential Voting Procedure

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 46: Proposed Revision of Presidential Voting Procedure

Agenda Item: 11.3.

Person Responsible: Secretariat


Executive Summary 


Steven L Chown (Australia) and Terry Wilson (USA) 


During the Meeting of Delegates in 2016, it was recommended that SCAR consider alternate voting strategies to elect the President, in order to ensure that an elected President had received a vote from a majority of Delegates. 

Here we propose a simple amendment of the presidential voting procedure to meet this objective, for consideration of the Delegates. 


Delegates consider and approve proposed new language for Rules of Procedure for presidential voting. 

Summary Budget 2017 – 2020 

No budgetary implications.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 47: International Council for Science and SCAR Documentation

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SCAR XXXV Paper 47: International Council for Science and SCAR Documentation

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 47: International Council for Science and SCAR Documentation

Agenda Item: 11.5.

Person Responsible: S. Chown & Secretariat


Executive Summary 


Steven L Chown and Secretariat


The International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC) agreed to merge to form the International Science Council (ISC) (see SDM 24). All of SCAR’s documentation, both electronic and hard copy (such as letterheads) will now have to change to reflect the name of the new Council.


Delegates to note and approve.

Summary Budget 2017 to 2020

Most of the costs will be absorbed internally with an estimate of ca. US$ 2000 for staff time and US$ 500 for website consultants. Merchandise (such as SCAR pins) will have to change as the new change takes effect

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 48: SCAR Logo Change

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SCAR XXXV Paper 48: SCAR Logo Change

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 48: SCAR Logo Change

Agenda Item: 11.5.

Person Responsible: S. Chown & Secretariat


Executive Summary 


Steven L Chown and Secretariat


The International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC) agreed to merge to form the International Science Council (ISC) (see SDM 24). SCAR’s logo will have to be changed to reflect this change. The body of the paper has versions of the old and new logos.


The costs for the change have been absorbed as part of the 60th Anniversary merchandise production and are estimated as ca US$ 500.


Delegates to note and approve new logo.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 49: Finance Report

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SCAR XXXV Paper 49: Finance Report

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 49: Finance Report

Agenda Item: 13.1.

Person Responsible:  J. Simões & E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Jefferson Simões and Eoghan Griffin


An investment portfolio of USD$ 300,000 has been established, new Secretariat salary scales introduced and plans for increased Secretariat staffing levels established. These changes are reflected in the balance between the core spending areas as a fraction of the overall budgets for 2019 and 2020, which maintain spending on Scientific activities at 2018 levels.


SCAR Delegates to note financial statements and future budgets and comment/ make suggestions as appropriate. SCAR Delegates to note new simplified national contribution levels and new secretariat remuneration policy and comment/ make suggestions as appropriate.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 50: Financial Statement for 2016

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SCAR XXXV Paper 50: Financial Statement for 2016

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 50: Financial Statement for 2016

Agenda Item: 13.2.

Person Responsible: E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simoes


Audited statement of finances for 2016, which resulted in a contingency fund of USD $79,536 at year end.


The Delegates acknowledge and approve the statement.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 51: Financial Statement for 2017

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SCAR XXXV Paper 51: Financial Statement for 2017

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 51: Financial Statement for 2017

Agenda Item: 13.2.

Person Responsible: E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simoes


Statement of finances for 2017, which resulted in a surplus of USD $36,284 at year end.


The Delegates acknowledge and approve the statement.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 52: Revised Budget for 2018

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SCAR XXXV Paper 52: Revised Budget for 2018

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 52: Revised Budget for 2018

Agenda Item: 13.3.

Person Responsible: E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simoes


Update to 2018 Budget reflecting transactions from the quarter to March 31st, addition of a specific budget line for SCAR 60th anniversary celebrations, changes to exchange rates and expectations of salary costs based on staff starting dates etc.


The Delegates suggest any amendments to the budget for discussion and accept the budget subject to agreed changes.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 53: Proposed Budget for 2019

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SCAR XXXV Paper 53: Proposed Budget for 2019

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 53: Proposed Budget for 2019

Agenda Item: 13.4.

Person Responsible: E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simoes


Proposed 2019 Budget reflecting changes to staff levels, salary scales and exchange rate.


The Delegates suggest any amendments to the budget for discussion and accept the budget subject to agreed changes.


pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 54: Draft Budget for 2020

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SCAR XXXV Paper 54: Draft Budget for 2020

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 54: Draft Budget for 2020

Agenda Item: 13.5.

Person Responsible: E. Griffin


Executive Summary 


Eoghan Griffin and Jefferson Simoes


Draft 2020 Budget reflecting changes to staff levels, salary scales and exchange rate.


The Delegates suggest any amendments to the budget for discussion, and accept the budget subject to agreed changes.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 55: SCAR Development Council

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SCAR XXXV Paper 55: SCAR Development Council

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 55: SCAR Development Council

Agenda Item: 13.6.

Person Responsible: P. Convey


Executive Summary 


Peter Convey (UK), Karin Lochte (Germany) and Jose Xavier (Portugal)

Summary of activities from 2016-18 and other important matters

This report provides a short update on matters relating to the Development Council (DC) since the previous report given in Kuala Lumpur, updates in Brno. The major activity has been the composition and sending to all SCAR Delegates and Group Leaders of a letter setting out our view of their key role in identifying and pursuing possible avenues of funding or other support at their national level for the benefit ofSCAR activities. This generated a number of supportive responses, and very welcome new funding contributions towards the Visiting Fellowship and Professorship programmes, from India, Norway and Switzerland. Plans have been made to reconnect with other positive responders who were unable to support at the time, but these have yet to be actioned.

Recommendations that EXCOM and Scientific Group Chief Officers should consider

• DC has been in discussion with SCAR Capacity Building, Education and Training (CBET) to initiate a review of the Visiting Professor programme to date. In particular, we ask EXCOM to consider if and how a more active role could be taken in identifying real value capacity building contributions the programme could make to newer and less established programmes.

• DC requests to maintain the current budget allocation for pamphlet preparation and creation of funding database (dependent on new website), and to enable responsive engagement with new funding opportunities identified, as well as coordinating contributions to new SRP development.

pdf SCAR XXXV Paper 57: Application of Ukraine for Full Membership

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SCAR XXXV Paper 57: Application of Ukraine for Full Membership

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 57: Application of Ukraine for Full Membership

Agenda Item: 2.1.3

Person Responsible: E Dykyi


Executive Summary 


Evgen Dykyi, Delegate for Ukraine


See attached application.


The Delegates consider the application of Ukraine to return to Full Membership of SCAR.

Summary Budget 2017 to 2020

No budget implications other than the change in Ukrainian Membership fees.

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SCAR XXXV Paper 58: Application of Portugal for Full Membership

SCAR XXXV Delegates Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2018

SCAR XXXV Paper 58: Application of Portugal for Full Membership

Agenda Item: 2.1.4.

Person Responsible: A Canário


Executive Summary 


Adelino V. M. Canário, Delegate of Portugal 


See attached application. 


The Delegates consider the application of Portugal for Full Membership in SCAR. 

Summary Budget 2017 to 2020 

No budget implications other than the change in Portugal’s Membership fees.

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