XXXIV SCAR Delegates Meeting
29 – 30 August 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SCAR XXXIV WP36: Review of Secretariat Remuneration
Working Paper: 36
Agenda Item: 13.2
Posted/Revised: 18 Jul 2016
Presentation: Agenda Item 13.2
Executive Summary:
Authors: E. Griffin, J. Baeseman
Important Issues or Factors:
The salary scales used for SCAR are pegged to the University of Cambridge system, however these have not been revised in recent years and a review based on current duties of the position would be useful. SCAR employees are entitled to appraised raises each year and when adjusted salaries go above the pegged range, special approval needs to be given. In addition, starting in 2017, it will be required by UK law for employers to contribute to an approved pension scheme for employees, which SCAR does not currently have.
Immediate: (i) ExCOM should be authorised to award salary increases above the existing pay scales where required by the results of the annual inflation and appraisal increases. (ii) SCAR should provide the minimum employers contribution to pension, as newly required by UK regulation, as an additional contribution.
Medium term: A review should be conducted by SCAR, external to the Secretariat staff, and submitted by the ExCOM to the Delegates, to determine the optimum number and nature of Secretariat roles, pay scales and the expected workloads.
The submission of these recommendations to this Delegates Meeting has been agreed by ExCOM.
Budget Implications:
The proposed provision of the employers pension contribution by SCAR would increase salary costs by 1% in 2017 (projected to be $1,838), 2% in 2018 (projected to be $3,822) and 3% in 2019 (projected to be $5,963). Projections are based on the average £Sterling to USD$ conversion rate for 2016 to date as of 29 June 2016.