XXXIV SCAR Delegates Meeting
29 – 30 August 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SCAR XXXIV WP07a: Report of the SCAR Standing Scientific Group on Life Sciences (SSG-LS)
including Minutes of Life Sciences Group meeting, 24 & 27 August
Working Paper 7a
Agenda Item: 4.1.2
Posted/Revised: 28 Aug 2016 – 12 Sep 2016
Presentation: Agenda Item 4.1.2
Executive Summary:
Authors: G. Hosie (CO), M. Shepanek (Deputy-CO), Y. Ropert-Coudert (Secretary), B. Danis, B. Raymond, M. Hindell, K. Takahashi, J. Ayton, E.Kohlberg, A. Hicks, H-U. Peters, C. Cary, V. Cummings.
Background: SSG-LS is primarily responsible for four Expert Groups (EG-ABI, EG-BAMM, EG-CPR and the SCAR-COMNAP JEGHBM) and four Action Groups (ANTOS, ISSA, Ocean Acidification and Remote Sensing). ANTOS and ISSA are cross disciplined with PS and GS. Ocean Acidification and Remoting Sensing are shared with PS.
Important Issues or Factors: It is proposed that EG-CPR transitions to a new Expert (or Task) Group, the SO-CPR Database Group, to focus on maintaining the highest methodological standards in CPR sampling and taxonomic methodology, and subsequently the QA/QC of the data entered into the SCAR Southern Ocean CPR Database (a SCAR Business Product). This will be achieved primarily through conducting standardisation and training workshops. The group is expected to be long term. Its continuance will be subject to review at the biennial SCAR Business Meeting. Similarly, AG-ANTOS is now ready to evolve to the Expert (or Task) Group level in order to further develop and implement the plans for the Antarctic Near-shore and Terrestrial Observing System. This group is expected to have an extended during of 4+ years subject to progress. Full proposals are included in the respective group reports attached. EG-BAMM has reached the nominal life span of an Expert Group. This is a highly productive and influential group, addressing numerous key issues of interest to SCAR, CCAMLR and other Antarctic organisations. They also obtain an external financial support to organize further workshops and hire a post-doctorate fellow. We recommend continuation of this group for the foreseeable future.
Recommendations/Actions and Justification: additions and updates to be made at the LS Meeting
We request the Delegates to approve:
- The continuation of the Birds and Marine Mammal group
- The transition of EG-CPR to the SO-CPR Database Group
- AG-ANTOS transitions to Expert (or Task) Group status
Budget Implications: Budget requests for 2017 and 2018 from existing groups are $36,500 (2017) and $18,000 (2018)