XXXIV SCAR Delegates Meeting
29 – 30 August 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SCAR XXXIV IP04: SCAR/IASC Think Tank Report
Information Paper: 4
Agenda Item: 6.2
Posted/Revised: 9 Jul 2016
Presentation: Agenda Item 6.2
Executive Summary:
Authors: J Baeseman and V Rachold
Important Issues or Factors: SCAR and IASC have a long history of strong collaboration. As the Memorandum of Understanding between SCAR and IASC will be renewed at the SCAR OSC in 2016, this year was an opportune time to revisit this agreement and further strengthen this collaboration. A 2-day brainstorming retreat was held in Potsdam, Germany the last week of February 2016 to discuss continuing and potential joint activities.
Recommendations/Actions and Justification:
A SCAR/IASC Polar Task Force should be established comprised of a few strategic thinkers and doers to prepare a suggestion of a small number of polar (both Arctic and Antarctic) overarching themes that would benefit from extended international research coordination. This will be chaired by Chuck Kennicutt and budgets from each organization should be allocated.
Chairs for the 2018 Conference were selected: Martin Schneebeli, Huigen Yang, Karin Lochte SCAR and IASC should work together on policy activities to maximize impact.
ISCU will set up a meeting between the ICSU, Future Earth, SCAR and IASC Executive Directors/Secretaries.
SCAR and IASC should look at further caring for the IPY legacy.
SCAR will establish a programme of Junior Officers such as IASC’s Fellows Programme. A Joint Polar Research fellowship and medal should be discussed to be part of the 2018 POLAR conference.
SCAR should consider a distributed secretariat similar to IASC supported by member countries.
The SCAR and IASC Secretariats should consider trying to share resources (i.e. calendar, conference abstract submission software, website technician).
Budget Implications:
IASC has set aside 10,000 Euro per year for the Polar Task Force. SCAR should do something similar. Funding should also be set aside from existing budgets for the SCAR Junior Officers Programme. Additional funds may be needed as these activities are developed.