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  3. XXXII SCAR Delegates 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA

Folder XXXII SCAR Delegates 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA

The XXXII SCAR Delegates’ Meeting took place between 23-25 July 2012 in Portland, Oregon, USA.

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 183 – 2012 September – Report of the XXXII SCAR Delegates’ Meeting, Portland, USA, 2012

Notes: Oral papers: WP27, WP33, WP36, IP23. There was no IP06 and IP20 moved to WP28b.

Folder SCAR/COMNAP Photographic Competition 2012  (14)

Our Antarctica – images from the Great White South

The competition, held in early 2012, resulted in submissions from 22 countries from both scientists and logisticians. An international jury selected 53 of them for exhibition and both Winners and Highly Commended for each category. The grant from COMNAP allowed them to be printed and framed for exhibition.

To see all the images together see the SCAR/COMNAP Photographic Competition 2012 gallery.

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XXXII SCAR Delegates Meeting
23-25 July 2012, Portland Oregon, USA

SCAR XXXII WP35: Budget for 2013

Working Paper 35
Agenda Item: 13.4
Posted/Revised: June 23
Person Responsible: Badhe

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