XXXII SCAR Delegates Meeting
23-25 July 2012, Portland Oregon, USA
SCAR XXXII WP14: Report of the SCAR Standing Scientific Group on Geosciences (SSG-GS)
Working Paper 14
Agenda Item: 5.2.3
Posted/Revised: July 21
Person Responsible: Capra
Executive Summary
Title: SCAR Standing Scientific Group on GeoSciences (SSG-GS), Report to the Delegates, XXXII SCAR, July 2012
Authors: A.Capra, P.O’Brien, M.Hambrey
Relevant URLs or references to other reports:
Bulletin 180
Bulletin 181
Introduction/ Background:
Highlights, Progress and Plans of SSG-GS, were outlined at the SCAR Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 18-19th July 2011, by Prof. A.Capra, Chief Officer for SSG-GS.
Information on SERCE PPG was even reported on SCAR Bulletin 181– SCAR Annual report 2011.
A very important event was the XI International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences held in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2011. The ISAES XI meeting in Edinburgh was attended by 502 delegates, of which 111 were students, demonstrating the vitality of Earth Sciences and the enthusiasm of early career scientists. A total of 563 abstracts were submitted (264 oral, 299 poster). There were 16 plenary talks by leading Antarctic geoscientists, with the remainder of the symposium delivered in 22 parallel sessions. In addition, there were 10 workshops related to ACE, Expert Groups and Action Groups, whilst APECS held an effective mentoring session.
The SSG GS welcomed the offer of Dr. NC Pant and Prof. Ravindra to host ISAES XII in Goa, India in July 2015 and unanimously accepted this proposal.
The GPS for Weather and Space Weather Forecasting (GWSWF) Action Group is discussing its Terms of Reference and will be jointly sponsored by GS and PS. GWSWF became an EG named GRAPE GNSS Research and Application for Polar Environment. SSG-PS interactions with SERCE/POLENET were explored.
There was a relevant discussion on Antarctica geo-heritage and the results are synthesized in a proposal of a new AG.
During CEP meeting in Hobart came out important issues even for GS. See the following report.
Two projects principally coming out from GS will be presented as SRP proposals: PAIS and SERCE.
We also present a report on GS product as Antarctic Seismic Data Library. Then AG and EG and even joint SSGs report are presented.
We also provide brief reports on Public Outreach and on Publications.
SSG *was informed* of the problems that Swedish Antarctic research are facing due to the Oden icebreaker not being permitted for use in the Southern Ocean. The delegates decide to express support to Swedish scientific community, based on acclamated scientific relevance of research results obtained through ODENs utilization. The CO and the Secretary will send a document to SCAR Excom.
Budget Implications: Estimated SCAR funding needed by SSG/GS for the next 2 years (in USD):
$ 20k in 2013 and $ 25k in 2014. (Pending approval of the finance committee)