XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
SCAR XXXI WP35b: Application for Part-time Secondment of Dr. Jennifer E. Lee to assist SC-ATS
Working Paper 35b
Agenda Item: 11.3
Person Responsible: Chown
Executive Summary
Title: Application for part-time secondment of Dr. Jennifer E. Lee to assist SC-ATS
Authors: Chief Officer, Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System
Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (link obsolete)
Introduction/ Background: The Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS) currently has a large workload and operates, as do all SCAR subsidiary bodies, on a volunteer basis. Like many SCAR subsidiary bodies it is also faced with the question of drawing in appropriate young scientists to ensure succession of members and continuity. In particular, a significant workshop on Antarctic Conservation for the 21st century is being proposed for 2011, that will require considerable support with the scientific programme and translating its outcome to policy. The proposal here is to involve a young scientist (Dr. Jennifer E. Lee, a UK citizen working in South Africa as a post-doctoral researcher with Prof. S.L. Chown) in these particular activities of SC-ATS on a part-time basis.
Important Issues or Factors: SC-ATS has an important role in ensuring that the Antarctic Treaty System continues to benefit from the advice provided by SCAR. Recently it had had several major successes in addressing important issues at the Treaty Meetings, including approach distances to wildlife, Southern Giant Petrel status, persistent organic pollutants, invasive alien species, bioprospecting, climate change and an assessment of the environmental domains system. The planned workshop on Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century is a culmination of much recent work and will provide science-based policy advice to the Treaty. Dr. Lee’s research capability is very much in the conservation area, and she has previously assisted both SCAR and South Africa with the drafting of papers for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative meetings.
Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Secondment of Dr. Jennifer E. Lee to SC-ATS to work with the Chief Officer to ensure the preparation of papers for SCAR and ATCM meetings for next two years and to help run the Conservation Workshop (Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century) planned for 2011.
Expected Benefits/Outcomes: More effective operation of the SC-ATS, and an increase in a young scientist’s understanding of, an interest in the science-policy interface.
Partners: The Centre for Invasion Biology in South Africa, at which both the CO of SC-ATS (S.L. Chown) and Dr. Lee are based, will provide basic facilities at no cost.
Budget Implications: US$ 5000 over a two-year period for travel for Dr. Lee to SCAR and ATCM meetings and to help with the running of the conservation workshop.