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Folder XXXI SCAR Delegates 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The XXXI SCAR Delegates’ Meeting took place between 9 – 11 August 2010 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 176 – 2010 November – Report of the XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010

Notes: No papers WP12, WP20, WP21. Papers WP32, WP36, IP17, IP21 and IP24 were oral. 

pdf SCAR XXXI WP34a: SCAR 2009 Financial Statement – Summary

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP34a: SCAR 2009 Financial Statement – Summary

Working Paper 34a
Agenda Item: 11.2
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Badhe

pdf SCAR XXXI WP34b: SCAR 2009 Financial Statement – Full

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP34b: SCAR 2009 Financial Statement – Full

Working Paper 34b
Agenda Item: 11.2
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Badhe

pdf SCAR XXXI WP35a: Revised SCAR Budget for 2010

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP35a: Revised SCAR Budget for 2010 

Working Paper 35a
Agenda Item: 11.3
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Badhe

pdf SCAR XXXI WP35b: Application for Secondment

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP35b: Application for Part-time Secondment of Dr. Jennifer E. Lee to assist SC-ATS

Working Paper 35b
Agenda Item: 11.3
Person Responsible: Chown

Executive Summary

Title: Application for part-time secondment of Dr. Jennifer E. Lee to assist SC-ATS

Authors: Chief Officer, Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (link obsolete)

Introduction/ Background: The Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS) currently has a large workload and operates, as do all SCAR subsidiary bodies, on a volunteer basis. Like many SCAR subsidiary bodies it is also faced with the question of drawing in appropriate young scientists to ensure succession of members and continuity. In particular, a significant workshop on Antarctic Conservation for the 21st century is being proposed for 2011, that will require considerable support with the scientific programme and translating its outcome to policy. The proposal here is to involve a young scientist (Dr. Jennifer E. Lee, a UK citizen working in South Africa as a post-doctoral researcher with Prof. S.L. Chown) in these particular activities of SC-ATS on a part-time basis.

Important Issues or Factors: SC-ATS has an important role in ensuring that the Antarctic Treaty System continues to benefit from the advice provided by SCAR. Recently it had had several major successes in addressing important issues at the Treaty Meetings, including approach distances to wildlife, Southern Giant Petrel status, persistent organic pollutants, invasive alien species, bioprospecting, climate change and an assessment of the environmental domains system. The planned workshop on Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century is a culmination of much recent work and will provide science-based policy advice to the Treaty. Dr. Lee’s research capability is very much in the conservation area, and she has previously assisted both SCAR and South Africa with the drafting of papers for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative meetings.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Secondment of Dr. Jennifer E. Lee to SC-ATS to work with the Chief Officer to ensure the preparation of papers for SCAR and ATCM meetings for next two years and to help run the Conservation Workshop (Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century) planned for 2011. 

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: More effective operation of the SC-ATS, and an increase in a young scientist’s understanding of, an interest in the science-policy interface.

Partners: The Centre for Invasion Biology in South Africa, at which both the CO of SC-ATS (S.L. Chown) and Dr. Lee are based, will provide basic facilities at no cost.

Budget Implications: US$ 5000 over a two-year period for travel for Dr. Lee to SCAR and ATCM meetings and to help with the running of the conservation workshop.

pdf SCAR XXXI WP37a: SCAR Budget for 2011

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP37a: SCAR Budget for 2011

Working Paper 37a
Agenda Item: 11.4
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Badhe

pdf SCAR XXXI WP37b: Application for 2011 Major Meeting Funds – ISAES

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP37b: Application for 2011 Major Meeting Funds – ISAES

Working Paper 37b
Agenda Item: 11.4
Posted/Revised: June 1
Person Responsible: Sparrow

Executive Summary

Title:  Application for 2011 major Meeting Funds – ISAES 2011 Meeting

Authors: Tom Bradwell, Martin Siegert, Alan Vaughan

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (obsolete link)

Introduction/ Background: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) convenes the International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) every 4 years. From 10-16th July 2011 the 11th Symposium will be held in Edinburgh, jointly organized by the University of Edinburgh, the British Geological Survey, and the British Antarctic Survey. Recent previous symposia have attracted between 300 and 450 delegates from 6 continents. This will be the first time ISAES has come to the UK since 1987 (Cambridge).

Important Issues or Factors: Organizing ISAES XI will require a significant financial outlay. Early conference planning has already been undertaken and an outline of costs has been drawn up. It is envisaged that the bulk of the organizational work will be done by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), headed by Dr Bradwell (BGS). A professional Conference Administrator will be appointed to the LOC to oversee Delegate Registration and the Legal details of the conference. This post is to be part time with limited overheads, to maximize efficiency and reduce costs. All other aspects of conference management, in the run up to the event, will be co-ordinated by the LOC. A Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) has already been convened and will meet only twice a year to minimize costs.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: We are requesting $10,000 from the major Meetings 2011 Funds to contribute to the organization, set-up and running costs of ISAES XI in Edinburgh.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: We fully envisage ISAES XI to impact on the world’s scientific stage. As with previous ISAES meetings, we expect ISAES 2011 in Edinburgh to significantly raise awareness of Antarctic science; promote greater collaboration; attract widespread media interest; and identify potential future funding avenues for key scientific research in Antarctica.  

Partners: Along with SCAR, ISAES XI will be a partnership between The University of Edinburgh (School of Geosciences) BGS and BAS. The School of Geosciences is currently headed by Prof Siegert, and both BGS (represented by Dr Bradwell) and BAS (represented by Dr Vaughan) are UK Research Centres funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC).

Budget Implications: We request $10,000 from the Major Meetings 2011 Funds.

pdf SCAR XXXI WP37c: Application for Workshop Funds to Develop Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century

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SCAR XXXI WP37c: Application for Workshop Funds to Develop Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century
XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP37c: Application for Workshop Funds to Develop Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century

Working Paper 37c
Agenda Item: 11.4
Person Responsible:

Executive Summary

Title: Application for funding for a workshop to commence development of the Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century Strategy

Authors: Chief Officer, Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: See Reports of the SCAR Observers to the Treaty and SCAR’s Working and Information Papers submitted to the Treaty Meetings over the past four years.

Introduction/ Background: The Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SC-ATS) and a variety of other observers and experts provide advice to the Committee for Environmental Protection on conservation and conservation science in the Antarctic region. The extent of the advice has increased recently, with papers from SCAR on approach distances, persistent organic pollutants, Southern Giant Petrel, invasive alien species, bioprospecting and the relationship between the Antarctic environmental domains and terrestrial biodiversity data.

Important Issues or Factors: Much of the advice provided by SCAR and others has been provided in a piecemeal fashion. Moreover, the only integrated document for conservation in the region is c. 20 years old, and much has changed since it was produced, making it wholly outdated. An urgent need exists for an integrated strategy for conservation and conservation-related research in the region.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Additional funding of US$ 10 000 towards the first workshop (South Africa, May/June 2011) to commence the development of a conservation and conservation science strategy entitled ‘Antarctic Conservation in the 21st Century’. Such a document will provide much needed advice to the Committee for Environmental Protection and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties, and will ensure that SCAR continues to provide the most current advice in this arena to the Treaty.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Integrated advice on conservation and conservation science priorities that draws on best practices from elsewhere and which continues to provide leadership in the science into policy arena in the Antarctic Treaty System.

Partners: The Centre for Invasion Biology in South Africa will coordinate the first workshop, which will also be supported (in principle agreement thus far) by New Zealand, South Africa, the Centre for Invasion Biology, SC-ATS funds, and a donation (US$ 20 000 received).

Budget Implications: US$ 10 000 in 2011.

pdf SCAR XXXI WP38: SCAR Budget for 2012

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP38: SCAR Budget for 2012

Working Paper 38
Agenda Item: 11.4
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Badhe

pdf SCAR XXXI WP39: Financial Strategy

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP39: Financial Strategy

Working Paper 39
Agenda Item: 11.5
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Badhe

Executive Summary

Title: Update to Financial Strategy

Authors: Mike Sparrow, Ad Huiskes, Renuka Badhe

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (updated link)

Introduction/ Background: SCAR faces a challenge in matching available funding to demand on resources while maintaining a healthy and vibrant organization. SCAR’s core funding comes from membership fees supplemented by grants and contracts from external sources. External funds can offset increases in membership fees but come with additional tasks that have a significant effect on Secretariat workload.  SCAR will form an advisory body (a Development Council) to identify fund-raising opportunities and develop a plan to engage the organization in these efforts. Yearly financial information is presented based on aspects of the mission and this information will be used to assess the consistency between allocations and organizational goals.

Important Issues or Factors: Inflation and the increased costs of doing business will require an increase in membership fees or a reduction in activities. The last increase in fees was agreed in 2004.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: An increase in fees of 20% (based on a cumulative 3% yearly increase) to take effect in 2012 is recommended.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Having a balanced and well thought out financial strategy is critical if SCAR is to continue to carry out its Mission to be the leading, independent, non-governmental facilitator, coordinator, and advocate of excellence in Antarctic science and research and to provide independent, sound, scientifically-based advice to the Antarctic Treaty System and other policy makers.

Partners: SCAR will partner with Foundations and other bodies in order to ensure efficient use of resources and to obtain external funds to supplement SCAR’s activities.

Budget Implications:  The Financial Strategy is core to SCAR’s budget.

pdf SCAR XXXI WP40: SCAR Guidelines for Accepting Donations

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP40: SCAR Guidelines for Accepting Donations

Working Paper 40
Agenda Item: 11.6
Posted/Revised: April 1
Person Responsible: Sparrow

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR guidelines for accepting donations

Authors: Mike Sparrow

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: None

Introduction/ Background:

The SCAR guidelines for accepting donations were developed by the Secretariat in response to Executive Committee Action 75 (Washington, DC, July 2007): The Secretariat to draft a paper on ethical guidelines with respect to accepting donations, for consideration by XXX SCAR. Revised after XXX Delegates meeting, this was approved by the Executive Committee Meeting in August 2009 for final approval by the Delegates.

Important Issues or Factors:

Having a series of guidelines for accepting donations as well as being important in their own right, will help reduce the risk of SCAR accepting a donation that could have a negative affect on SCAR’s reputation in the future.

Recognising that very few companies, foundations etc. can be considered 100% ethical (for instance many national programmes partner with oil companies) these limitations should be recognized and thus the guidelines as drafted are broad in their scope. Any potential donation should be considered by the Secretariat who will then discuss with EXCOM for final approval.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:

The Delegates are requested to approve the SCAR Guidelines for accepting donations.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:

Having ethical guidelines for accepting donations is important both to enhance and protect SCAR’s reputation.

pdf SCAR XXXI WP41: Bid to Host SCAR 2014 by New Zealand

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XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SCAR XXXI WP41: Bid to Host SCAR 2014 by New Zealand

Working Paper 41
Agenda Item: 12.3
Posted/Revised: June 1
Person Responsible: Sparrow

Executive Summary

Title: Bid to host SCAR 2014 by New Zealand

Authors: Bryan Storey et al.

Introduction/ Background: During SCAR XXXI several countries expressed an interest in hosting the SCAR Open Science Conference, Delegates’ Meeting and Business Meetings in 2014. This paper outlines the bid by New Zealand.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: SCAR Delegates need to decide where SCAR 2014 should be held.

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