XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
SCAR XXXI WP11: Report on the King George Island Action Group
Working Paper 11
Agenda Item: 5.6
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Marenssi
Executive Summary
Title: Report on the king George Island Action Group
Authors: Sergio Marenssi
Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (updated link)
Introduction/ Background:
King George (25 de Mayo, Rey Jorge or Waterloo) Island holds the highest density of research stations (nine) in a single place of the whole Antarctica. It provides to SCAR the best opportunity to strengthen the individual scientific capacity by means of a holistic international collaboration programme. Ideally it would include the shared use of research facilities and equipment, standardized measurements and observations, interchange of data and of course the development of multinational research projects on the island and surrounding areas.
The King George Island Action Group (KGI-AG) was formally established during the XXX SCAR Delegates Meeting in Moscow after a previous informal meeting held in Saint Petersburg in the previous week.
The approved TOR´s are on the SCAR webpage (obsolete link).
The SCAR President prepared a document about King George Island science during the 2009 COMNAP Meeting in Punta Arenas. At the same venue S. Marenssi and COMNAP Vice-President Christo Pimpirev chaired an open discussion session with a good number of attendees among COMNAP representatives.
During the end of 2009 austral summer the SCAR President visited several stations at KGI and discussed this initiative with the scientists.
There were no progress in core TOR´s numbers iv, vi and vii during the present inter-sessional period.
Important Issues or Factors: The level of involvement in this group, based on the responses received from its members, was low. It may have been a lack of time of the CO for the group to push this initiative forward and/or a lack of real interest in the actions proposed for this AG.
It is necessary to explore the interest of SCAR members in this group, its actions and aims.
Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Delegates should consider whether to maintain this AG, reinforcing its mandate and encouraging broad participation or to disband the AG. Delegates may review the list of members and propose changes as needed. Delegates should encourage all members interested in KGI science to provide input on the approved TORs and to activate the cooperation with COMNAP regarding this issue.
Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Scientific programmes in the region would contribute more effectively to SCAR scientific initiatives. National members will benefit by reducing operational costs, at same time their research projects would benefit by means of increased international collaboration.
Partners: This is a truly cross-linkage group within SCAR. The group may also benefit by including representatives from COMNAP.
Budget Implications: There are not funds requested. At this stage all work can be done by e-mail and meetings being scheduled during biennial SCAR meetings.