XXXI SCAR Delegates Meeting
9-11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
SCAR XXXI IP08: Progress with the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008
Information Paper 8
Agenda Item: 7.1
Posted/Revised: March 31
Person Responsible: Summerhayes
Executive Summary
Title: Progress with the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008
Authors: Colin Summerhayes, Mike Sparrow
Relevant URLs or references to other reports: The development and implementation of SOOS is discussed in WP9; the DIMS is discussed in IP4c
Introduction/ Background: SCAR has made a highly significant contribution to the IPY, not simply by virtue of many of its ongoing science programmes being regarded as core IPY projects or as essential elements of other IPY projects, but also by developing observing systems, by creating a data management strategy, by assisting capacity building, education and training to develop the next generation of polar scientists, and by helping to manage the IPY process through ex officio membership of the IPY Steering Committee. In addition, SCAR was awarded an ICSU grant of 30,000 Euros in partnership with APECS and IASC to coordinate an initial assessment of the outcomes of International Polar Year (IPY) Education and Outreach. SCAR has also organised the first IPY Conference (2008) and is co-organising the 2nd and 3rd IPY conferences (2010 and 2012), and is making a significant contribution to the 700-page summary book “Understanding Earth’s Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008.”
Important Issues or Factors: The IPY officially ended on 1 March 2009, but the Steering Committee continues to summer 2010, and the final IPY conference is in 2012. Dialogue is needed with WCRP regarding the implementation of CryOS. Dissolving PAnTOS as recommended by EXCOM should be discussed by the SCAR Delegates.
Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Delegates are asked to note and endorse progress, and to endorse continuing involvement, to the extent possible, in implementing key aspects of the IPY legacy (noting the implications of the joint SCAR/IASC EXCOM meeting) – especially (i) development and implementation of the observing systems CryOS and SOOS and other such Pan-Antarctic observing systems that may be developed through the activities of the SSGs, (ii) implementation of the SCAR data strategy (IP4c), (iii) continued support of APECS (WP31) and (iv) continued involvement in planning the 3rd IPY Conference.
Expected Benefits/Outcomes: A comprehensive, systematic and integrated approach to cryospheric and oceanic observations, allied with effective data management and exchange, is essential to underpin climate and environmental change forecasts. Continued education and outreach will help to maintain interest and engagement in Antarctic research.
Partners: This will involve partnership with IASC (see WP 22), APECS, and continued links to ICSU and WMO and the IPY conference organizers.
Budget Implications: Funds will be required to enable participation of the Secretariat in meetings of the IPY conference planning committee for 2012, though video/phone conferencing will be used as much as possible.