XXX SCAR Delegates Meeting
14-16 July 2008, Moscow, Russia
SCAR XXX WP30i: Update on the SCAR Strategy for Capacity Building and Education
Working Paper 30i
Agenda Item: 9.6.2
Posted/Revised: May 1
Person Responsible: Mike Sparrow
Update on the SCAR Strategy for Capacity Building and Education (SCAR Report 27, November 2006)
SCAR is committed to helping scientists in all of its Member countries to participate in understanding scientifically the physical, biological, chemical and geological processes at work in the Antarctic region, to use that understanding to predict change both there and elsewhere in the world, and to provide objective and independent advice to policy makers, especially the Antarctic Treaty System. To achieve that goal requires that efforts be made to raise national scientific capacities, especially in countries with less well developed Antarctic programmes. SCAR is also committed to promoting the incorporation of Antarctic science in education at all levels.
This paper updates the delegates on progress since the SCAR Strategy for Capacity Building and Education plan was published in November 2006 and suggests future opportunities. It also calls for delegates to offer advice and resources in order to fulfil the strategy.