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  3. XXVII SCAR Delegates 2002, Shanghai, China

Folder XXVII SCAR Delegates 2002, Shanghai, China

The XXVII SCAR Delegates’ Meeting took place between 22-26 July 2002 in Shanghai, China.

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 149 – 2003 April – Report of the XXVII Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 2002


pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 1: Agenda

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SCAR XXVII Paper 1: Agenda

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002

pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 2: Annotated Agenda

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SCAR XXVII Paper 2: Annotated Agenda

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002
Annotated Agenda

pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 3: Election Proceduress

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SCAR XXVII Paper 3: Election Proceduress

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002
Agenda Item 3

Election Procedures from the SCAR Rules of Procedure

pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 4: Recommendations from XXVI SCAR

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SCAR XXVII Paper 4: Recommendations from XXVI SCAR

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002
Agenda Item 4.6

Recommendations from XXVI SCAR:

  1. Concerning biological prospecting
  2. Concerning Antarctic Place-names
  3. Concerning bathymetric data
  4. Concerning meteorological data from Automatic Geophysical Observatories (AGOs)
  5. Concerning the International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB)
  6. Concerning rationalization of scientific activities on King George Island
  7. Concerning management plans for the Dry Valleys
  8. Concerning metadata records
  9. Concerning management plans for protected areas
  10. Concerning the commercial exploitation of Antarctic meteorites
  11. Concerning Geodetic and Geographic Information
  12. Concerning airborne gravity data for geoid computation
  13. Concerning climate and palaeoenvironmental past records
  14. Concerning the importance of magnetometer data
  15. Concerning continued support of existing observatories
  16. Concerning site testing for astronomical observation
  17. Concerning specially protected species


pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 5: Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project

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SCAR XXVII Paper 5: Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002
Agenda Item 5.2

SCAR co-sponsorship of Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project – Report of a meeting held in London, UK, 7 March 2002

WCRP CliC Science and Co-ordination Plan, 2 May 2000

pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 6: Implementation of the SCAR Review

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SCAR XXVII Paper 6: Implementation of the SCAR Review

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002
Agenda Item 6.1

Implementation of the SCAR Review

pdf SCAR XXVII Paper 7: Reports of SCAR Observers to XII and XIV ATCMs

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SCAR XXVII Paper 7: Reports of SCAR Observers to XII and XIV ATCMs

Twenty-seventh Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 22-26 July 2002
Agenda Item 7.2.1

Report by the SCAR Observers on XII Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 11 – 15 September 2000

Report by the SCAR Observers on XXIV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 9 – 20 July 2001

List of Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted XXIV ATCM

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