SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
31 July – 2 August, Brno, Czech Republic
SCAR EXCOM 2017 Paper 6: Report of Geosciences Group Activities and Plans
SSG Geosciences, 2016-2017 Report
Agenda Item: 2.1
Person Responsible: J. Galindo-Zaldivar
Report Author(s): Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar (Chief Officer), Naresh C. Pant (Deputy Chief Officer), Marcelo Leppe (Secretary). Contributions of Chief Officers of Expert Groups and Action Groups.
Summary of activities from 2016-17 and any other important issues or factors:
SSG-Geosciences include 6 expert and 4 action groups, two of them cross- disciplinary. These groups are active, have regular meetings (e.g. OSC, AGU, URSI GASS, IAGA) and promote new meetings (e.g. Ist International Antpas Workshop, Varese). Their activities include the production of maps (Bathymetry and Geological Setting of the Drake Passage; Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map 2, in latest stages of preparation; International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean V2.0., initiated; Geological maps compilation and integration). Moreover, groups aim to identify long term datasets, continuing the database development, and developing technical manuals and field researches (like GNSS measurements, geophysical and geological observations). Publications of results are envisaged in high-profile international geoscientific journals and special volumes. It is also remarkable the preparation of information papers (e.g. conservation strategies for Antarctic geological and geomorphological features, including fossils, with the aims that SCAR will delivery advice on this matter to CEP, ATS).