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Folder SCAR EXCOM 2015, Tromsø, Norway

The SCAR Executive Committee Meeting of 2015 took place from 26-28 August in Tromsø, Norway

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 194 – 2015 December – Report of the SCAR Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting in Tromsø, Norway, 2015


pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP22: Update on Partnership Agreements and MoUs

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP22: Update on Partnership Agreements and MoUs
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP22: Update on Partnership Agreements and MoUs

Working Paper: 22
Agenda Item: 4.2
Posted/Revised: 21 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: J. Baeseman 

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR Partnerships, agreements and MoUs

Authors: J Baeseman and E Griffin

Introduction/Background: In pursuit of its Vision and Mission, SCAR often forms partnerships as an efficient means to achieve its goals and objectives. SCAR’s partners include other ICSU bodies, entities of the Antarctic Treaty System, organizations with a polar focus, and organizations with a polar interest. The types of partnerships vary considerably since each is tailored to best accomplish the shared objectives. In some instances, formal co-sponsorship of an activity is warranted entailing shared responsibility for programme management and resourcing. SCAR is always open to, and looking for ways, to strengthen existing partnerships and establish new ones.

This paper summarizes recent developments with regards to SCAR partnerships and provides recommendations for ExCom consideration.

Important Issues or Factors: Over the past few years, increased interest in the polar regions has lead to increased activity by international organizations. SCAR partnerships are critical to keeping SCAR’s position as the leading science organization for Antarctica strong. SCAR has formal agreements with the following groups: APECS, IASC, IACS, IPA, EPB, and others – the agreement with IASC is up in 2016 as well as the agreement with multiple cryosphere organizations. In addition, leadership has changed in many of these organizations, including SCAR and a knowledge gap has been created and needs to be closed quickly. MoUs and other agreements can now be viewed on the SCAR website.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Various co-sponsored activities could benefit from additional SCAR engagement. A review of external relationships may be warranted given many changes in the Global Change landscape and leadership. The MoU with IASC should be renewed and the Cryosphere Organizations MoU reviewed.


Budget Implications: Co-sponsorship does involve some budgetary commitments. This is $2000 for CliC (as previous) and $3000 for other co-sponsorships such as CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Implementation Panel, IPICS and ICED. The SOOS SSC is also jointly co-sponsored with SCOR to the sum of $8,000 (all 2015 figures). SCAR often supports APECS activities through its CBET budget line.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP23: Report from SCATS (Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System)

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP23: Report from SCATS (Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System)
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP23: Report from SCATS (Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System)

Working Paper: 23
Agenda Item: 5.1
Posted/Revised: 12 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: A. Terauds 

Executive Summary

Title: Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System – Annual Report to ExCom

Author: Aleks Terauds

Introduction/ Background: The Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SCATS) is the body tasked with developing SCAR’s scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) and its Committee on Environmental Protection (CEP), the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS), and the Advisory Committee to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP). 

Important Issues or Factors:

  • SCAR President Jeronimo Lopez-Martinez and SCATS CO Aleks Terauds represented SCAR at the workshop “Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity: 2011-2020: The Monaco Assessment”. The meeting was supported through funding from the Monaco Government, Monash University and SCAR (through the SCATS budget). 
  • SCATS continued to play a key role in the Antarctic Environments Portal, particularly through the editorial process, with the CO Aleks Terauds appointed to the Editorial Board.
  • SCATS members Jeronimo Lopez-Martinez, Aleks Terauds and Steven Chown, together with SCAR Lecturer Richard Bellerby represented SCAR at the ATCM XXXVIII – CEP XVIII in Sofia Bulgaria. SCAR was an active participant in the meeting and came away with a number of agreements and commitments (See also WPxx for a full report of the meeting)
  • Informal discussion between SCATS (Aleks Terauds) and CCAMLR (Keith Reid) were initiated in the margins of the ATCM in Sofia. These discussions will continue to generate ideas and strategies for improving the information flow between SCAR and CCAMLR.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:  SCATS continues to be a dynamic and productive Standing Committee and we recommend that ExCom note and approve of the actions to date and support future initiatives.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:  SCATS will co-ordinate the responses required following the ATCM/CEP in Sofia and continue to develop and provide advice on behalf of SCAR in preparation for next CEP/ATCM meeting in Chile. SCATS will continue to provide editorial support and engage with the Antarctic Environments Portal.

Partners: SCATS has a strong track record of engagement with groups both within and external to SCAR and this engagement will be developed and increased over the next 18 months, with a particular focus on improving information flow between SCAR and CCAMLR.

Budget Implications: US$20 000 per year funding for SCATS (+ support for ATCM/CEP travel)

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP24: Report of the SCAR Delegation to XXXVIII ATCM and XVIII CEP

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP24: Report of the SCAR Delegation to XXXVIII ATCM and XVIII CEP
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP24: Report of the SCAR Delegation to XXXVIII ATCM and XVIII CEP

Working Paper: 24
Agenda Item: 5.1
Posted/Revised: 12 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: A. Terauds, J. López Martínez 

Executive Summary

Authors: A. Terauds, J. López-Martínez, 

Introduction/ Background:
SCAR provides objective and independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings and other organizations on issues affecting the conservation and management of Antarctica.

Important Issues or Factors:
SCAR submitted two Working Paper (WPs), six Information Papers (IPs) and three Background Papers (BPs) to CEP XVIII, some of which were also presented to the ATCM. Two of these papers were submitted jointly with Treaty Parties. The SCAR Lecture, given by Richard Bellerby was on “Southern Ocean Acidification”. Leading up to the ATCM, SCAR also provided input to intersessional groups such as the contact group on climate change. SCAR scientists also provided feedback into the drafting of guidelines for activities in terrestrial geothermal areas. SCAR maintained a substantial involvement in the Antarctic Environments Portal, through editorial oversight and assistance with content development.

Agreements and Commitments:
The following agreements were made (either during the meeting itself or in associated discussions):

  • SCAR will continue to play an active role in supporting the Environments Portal project, in particular through the provision of editorial and review services (coordinated through SCATS) and the development of content.
  • SCAR agreed to contribute to the 25th Anniversary of the Protocol symposium (to be held in conjunction with CEP XIX 2016) and provide input into the publication that is also planned as part of the 25th
  • SCAR expressed interest in attending the joint CEP/SC-CAMLR workshop (2016) on climate change and monitoring.
  • SCAR will report back to CEP XX (2017) on advances in research on the impacts of UAVs on wildlife.
  • SCAR will review the draft code of conduct for activities in geothermal areas and submit a final version to CEP XIX (2016) for consideration.
  • The SCAR Action Group of Geological Heritage and Geoconservation will consider matters relating to the scientific understanding of fossils as part of the groups broader work and SCAR will provide advice to CEP XXI (2018).
  • SCAR has agreed to assist in the revision of the CEP Non-native Species Manual
  • The ATCM (2016) decided to invite SCAR to give a lecture on scientific issues relevant to ATCM XXXIX

Budget Implications:
$20k per year for SCATS. Funds are also budgeted so the SCAR Delegation can attend the Antarctic Treaty Meetings.


pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP25: Arctic Linkages and ICARP III

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP25: Arctic Linkages and ICARP III
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP25: Arctic Linkages and ICARP III

Working Paper: 25
Agenda Item: 4.1
Posted/Revised: 24 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: J. Baeseman 

Executive Summary

Title: Arctic Linkages and ICARP III

Authors: Jenny Baeseman

Introduction/Background: SCAR has a long history of working closely with its Arctic counterpart, IASC. This paper outlines a few upcoming issues that are important to work closely with IASC on.

Important Issues or Factors: The last full joint SCAR and IASC ExCom meeting was in 2013. Since then SCAR conducted the Horizon Scan and IASC went through the 3rd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: With the completion of the forward looking plans for both Poles nearly finished, Polar 2018 conference approaching, and many other issues, a brainstorming retreat together with a full joint ExCom meeting would be beneficial.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Bi-Polar issues of international importance will be better coordinated.

Partners: IASC, potentially COMNAP and FARO

Budget Implications: Funds for a joint ExCom meeting and perhaps a workshop would be needed.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP26: The CBET Committee and Future Plans

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP26: The CBET Committee and Future Plans
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP26: The CBET Committee and Future Plans

Working Paper: 26
Agenda Item: 6.5
Posted/Revised: 24 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: E. Griffin

Executive Summary

Title: The CBET Committee and Future Plans

Authors: E Griffin, K Lochte

Introduction/ Background: SCAR is committed to developing scientific capacity among all the SCAR member countries, assisting students, early career scientists, underrepresented groups and emerging programs to participate in Antarctic research. SCAR promotes and facilitates the incorporation of Antarctic science into all levels of education.

Important Issues or Factors: The CBET committee reconstituted from time to time has been actively working on mandated activities. Its main activities are managing SCAR fellowship program, Visiting Professor scheme, supporting APECS.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: Continued support of both SCAR and CBET activities be encouraged by all SCAR members to achieve the objectives.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Increased Capacity in SCAR Member countries, developing Antarctic Programs and early career scientists and students.

Partners: Association of Early Career Scientists, International Arctic Science Committee, International Polar Foundation, ICSU, COMNAP, CCAMLR, Muse Prize and others.

Budget Implications: Fellowships initial allocation $30,700 for 2015
SCAR Visiting Professor Scheme initial allocation $5,000 for 2015
CBET general and Early careers scientist support $3,000 and Secondment $1,000 in 2015

SCAR has been successful in obtaining external grants to support CBET activities, e.g. ICSU grants, management of the Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica from the Tinker Foundation.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP27: SCAR Communication Activities

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP27: SCAR Communication Activities
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP27: SCAR Communication Activities

Working Paper: 27
Agenda Item: 7.1
Posted/Revised: 21 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: J. Baeseman

Executive Summary

Title:   SCAR Communication Activities

Authors:  R Nash, J Baeseman, E Griffin

Introduction/ Background:
SCAR increases the visibility of the organization and its activities through communication. SCAR develops cooperation with partners; mobilizes resources; effectively links the Secretariat staff with SCAR’s Executive Committee, scientific activities, and other organizations; ensures that all SCAR members are aware of opportunities to participate in SCAR; and establishes SCAR as the preferred source of scientific information for policy makers, scientists and journalists looking for information with respect to scientific issues in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean region.

Important Issues or Factors:
The new SCAR website is now live. This has been a major undertaking and the Secretariat will continue to expand the website over the coming months. Several issues have arisen because of the company contracted to create it; these will need to be addressed soon. Several groups have requested SCAR to get an online meeting system that can be used to facilitate communication.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: 
Increased visibility for SCAR, and dissemination of information in a range of matters, in order to create maximum impact. A well-functioning and structured website makes it much more likely that SCAR will be the main ‘go-to’ for Antarctic information. An online meeting tool will greatly improve group communication between in-person meetings.

National Antarctic Organisations’ PR groups, other international organisations such as COMNAP, IASC, Science Media Center, etc.

Budget Implications:
A standard publication budget of $2000 (2015); SCAR observer at UNFCCC has a $2000 allocation (2015); online meeting tool (~$1000/year); security fixes for website (~$250); additional requests are made as required.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP28a: Full Financial Statement for 2014

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP28a: Full Financial Statement for 2014
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP28a: Full Financial Statement for 2014

Working Paper: 28a
Agenda Item: 9.1
Posted/Revised: 17 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: B. Storey

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP28b: Summary Financial Statement for 2014

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP28b: Summary Financial Statement for 2014
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP28b: Summary Financial Statement for 2014

Working Paper: 28b
Agenda Item: 9.1
Posted/Revised: 24 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: B. Storey

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP29: Revised Budget for 2015

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP29: Revised Budget for 2015
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP29: Revised Budget for 2015

Working Paper: 29
Agenda Item: 9.2
Posted/Revised: 26 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: B. Storey

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP30: Revised Budget for 2016

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP30: Revised Budget for 2016
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP30: Revised Budget for 2016

Working Paper: 30
Agenda Item: 9.2
Posted/Revised: 18 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: B. Storey

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP31: Draft Budget for 2017

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP31: Draft Budget for 2017
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP31: Draft Budget for 2017

Working Paper: 31
Agenda Item: 9.3
Posted/Revised: 18 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: B. Storey

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP32: Finance Update

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP32: Finance Update
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP32: Finance Update

Working Paper: 32
Agenda Item: 11.2
Posted/Revised: 18 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: B. Storey

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR Finance – update

Authors: B Storey, J Baeseman, E Griffin

Introduction/ Background: This paper briefly summarises aspects of the SCAR finances of most relevance to SCAR EXCOM.

Important Issues or Factors: The percentage of funds spent on Science has increased significantly since 2010 (from an average of 33% to 40%), Science Advice has remained level as has spending on Capacity Building. Salaries and associated costs are a large part of our annual expenditure (34% to 30%).

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: SCAR EXCOM to note financial statements and future budgets and comment/ make suggestions as appropriate.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:


Budget Implications:

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP33: Membership

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP33: Membership
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP33: Membership

Working Paper: 33
Agenda Item: 11.3
Posted/Revised: 19 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: J. Baeseman

Executive Summary

Title: Membership

Authors: J Baeseman, R Nash

Introduction/ Background: The membership of SCAR currently comprises 39 National Members (Czech Republic, Iran, and Monaco being the most recent to join) and 9 Union Members*. Increasing the membership of SCAR has obvious advantages, both by engaging more countries in Antarctic Science and SCAR as well as increasing SCAR revenue.

Important Issues or Factors:
With regards to potential new members there have been conversations with or expressions of interest from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Austria and Colombia. Communication needs to be re-established with these groups. New countries should also be explored for potential membership.

In regards to current membership, associate members should be encouraged to become full members, and full members levels should be reassessed.

The current status of membership dues will be discussed in Agenda item 11.2 – Finance Strategy Update.

Countries are asked to submit annual reports on activities, but less than 1/3 submitted reports in 2014 and only 3 thus far in 2015. This topic should be revisited, perhaps in a larger inquiry about member satisfaction in terms of communication and reporting.

Budget Implications: New members would increase the resources available to SCAR.


*International Astronomical Union (IAU), International Geographical Union (IGU), International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS), Union Radio Scientifique International (URSI)


pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP34: Secretariat Report

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP34: Secretariat Report
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP34: Secretariat Report

Working Paper: 34
Agenda Item: 11.4
Posted/Revised: 21 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: J. Baeseman

Executive Summary

Title: Secretariat Report

Authors: E Griffin, R Nash, J Baeseman

Introduction/ Background: The permanent Secretariat of SCAR consists of Dr Jenny Baeseman (SCAR Executive Director, appointed July 2015), Dr Eoghan Griffin (SCAR Executive Officer, appointed December 2014) and Mrs Rosemary Nash (SCAR Admin Assistant – 60% time, appointed in October 2007).

Important Issues or Factors: Since the 2014 Delegates meeting new appointments have been made to both the Executive Officer and Executive Director roles. EO Dr Griffin had previously held a Project Officer position at the Secretariat since 2011 and managed the day-to-day finances for the previous 18 months, which aided the handover process. ED Dr Baeseman had close ties to SCAR in her previous roles and wide experience with the Antarctic Science community generally and SCAR’s role in it in particular. She was only to work part-time since 1 July, but this has increased to 75% due to the workload of the ExCom meeting. It should be noted that during the transition time, the secretariat will be under a higher workload than normal.

Both the EO and AA have had extended periods where the extra workload has impacted the ability to deliver the day-to-day output expected in a timely and efficient manner. Both have also had to take on additional responsibility and this should be reflected in their annual reviews.

The Secretariat workload was also increased by activities relating to the Structure Review process including hosting the meeting in Cambridge in April 2015 and the recruitment processes for both the new ED and EO.

A significant fraction of the AA’s time was again spent on the new SCAR website, which continues to be a major task as the Secretariat seeks to increase its impact and effectiveness.

Budget implications: All positions are approaching the highest level of the pay scale according to their ranking within the University of Cambridge system. Discussions on how to address this situation need to begin immediately.

Resolving the issues regarding the visa and payment provision for the ED will impact the Secretariat salary budget line.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP35: Update on the SCAR Development Council

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP35: Update on the SCAR Development Council
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP35: Update on the SCAR Development Council

Working Paper: 35
Agenda Item: 7.2
Posted/Revised: 21 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: P. Convey

Executive Summary

Title: Update on SCAR Development Council

Authors: Pete Convey and Jenny Baeseman

Introduction/Background: The SCAR Strategic Plan 2011-2016 called for the formation of a committee to identify sources of external funds and develop a strategy to diversify SCAR’s financial resources beyond membership fees. The council also acts as an ‘umbrella’ for SCAR funding proposals.

Important Issues or Factors: The Committee has not been very active over the past year, but does have a plan to try to encourage engagement by existing SCAR programmes and groups in the search for resources to enhance SCAR’s activities. The Delegates are largely an untapped resource in terms of engaging with national and possibly other funding opportunities that would expand SCAR programmes, particularly the Visiting Professorship and Fellowship Schemes.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: To begin this engagement, the chair of the committee has drafted two letters and asks the ExCom to consider their utility and content and provide comments and revisions.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Ideas generated from these letters could help to identify additional funding sources for SCAR – thus providing opportunities to increase our activities.

Partners: Delegates and other National Committee reps

Budget Implications: Letters can be sent electronically, so no budget implications are foreseen. If letters are sent by post, some cost would be incurred, but usurped into normal office costs for SCAR. It is advised that funding be allotted, as in the past, for an in-person meeting of the DC to help facilitate activity.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP36: Action Group on Geological Heritage and Geo-conservation

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SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP36: Action Group on Geological Heritage and Geo-conservation
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
26 – 28 August 2015, Tromsø, Norway

SCAR EXCOM 2015 WP36: Action Group on Geological Heritage and Geo-conservation

Working Paper: 36
Agenda Item: 2.1.3
Posted/Revised: 18 Aug 2015
Person Responsible: J. Galindo

Executive Summary

In order to approve the Action Group on Geological Heritage and Geo-conservation, the SSG- Geosciences was requested by the SCAR Delegates to fulfil all the requirements on Terms of Reference, Chair persons and membership. After internal discussion of the proponents, these issues have been solved and we present now this group to be finally approved by the SCAR ExCom.

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