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Folder SCAR EXCOM 2013, Barcelona, Spain

The SCAR Executive Committee Meeting of 2013 took place from 22-23 July in Barcelona, Spain.

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 187 – 2013 August – Report of the SCAR Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, 2013


pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP22: SCAR MoUs and Other Agreements

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP22: SCAR MoUs and Other Agreements
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP22: SCAR MoUs and Other Agreements

Working Paper 22
Agenda Item: 4.3
Deadline: 22 May 2013
Person Responsible: Mike S.

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR MoUs and other agreements

Authors: M Sparrow

Introduction/ Background:  Partnerships with organizations with complementary skills, technologies and interests bring added value to SCAR’s activities. SCAR partners with ICSU bodies, advisory bodies to the Antarctic Treaty System, organizations with a polar mission, and global programmes with polar interests. Partnerships support SCAR’s goals to provide authoritative scientific advice to policy makers, expand its advisory sphere of influence on global issues, develop the capacity of students and early career scientists, and encourage cooperation with Arctic counterparts.

The SCAR and IASC EXCOMs also agreed to explore the possibility of entering into new agreements with the European Polar Board (EPB) and the Asian Forum for Polar Sciences (AFOPS). Such agreements should be of mutual benefit to all organizations.

Important Issues or Factors:  SCAR has several Letters of Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding with organisations to support key partnerships (

  • Letter of Agreement between SCAR, IASC (International Arctic Science Committee) and IACS (International Association of Cryospheric Sciences), signed 16 April 2013.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists), IASC (International Arctic Science Committee) and SCAR, signed 16 April 2013.
  • Memorandum of Agreement between CliC (WCRP Climate and Cryosphere Project), IASC (International Arctic Science Committee) and SCAR, signed 16 April 2013.
  • Letter of Agreement between SCAR and IASC (International Arctic Science Committee), signed September 2011.
  • Cryosphere Memorandum of Understanding, signed 2011.

The agreements with APECS, IACS and CliC were all renewed during the IASC Council meeting in Krakow and signed on behalf of SCAR by the SCAR President. It was noted that the usefulness of these agreements should be monitored and that the SCAR and IASC Secretariats should maintain a list of the major achievements and joint activities for each of the partnerships. This list would be used to assess the benefit of the agreements prior to any future renewal.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:  

The following Actions agreed by the joint SCAR/IASC EXCOM meeting held in Krakow are relevant to this theme:

IASC and SCAR Secretariats to maintain a list of major outcomes of partnerships (Sparrow and Rachold; ongoing) 

IASC and SCAR Secretariats to explore the benefits and possibilities of entering into new agreements with organizations such as the European Polar Board (EPB) and the Asian Forum for Polar Sciences (AFOPS) (Rachold and Sparrow, with Lochte (for EPB) and Yang (for AFoPS); before end 2013)

Partners: IASC, APECS, IACS, CliC,  IGS and others

Budget Implications: N/A

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP23: Report from SC-ATS (SCAR Delegation to CEP XVI and XXXVI ATCM in Brussels, Belgium 20-29th May 2013)

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP23: Report from SC-ATS (SCAR Delegation to CEP XVI and XXXVI ATCM in Brussels, Belgium 20-29th May 2013)
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP23: Report from SC-ATS (SCAR Delegation to CEP XVI and XXXVI ATCM in Brussels, Belgium 20-29th May 2013)

Working Paper 23
Agenda Item: 5.1
Deadline: 22 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Steven C., Mike S.

Executive Summary

Title: Report of the SCAR Delegation to CEP XVI and XXXVI ATCM in Brussels, Belgium 20-29th May 2013

Authors: S L Chown, M Sparrow, J Lopez-Martinez

Introduction/ Background: SCAR provides objective and independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings and other organizations on issues affecting the conservation and management of Antarctica.

Important Issues or Factors: SCAR provided five Working Papers (WPs), six Information Papers (IPs) and three Background Papers (BP). Many were submitted jointly with other Parties, Observers and Experts. The SCAR Lecture, given by Prof Chuck Kennicutt and jointly authored with Prof Jemma Wadham, was entitled ‘Probing the Limits of Technology: Exploration of Subglacial Aquatic Environments’. The Treaty agreed on the first draft of a multi-year strategic plan. Along with the successful CEP five-year plan these documents will be useful to SCAR when it comes to its own priority setting for advice to the ATCM.


The following agreements were made:

  • SCAR will continue to work with New Zealand and Australia in producing a pilot version of the Antarctic Environments Portal.
  • SCAR will work with Parties in the Intersessional Contact Group (ICG) on climate change
  • SCAR, through its new Action Group on Remote Sensing, to work with the UK and others on remote sensing techniques for gathering information on emperor penguin population variability
  • SCAR to contribute to an informal working group to discuss the outcomes of the German paper WP 19, Report on the Research Project “The Impact of Human Activities on Soil Organisms of the Maritime Antarctic and the Introduction of Non-Native Species in Antarctica”
  • SCAR, through its Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information, to work with France intersessionaly on common geo-referencing of toponymic data.

Budget Implications: $20k per year for SC-ATS. Funds are also budgeted so the SCAR Delegation can attend the Antarctic Treaty Meetings. 

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP24: Interactions with CCAMLR

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP24: Interactions with CCAMLR
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP24: Interactions with CCAMLR

Working Paper 24
Agenda Item: 5.3
Deadline: 22 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Renuka B., Mike S.

Executive Summary

Title: Interactions with CCAMLR, meeting of joint action group, May 2013.

Authors: Renuka Badhe, Michael Sparrow

Introduction/ Background: Partnerships between organizations with complementary aims and interests should bring added value to all organisations involved. SCAR and CCAMLR have a history of cooperation, though the relationship has perhaps lacked a strategic vision in terms of ensuring both partners benefit from the partnership and work together as effectively as possible. Therefore, SCAR and CCAMLR held a 1-day meeting to develop a more strategic approach to their relationship.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:  

  • CCAMLR and SCAR to discuss further regarding meetings where either community can effectively contribute as invited experts and vice versa, e.g. the possibility of engaging SCAR in CCAMLR Scientific Committee working groups as invited experts (SC-CAMLR Chair to raise this issue it WG-EMM in 2013), , SCAR to send information to CCAMLR Secretariat regarding Acoustics group, and Vents group to CCAMLR (K Reid, M Sparrow; ASAP).
  • SCAR to continue to send CCAMLR information about the Horizon Scan, and CCAMLR to engage members with the Horizon Scan- both on the questions (solicitation open now), as well as nomination of experts, when online nominations open. (K Reid, R Badhe; ongoing)
  • SCAR and CCAMLR to share lists of papers to be presented at the CEP, and consider a joint IP about SCAR-CCAMLR interactions to the next CEP (K Reid, M Sparrow; end of 2013).
  • Hold a meeting during the SCAR Biology symposium to discuss possible joint initiatives with the SCAR life science groups, and to build an action plan for possible future interactions and projects (K Reid, M Sparrow, R Badhe; ASAP)
  • Ways of highlighting winners of SCAR COMNAP CCAMLR fellowships/scholarship to be discussed between SCAR-CCAMLR-COMNAP. Possible solutions include webpage profiling past winners, highlighting them in SCAR Conferences, etc. (R Badhe, K Reid, M Rogan-Finnemore; end of year)
  • Possible availability of empty berths on CCAMLR member research cruises in the Southern Ocean, to be highlighted on available databases (APECS, ICED, and SOOS). (K Reid, L Newman, APECS representative; ASAP)

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:  

SCAR has successfully used this approach previously, and hopes to improve its strategic partnership with CCAMLR. The expected benefit of the AG’s advice would result in SCAR and CCAMLR working together more effectively and in a more strategic manner.


Budget Implications: 2013 allocation for AG is USD 5000.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP25: Secretariat Report

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP25: Secretariat Report
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP25: Secretariat Report

Working Paper 25
Agenda Item: 9.1
Deadline: 22 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Mike S.

Executive Summary

Title:  Secretariat Report

Authors: M Sparrow, R Badhe

 Introduction/ Background:

Quarterly reports on Secretariat activity are produced for EXCOM and Delegates and are available from the SCAR website.

With only 2.5 permanent staff the Secretariat has a full workload. Temporary/ voluntary staff – such as interns – are used when necessary.

Important Issues or Factors:

Workload of the Secretariat is high with little or no option for taking on additional tasks. Part of the grant from the Tinker Foundation for the Horizon Scan activity will be used to hire a part time person to assist the EO with this activity.

The Aide Memoire with SPRI is due for renewal. A possible re-location of the Secretariat should be considered sometime in the future if it is felt this would bring additional benefits both the SCAR and the Secretariat.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP26a: Finance Statement for 2012 (Full)

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP26a: Finance Statement for 2012 (Full)
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP26a: Finance Statement for 2012 (Full)

Working Paper 26a
Agenda Item: 10.1
Deadline: 22 Apr 2013
Person Responsible: Renuka B.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP26b Finance Statement for 2012 (Summary)

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP26b Finance Statement for 2012 (Summary)
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP26b: Finance Statement for 2012 (Summary)

Working Paper 26b
Agenda Item: 10.1
Deadline: 22 Apr 2013
Person Responsible: Renuka B.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP27: Revised Budget for 2013

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP27: Revised Budget for 2013
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP27: Revised Budget for 2013

Working Paper 27
Agenda Item: 10.2
Deadline: 22 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Renuka B., Bryan S.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP28: Revised Budget for 2014

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP28: Revised Budget for 2014
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP28: Revised Budget for 2014

Working Paper 28
Agenda Item: 10.2
Deadline: 22 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Renuka B., Bryan S.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP29: Draft Budget for 2015

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP29: Draft Budget for 2015
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP29: Draft Budget for 2015

Working Paper 29
Agenda Item: 10.3
Deadline: 22 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Renuka B.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP30: The SCAR Development Council

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP30: The SCAR Development Council
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP30: The SCAR Development Council

Working Paper 30
Agenda Item: 10.4
Deadline: 22 May 2013
Person Responsible: Pete C, Jeronimo L-M, Mike S

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR Development Council – Update April 2013

Authors: P. Convey, SDC Chair. Additional Input by J Lopez-Martinez, M Sparrow, R Badhe

Introduction/Background: SCAR’s Strategic Plan called for the creation of a Development Council to manage and facilitate external fund raising for SCAR. The first progress report of the SDC was presented to the SCAR Delegates Meeting in Portland (2012).

Important Issues or Factors: The SCAR Development Council has been formed and conducted initial consideration of its Terms of Reference. SDC discussions have been conducted electronically. This document provides an update to the report presented in 2012, with focus on (a) strategic development of the SDC membership, and (b) means to target the effort available to the SDC towards particular identified opportunities.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Supplemental funds to support SCAR’s mission.

Budget Implications: Funds are in place ($5000) for a face-to-face meeting in the 2013- 2014 timeframe. As the SDC is an ongoing activity, this is expected to be a rolling request. Funds should also be considered for the development of promotional materials; $3,000 in 2014.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP31: Finance Strategy Update

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SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP31: Finance Strategy Update
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013 WP31: Finance Strategy Update

Working Paper 31
Agenda Item: 10.5
Deadline: 1 Jun 2013
Person Responsible: Mike S, Bryan S, Renuka B, Jeronimo L

Executive Summary

Title: Finance Strategy – Update

Authors: M Sparrow, R Badhe, B Storey, J Lopez-Martinez 

Introduction/ Background:  This paper briefly summarises progress with aspects of the SCAR finances of most concern to SCAR Delegates.

Important Issues or Factors: The percentage of funds spent on Science has increased since 2010, Science Advice has remained level and Capacity Building has increased. Salaries and associated costs have come down. External fund raising is continuing to be successful and a Development Council has been formed. The Secretariat continue to explore ways in which to reduce costs.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:  EXCOM to note progress, make suggestions and approve a procedure to redistribute Contingency Funds.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2013: Joint Meeting of the SCAR and IASC Executive Committees Meeting Minutes

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SCAR EXCOM 2013: Joint Meeting of the SCAR and IASC Executive Committees Meeting Minutes
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
22-23 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain

SCAR EXCOM 2013: Joint Meeting of the SCAR and IASC Executive Committees Meeting Minutes

7 April 2013, 16.00-18.00
Krakow, Poland

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