SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland
SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP10: A Strategic Plan for Meetings and Related Activities
Information Paper 10
Agenda Item: 8.5
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Mike/Chuck
Executive Summary
Title: A Strategic Plan for Meetings and Related Activities
Authors: M Kennicutt and M Sparrow
Relevant URLs or references to other reports: none
Introduction/ Background: SCAR supports, manages, and participates in a wide range of meetings and related activities each year that serve various purposes that have scientific, administrative, and advisory aims. SCAR provides venues for the presentation of the latest research results, exchange of up-to-the-minute scientific findings, and promotion of cross-disciplinary communication. These activities include Open Science Conferences, disciplinary Symposia (biology, Earth sciences, and glaciology), and topical workshops. There are also a range of scientific meetings managed by others that have significant sessions on Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. A “Horizon Scanning” event is in the planning stages as well. SCAR conducts biennial business and Delegates meetings to perform much of its administrative activities. SCAR presents its scientific advice at yearly Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. This complex array of meetings and related activities creates conflicts in scheduling and challenges for participation. A coordinated approach to these activities would greatly improve their impact and participation. In some cases the outcomes of one meeting are a pre-requisite for participation in another meeting or results from one meeting inform the discussions of another meeting and thus coordination is essential. An integrated, strategic framework for these meetings will be an important advertising tool for SCAR’s activities.
Important Issues or Factors: As an organization SCAR must deal with: limited resources, increasing demands on staff and volunteers time, optimizing meeting attendances to greatest affect, increasing travel costs, and reducing the carbon footprint of its activities. It is also important to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of SCAR’s meetings and related activities at many levels.
Recommendations: It is recommended that an Action Group on SCAR meetings and related activities be formed to develop an integrated schedule for SCAR scientific, advisory and business meetings and related activities. The AG will be expected to develop a strategic framework that ensures a logical and effective progression of these meetings, reduces duplication, and best accomplishes the aims of the meetings while improving efficiencies.
Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Benefits include reductions in duplication, optimization of the impact of funds used for meetings, and more effective utilization of time.
Partners: Meetings organized by others are of importance to SCAR including AGU and EGU annual meetings, IGS meetings, ASSWs, ATCMs, COMNAP General Assemblies, and others. The timing of these meetings must be taken into account in developing a holistic plan and, where appropriate, partner organizations will be consulted during the development of a plan.
Budget Implications: $6000 for a meeting to be held in the next 12 months.