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Folder SCAR EXCOM 2011, Edinburgh, UK

The SCAR Executive Committee Meeting of 2011 took place from 18-19 July in Edinburgh, UK.

Meeting Report:

SCAR Bulletin 180 – 2011 August – Report of the SCAR Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 2011

Notes: Oral papers: IP12, WP28, WP33

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP01: SCAR Annual Report 2010

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP01: SCAR Annual Report 2010

Information Paper 1
Agenda Item: several
Deadline: May 1
Person Responsible: Mike

The SCAR Annual Report 2010 includes past and future SCAR highlights and a brief summary of the progress of each of SCAR’s programmes and groups. It also includes reports from the Standing Committees on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM) and on Antarctic Geographic Information (SCAGI), establishment of an ACCE Expert Group, SCAR’s contributions in relation to providing scientific advice, SCAR’s capacity building, education and training activities, current SCAR partnerships and the latest SCAR products. Annexes provide SCAR’s organisational structure (figure) and the SCAR Data Policy.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP02: Chief Officers' Meeting Report

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP02: Chief Officers’ Meeting Report

Information Paper 2
Agenda Item: 2.1
Deadline: July 17
Person Responsible: Renuka

Edinburgh, UK, 16th July 2011

Location: 18 Holyrood Park Rd Edinburgh, EH16 5AY (ISAES Conference site)

Chair: K Conlan

Rapporteur: R Badhe

Attendees: Kathy Conlan (LS), Alessandro Capra (GS), Takashi Yamanouchi (PS), Kevin Hughes (SCATS), Taco de Bruin (SCADM), Adrian Fox (SCAGI), Mike Sparrow (SCAR), Renuka Badhe (SCAR), Mahlon “Chuck” Kennicutt II (SCAR)

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP03: Revised Guidelines for Programme Planning Groups (PPGs)

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP03: Revised Guidelines for Programme Planning Groups (PPGs)
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP03: Revised Guidelines for Programme Planning Groups (PPGs)

Information Paper 3
Agenda Item: 2.4
Deadline: May 1
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: Revised Guidelines for Programme Planning Groups (PPGs)

Authors: M. Sparrow, M C Kennicutt

Introduction/ Background: Scientific Research Programmes (SRPs) are major, international scientific initiatives coordinated by SCAR, either alone or jointly with other international research bodies. SRPs address scientific questions that require sustained efforts of 6 to 8 years and represent SCAR’s highest level of investment in science. SRPs address transformative scientific issues of global or fundamental importance, at the frontiers of science that require substantial field- work and/or observations in or from the Antarctic or Southern Ocean to be successful.

SRPs are developed and proposed by Programme Planning Groups (PPGs) fostered by one or more of SCAR’s Standing Scientific Groups (SSGs).

This document outlines the process and timeline for approval of new SRPs.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: EXCOM are asked to approve the revised guidelines for PPGs, recommending modifications as appropriate.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: An improved and clearer pathway for approval of new SCAR SRPs

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP04: The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Plan

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP04: The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Plan
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP04: The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Plan

Information Paper 4
Agenda Item: 2.5
Deadline: May 1
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)

Authors: M Sparrow and SOOS editors

Introduction/ Background: This paper summarises progress with the design and implementation of a Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) over the last year. A SOOS Design Plan has been completed, an International Program Offices is being established at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies in Hobart, Australia, and an Executive Officer has been appointed.

Important Issues or Factors: The SOOS is also a significant legacy of the recent International Polar Year (IPY). It also addresses Antarctic Treaty Resolution 3 (2007) Long-Term Monitoring, which welcomed and supported “the proposal by SCAR to establish a multi-disciplinary pan-Antarctic observing system, which will, in collaboration with others, coordinate long-term monitoring and sustained observation in the Antarctic”, the recommendations from the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment Report (Turner et al., 2009), and recommendations arising from the 2010 Antarctic Treaty Meeting of Experts on Climate Change and Implications for Antarctic Management and Governance (particularly Recommendation 15, regarding the development of sustained integrated observing systems).

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: EXCOM are requested to note this progress and to encourage relevant national agencies to participate in and support the aims of the SOOS. The SCAR/SCOR Oceanography Expert Group will act as the Science Steering Committee of the SOOS, with a new membership under the current co-chairs Mike Meredith (UK) and John Gunn (Aus).

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: A direct contribution to many aspects of the SCAR Mission and Goals: baseline data for monitoring climate change effects (heat and freshwater balances; stability of the overturning circulation, sea level rise….) and ecosystem changes. There is an urgent need to increase understanding in each of these areas to inform decision-makers confronted with the challenges of climate change, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, and the sustainable management of marine resources. To deliver this information, sustained observations of the physical, biogeochemical and biological state of the Southern Ocean are critical.

Partners: SCOR, WCRP, GOOS, CoML, POGO, COMNAP, IIATO, CCAMLR and many others

Budget Implications: SOOS has to date been focused through the contributions of other budget lines (e.g. AGCS and the Ocean Expert Group). A separate SOOS budget line of around $5000 a year should be established in order to support SOOS related activities. All costs are shared with SCOR.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP05: Report from WMO on the International Polar Decade

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP05: Report from WMO on the International Polar Decade

Information Paper 5
Agenda Item: 2.6
Deadline: May 1
Person Responsible: (Mike)


St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 14 and 15 April 2011

Final Informal Report


In June 2010 the 62nd Session of the WMO Executive Council (EC) recommended to its EC Panel on Polar Observations, Research and Services (EC-PORS) to consult with other relevant organizations to assess interest and scope out an International Polar Decade (IPD) Initiative. To support this recommendation, Roshydromet hosted a Workshop at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) of Roshydromet in St. Petersburg 14 and 15 April 2011, cosponsored by WMO.

The workshop was well attended and represented the first multi-stakeholder consultation on the IPD initiative. The workshop was chaired by Dr. David Hik (President of IASC) and Dr Jan- Gunnar Winther (Director of the Norwegian Polar Institute). The list of participants and the program of the Workshop are given in Annexes 1 and 2. These individuals participated in a personal capacity and their contributions were not expected to reflect the position of their respective organizations. Before the Workshop, WMO/WCRP Secretariats and AARI distributed an Information Note on IPD and John Calder (U.S. NOAA) forwarded some ideas on IPD to the Workshop participants. These documents are included in Annexes 3 and 4.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP06: Report on Partnerships

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP06: Report on Partnerships
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP06: Report on Partnerships

Information Paper 6
Agenda Item: 4
Deadline: May 1
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR Partnerships
Authors: M Sparrow, M C Kennicutt
Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (updated)

Introduction/ Background: In pursuit of its Vision and Mission, SCAR often forms partnerships as an efficient means to achieve its goals and objectives. SCAR’s partners include other ICSU bodies, entities of the Antarctic Treaty System, organizations with a polar focus, and organizations with a polar interest. The types of partnerships SCAR form vary considerably since each is tailored to best accomplish the shared objectives. In some instances, formal co-sponsorship of an activity is warranted entailing shared responsibility for program management and resourcing. SCAR is always open to, and looking for ways, to strengthen existing partnerships and establish new ones.

This paper summarises recent developments with regards to SCAR partnerships. EXCOM are asked to comment as appropriate.


Budget Implications: Co-sponsorship does involve some budgetary commitments (currently $3000 for CliC and $4000 for other co-sponsorships) but considering the influence and visibility these partnerships give SCAR these represent good value.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP07: Interactions with CCAMLR

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP07: Interactions with CCAMLR

Information Paper 7
Agenda Item: 4.3
Deadline: April 15
Person Responsible: Mark H.

Executive Summary

Title: Interactions with CCAMLR

Authors:  Mark Hindell (Mike Sparrow)

Relevant URLs or references to other reports:

Introduction/ Background:  This paper summarises the report of the SCAR CCAMLR observer (Mark Hindell) to the last CCAMLR meeting.

Important Issues or Factors: SCAR and CCAMLR are forming a joint Action group to look at the way the two organisations can work together in a more strategic manner. This report covers some of the areas of mutual interest, for example observing systems (in particular the SCAR/SCOR led Southern Ocean Observing system and the links to the CCAMLR monitoring  – CEMP – programme), ocean acidification, climate change and capacity building.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification: EXCOM are requested to note progress with our interactions with CCAMLR and to comment as appropriate.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:  An improved strategic partnership of benefit to both organizations.

Partners: CCAMLR

Budget Implications: funds for meeting of SCAR/CCAMLR AG meeting: $4000 for one year.

Default SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP08: ICSU Strategic Plan

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP08: ICSU Strategic Plan
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP08: ICSU Strategic Plan

Information Paper 8
Agenda Item: 4.4
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Mike
Links to the International Council for Science (ICSU) Strategic Plan II, 2012-2017 (external website).

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP09: Horizon Scanning: A View of the Future

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP09: Horizon Scanning: A View of the Future

Information Paper 9
Agenda Item: 8.2
Deadline: June 15
Person Responsible: Chuck/Mike

Executive Summary

Title: Horizon Scanning: A View of the Future

Author: M Kennicutt and M Sparrow

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: Not applicable

Introduction/ Background: To sustain a position of leadership SCAR must maintain a continually evolving vision of frontiers and emerging directions in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. To this end, SCAR will sponsor a periodic assessment of scientific frontiers and grand challenges in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. The world’s leading experts will be assembled to scan the horizon for emerging frontiers and identify gaps in knowledge. These assessments will inform SCAR’s leadership and members as they evaluate the organization’s scientific portfolio, conclude programs, and approve new directions. An overall framework will be developed that utilizes opportunities to engage the scientific community and provide input to the ultimate horizon scanning event.

Important Issues or Factors: There is an increasing mandate and need for SCAR to provide advice to a range of stakeholders on future directions in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. The proposed activities create a rigorous process that will provide the information needed to make informed assessments of future directions and research needs.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:  Approve the concept of developing a “Horizon Scanning” event.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:  Adoption of a horizon scanning process will reinforce the reputation of SCAR as a leader in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science and research.  This activity will inform decision-making so that SCAR’s portfolio of science activities is responsive to emerging trends and issues.

Partners: As deemed appropriate to inform the process.

Budget Implications:  Initial funds ($5,000 for a planning meeting) are requested to progress planning efforts. Funding for the horizon-scanning event is expected to be solicited from external sources though some seed funds from SCAR may be needed.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP10: A Strategic Plan for Meetings and Related Activities

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP10:  A Strategic Plan for Meetings and Related Activities
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP10:  A Strategic Plan for Meetings and Related Activities

Information Paper 10
Agenda Item: 8.5
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Mike/Chuck

Executive Summary

Title: A Strategic Plan for Meetings and Related Activities

Authors: M Kennicutt and M Sparrow
Relevant URLs or references to other reports: none

Introduction/ Background: SCAR supports, manages, and participates in a wide range of meetings and related activities each year that serve various purposes that have scientific, administrative, and advisory aims. SCAR provides venues for the presentation of the latest research results, exchange of up-to-the-minute scientific findings, and promotion of cross-disciplinary communication. These activities include Open Science Conferences, disciplinary Symposia (biology, Earth sciences, and glaciology), and topical workshops. There are also a range of scientific meetings managed by others that have significant sessions on Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. A “Horizon Scanning” event is in the planning stages as well. SCAR conducts biennial business and Delegates meetings to perform much of its administrative activities. SCAR presents its scientific advice at yearly Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. This complex array of meetings and related activities creates conflicts in scheduling and challenges for participation. A coordinated approach to these activities would greatly improve their impact and participation. In some cases the outcomes of one meeting are a pre-requisite for participation in another meeting or results from one meeting inform the discussions of another meeting and thus coordination is essential. An integrated, strategic framework for these meetings will be an important advertising tool for SCAR’s activities.

Important Issues or Factors: As an organization SCAR must deal with: limited resources, increasing demands on staff and volunteers time, optimizing meeting attendances to greatest affect, increasing travel costs, and reducing the carbon footprint of its activities. It is also important to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of SCAR’s meetings and related activities at many levels.

Recommendations: It is recommended that an Action Group on SCAR meetings and related activities be formed to develop an integrated schedule for SCAR scientific, advisory and business meetings and related activities. The AG will be expected to develop a strategic framework that ensures a logical and effective progression of these meetings, reduces duplication, and best accomplishes the aims of the meetings while improving efficiencies.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes: Benefits include reductions in duplication, optimization of the impact of funds used for meetings, and more effective utilization of time.

Partners: Meetings organized by others are of importance to SCAR including AGU and EGU annual meetings, IGS meetings, ASSWs, ATCMs, COMNAP General Assemblies, and others. The timing of these meetings must be taken into account in developing a holistic plan and, where appropriate, partner organizations will be consulted during the development of a plan.

Budget Implications: $6000 for a meeting to be held in the next 12 months.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP11: Terms of Reference for SCAR Presidents and Vice-Presidents

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP11: Terms of Reference for SCAR Presidents and Vice-Presidents
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP11: Terms of Reference for SCAR Presidents and Vice-Presidents

Information Paper 11
Agenda Item: 9.1
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: Terms of Reference for SCAR Presidents and Vice-Presidents

Authors: M Sparrow, M C Kennicutt

Introduction/ Background: A description of the responsibilities of Trustees (The President and Vice Presidents) are required by UK Charity law. The document also informs Members that may be considering a candidacy for the positions.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP13: SCAR Guidelines for Accepting Donations

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP13: SCAR Guidelines for Accepting Donations

Information Paper 13
Agenda Item: 9.4
Deadline: May 1
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR guidelines for accepting donations

Authors: Mike Sparrow

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: None

Introduction/ Background:

The SCAR guidelines for accepting donations were developed by the Secretariat in response to Executive Committee Action 75 (Washington, DC, July 2007): The Secretariat to draft a paper on ethical guidelines with respect to accepting donations, for consideration by XXX SCAR. Revised after Delegates XXX meeting this was approved by the Executive Committee Meeting in August 2009 for final approval by the Delegates, though for reasons of time was never formally approved.

Important Issues or Factors:

Having a series of guidelines for accepting donations as well as being important in their own right, will help reduce the risk of SCAR accepting a donation that could have a negative affect on SCAR’s reputation in the future.

Recognising that very few companies, foundations etc. can be considered 100% ethical (for instance many national programmes partner with oil companies) these limitations should be recognized and thus the guidelines as drafted are broad in their scope. Any potential donation should be considered by the Secretariat who will then discuss with EXCOM for final approval.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:

EXCOM are requested to approve the SCAR Guidelines for accepting donations.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:

Have ethical guidelines for accepting donations is important both to enhance and protect SCAR’s reputation.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP14: Update on Membership of SCAR

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP14: Update on Membership of SCAR

Information Paper 14
Agenda Item: 9.5
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Mike/Renuka

Executive Summary

Title: Update on Membership of SCAR

Authors: M. Sparrow

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (updated links)

Introduction/ Background: The membership of SCAR has continued to grow, and (with the inclusion of Monaco) currently comprises 36 National Members and 9 Union Members. Korea increased its Membership Level to Category B. Increasing the membership of SCAR has obvious advantages, both by expanding our sphere of influence and our revenue.

Important Issues or Factors: Although SCAR Membership arrears are still relatively minimal there are some issues with countries consistently having arrears or making only part payments

Budget Implications: New members increase the resources available to SCAR. Payment arrears decrease available funds.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP15: SCAR Business Plan: The Case for an Increase in SCAR Membership Fees

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP15: SCAR Business Plan: The Case for an Increase in SCAR Membership Fees

Information Paper 15
Agenda Item: 10.4
Deadline: April 15
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: SCAR Business Plan: The Case for an Increase in Membership Fees

Authors: Mike Sparrow, Chuck Kennicutt, Ad Huiskes, Renuka Badhe

Introduction/ Background:

“The Case for an Increase in SCAR Membership Fees” was developed in response to discussions in Buenos Aires and the resolution: “Delegates agree the need for an increase in contributions of up to 20% in 2012 based on a business case that SCAR will provide for Delegates to take to their funding agencies.” This document was provided to all SCAR Delegates and National Committees in order to provide them with the information necessary to develop support with their funding agencies for an increase in SCAR membership fees to take effect in 2013.

Important Issues or Factors:

Intuitively, all of us appreciate that costs increase over time and that ultimately these increases erode value. Either this lost financial capacity is replaced or activities must be curtailed. SCAR provides great leverage of individual national contributions through the power of pooling funds. It is also true that individual member increases in fees will be modest in total dollar amount. The collective impact of an incremental increase on the overall SCAR budget is high while individual burden is small. It is also proposed that the increase is graduated guaranteeing that those least able to pay carry the smallest burden while ensuring that cost does not prohibit any member’s ability to participate.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:

EXCOM are asked to comment as appropriate, noting that a new case will need to be made to the Delegates in 2012 for an increase to take effect in 2013.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:

If the trends described in the “Case” continue it is predictable that SCAR will find it increasingly difficult to maintain its current level of activity on many fronts including science, advice, capacity building, outreach, communication, data and information, and advocacy for Antarctic science. We do not lightly recommend an increase in fees and only do so as we believe that it is in the best interest of the long-term health of the organization and ultimately to the benefit of SCAR’s members.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP16: Progress With Combined Actions

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SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP16: Progress With Combined Actions
SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP16: Progress With Combined Actions

Information Paper 16
Agenda Item: 11
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Mike

Executive Summary

Title: Progress with Combined Actions

Authors: M Sparrow

Introduction/ Background: The Combined Actions allow the Secretariat, EXCOM and COs to keep track of agreed actions and form a major part of the work plan for the SCAR Secretariat.

All those Actions that have been completed prior to mid-June 2011 have been removed as have those Actions that have been duplicated in another Action or that are no longer relevant.

Important Issues or Factors: The SCAR COs are asked to consider outstanding Actions and comment on progress prior to the COs meeting. The SCAR ED will summarise progress for the SCAR EXCOM.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP17: The IASC-SCAR Bipolar Action Group on Science Cooperation (BipAG II)

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 IP17: The IASC-SCAR Bipolar Action Group on Science Cooperation (BipAG II)

Information Paper 17
Agenda Item: 2.6.4
Deadline: June 1
Person Responsible: Renuka

Executive Summary

Title: The IASC-SCAR Bipolar Action Group on Science Cooperation (BipAG II)

Relevant URLs or references to other reports: (obsolete link)

Introduction/ Background:

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) are the major international organisations coordinating research in the two Polar Regions on an international level. All nations undertaking research in the Arctic and Antarctic are members of one or both organisations. The Polar Regions are critical areas of the Earth influencing ocean currents and regional weather patterns as well as hosting a unique biodiversity. Due to the effects of global warming, parts of these regions are now the focus of the most rapid environmental changes seen anywhere on the planet and contributing to global issues such as sea-level rise and greenhouse gas emissions. IASC and SCAR therefore have significant roles in organising the vitally important science needed to understand what is happening in the Arctic and Antarctic and what it may mean for the rest of the world.

Both Polar Regions are cold and remote and share many common features (large ice sheets, extensive sea-ice in winter) but equally also show very many differences. Comparisons of the Polar Regions or research involving both the Arctic and Antarctica is termed bipolar science and it offers great opportunities to better understand what is happening in these regions and how they impact on the rest of the world than if scientists focussed only on their own Polar Region. The Executive Committees of SCAR and IASC created a SCAR-IASC Bipolar Action Group (BipAG) that operated for two years (2008-2010) and a second BipAG has recently been established that will operate during 2011 and 2012. The existence of a BipAG ensures that there is an expert group looking at opportunities for bipolar science and its purpose is to provide annual reports to the SCAR and IASC Executive Committees, recommending which bipolar activities should be adopted by the organisations. The recommendations include not only science ideas but also opportunities for developing the next generation of polar scientists, suggestions for more effective science coordination and data management and ideas for better communicating the importance of the Polar Regions for Planet Earth. The BipAG reports will be published on both SCAR and IASC websites.

Recommendations/Actions and Justification:  EXCOM are asked to comment on and approve the various recommendations made by the BiPAG II.

Expected Benefits/Outcomes:  Improved strategic partnership in bipolar science

Partners: IASC (and other relevant organizations such as APECS)

Budget Implications:  $5000 per year for 2011 (meeting already held) and 2012.

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP01: Agenda

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP01: Agenda

Working Paper 1
Agenda Item: 1.4
Deadline: April 15
Person Responsible: Mike

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP02: Annotated Agenda

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP02: Annotated Agenda

Working Paper 2
Agenda Item: 1.4
Deadline: April 15
Person Responsible: Mike

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP03: List of Documents

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP03: List of Documents

Working Paper 3
Agenda Item: 1.4
Deadline: April 15
Person Responsible: Mike

pdf SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP04: Timetable

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SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
18-19 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland

SCAR EXCOM 2011 WP04: Timetable

Working Paper 4
Agenda Item: 1.4
Deadline: April 15
Person Responsible: Mike

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