SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
9-11 July 2007, Washington DC, USA
SCAR EXCOM 2007 WP39: Proposal for a SCAR/IASC Workshop on Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level
Working Paper 39
Agenda Item: 2.7.3
Deadline: 20 June
Person Responsible: Summerhayes
Proposal for a SCAR/IASC Workshop on Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level
July 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia
Among the most important of the key scientific issues of great societal relevance that both SCAR and IASC should focus on is the question of understanding, modelling and forecasting the response of ice sheets to global warming, and their effect on sealevel.
The urgency reflects (i) the observation by Rahmstorf et al (Science 316, 4 May 2007) that sea level is actually rising faster than the IPCC suggests, and (ii) the suggestion by Hansen (2007, Env. Res. Letts. 2 (2) doi:10.1088/1748-9326/2/2/024002) that our ice models are inadequate and could be concealing a potential rise of 5m by 2100. The topic is discussed by Kerr in the latest Science, 316 (8 June 2007)
Recognising that several groups have an interest in this topic, SCAR and IASC should aim to organise a multi-partner workshop on ice sheet mass balance and sealevel, preferably to take place over a 2-day period in St Petersburg immediately prior to the Open Science Conference of July 8-11 2008.