SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
9-11 July 2007, Washington DC, USA
SCAR EXCOM 2007 WP15a: Report from the SCAR Delegation to XXX ATCM in New Delhi
Working Paper 15a
Agenda Item: 4
Deadline: 1 June
Person Responsible: Chown
Report from the SCAR Delegation to XXX ATCM in New Delhi
The meeting in New Delhi took place at Vigyan Bhavan from 30 April to 11 May 2007.
The SCAR Delegation comprised Colin Summerhayes (Head), Steven Chown, and Chris Rapley who presented the SCAR lecture. The Director of the IPY-IPO was initially included in the SCAR Delegation, though it later turned out that ATCM provided him with a separate IPY-IPO name-plate.
Most of the Members of SC-ATS attended the meeting (S. Chown, C. Kennicutt, H. Miller, S. Marenssi), which facilitated decision making on key issues concerning SCAR’s presentations to the CEP and the ATCM.
The SCAR lecture took place between 1130 and 1300 on Wednesday May 2. SCAR hosted a reception immediately after the lecture to bring delegates together. The Indian organisers shared the costs of the reception.