SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
9-11 July 2007, Washington DC, USA
SCAR EXCOM 2007 IP09: Polar Funding Frameworks (ESF)
Infomation Paper 9
Agenda Item: 8.4
Deadline: 8 April
Person Responsible: Summerhayes
DRAFT: The Financing of International Polar Research
Towards enhanced funding agency coordination frameworks in the Post-IPY Environment
Dr Paul Egerton
Executive Director
European Polar Board-European Polar Consortium European Science Foundation
Executive Summary:
International Polar Research requires a scale of funding and critical mass that necessarily has to be addressed through intergovernmental cooperation beyond the level of individual countries. The creation of the International Polar Year has in general generated strategic investments and injection of funding additional to normal national activities. The step change in the intensity and visibility of the Polar Regions to National Governments is primarily due to the political drivers to addressing Climate Change and the socio-economic impacts. In the Post-IPY Environment it is critical to sustain and maintain the new-horizon of funding and to avoid a post-IPY depression. The maintenance of this new Horizon is justifiable providing continuity to new research questions identified by this concentrated observational period. Estimates of the total global IPY investment have been placed in excess of 1billion$* in direct or indirect activity, although accurate attributions are difficult to the variable sources of funding and the complexity/diversity of national funding systems. In a operating environment European nations invest annually approximately 500 Million Euros each year in Polar Research (cf. European Polar Consortium Surveys of 19 Countries RTD Programmes and infrastructures). The United States has comparable annual funding for Arctic and Arctic activities across the agencies involved. Estimates of normal annual Global spend on Polar research exceeds 1.5 Billion$ per annum.
The provenance of IPY funding and the allocation in terms of direct financial support or support to infrastructures needs to be assessed to enable conclusions regarding the global investment in this event. It is clear that insufficient mechanisms exist in the current landscape to facilitate exchange of funding information and connected planning/priority setting by Funding agencies investing in the polar Domain. One consideration could be the establishment of an ‘International Polar Funding Framework’ for considering and discussing future International strategic investments in Polar Research by the national and supranational actors involved. This platform would allow funding agencies and the investors in Polar research to identify mutual priorities and build strategic financial partnerships to support large-scale research efforts at the International Scale. The future challenges of financing comprehensive assessment of climate in the Polar Regions and the impact upon, the concrete implementation of research programmes arising from science planning processes such as ICARP II, ACIA, and sustained Arctic/Antarctic observational systems (SAON)
The subject of international polar funding coordination is especially relevant where a critical threshold is exceeded Eg; the magnitude of the programme and the infrastructure required to implement the programme is so large that it requires international agreement on funding or a large scale Consortium Eg; Deep Ice Coring Science.
The Earth Observation community through the GEO process (Group on Earth Observations) has established a well functioning and political relevant structure. This is a model that we could consider for facilitating the governmental funding stakeholders to interact on setting longer term connected planning and prioritisation of research and infrastructural investments. It is apparent that a framework for handling international Polar Funding would enhance the efficiency, introduce realism into the system and require a prioritisation of large-scale research efforts in the Polar Regions for the next few decades.