SCAR Executive Committee Meeting
4-7 July 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
SCAR EXCOM 2005 12: Implementation Plan for Antarctica and the Global Climate System (AGCS)
Paper: 12
Agenda Item: 6.2
Deadline: 1 June
Person Responsible: Turner
Antarctica and the Global Climate System (AGCS) is one of the five Scientific Research Programmes (SRPs) of SCAR. These are the flagship scientific activities of the organisation and it is anticipated that they will make major advances in their areas of Antarctic science. It is intended that they will have a duration of 5-10 years and be subject to periodic review.
The Science Plan for AGCS described the scientific goals of the programme – this is available online at AGCS is concerned with the nature of the atmospheric and oceanic linkages between the climate of the Antarctic and the rest of the Earth system, and the mechanisms involved therein. It will make use of data extracted from ice cores, satellite observations, the output of global and regional coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models and in-situ meteorological, atmospheric and oceanic data.
The research will be organised into four major, closely linked themes dealing with (1) Decadal time scale variability in the Antarctic climate system, (2) Global and regional climate signals in ice cores, (3) Natural and anthropogenic forcing on the Antarctic climate system and (4) The export of Antarctic climate signals.
In this present document we provide details of how we intend to achieve the targets outlined in the Science Plan. The actual scientific activities of AGCS will be carried out by the various SCAR National Programmes, and the implementation plan has been prepared based on their input. Inevitably, because of funding issues, it is difficult to be specific about activities more than two or three years in the future, so the goals are more details in the early years of the project. The actual input from the various nations amounts to over 90 pages of text, and this provides a very comprehensive description of what will be undertaken. In this main part of the document a broad outline is presented in summary form split into the four themes of the programme. The final section provides more general material that spans the programme.
This document is based on information received from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the UK, Ukraine and the USA. We encourage the other SCAR nations to submit material on how they will contribute to AGCS.