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Folder Science to Policy

SCAR has lead several initiatives that has had a direct link to policy created to address environmental protection and practices in Antarctica, as well as global agreements regarding impacts of climate change.

pdf Aleks Terauds' presentation on Path to Impact

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Aleks Terauds' presentation on Path to Impact

Path to Impact…how can scientists influence Antarctic policy“: the presentation given by Dr Aleks Terauds (Senior Research Scientist and Section Head of the Biodiversity Conservation section for the Australian Antarctic Division; Standing Committee for the Antarctic Treaty System) at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“. The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

pdf Andrew Constable's presentation on Linking Science and Policy

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Andrew Constable's presentation on Linking Science and Policy

Linking Antarctic science and policy: a marine perspective“: the presentation given by Dr Andrew Constable (Programme Leader at the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Science advisor for Australia at CCAMLR) at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“. The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

pdf Birgit Njaastad's presentation on the Antarctic Environments Portal

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Birgit Njaastad's presentation on the Antarctic Environments Portal

Antarctic Environments Portal: giving your research policy impact“: the presentation given by Ms Birgit Njåstad (Head of the Environmental Management Sector at the Norwegian Polar Institute; Project Manager of the Antarctic Environments Portal) at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“. The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

pdf Ewan McIvor's presentation on the Status of the Madrid Protocol

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Ewan McIvor's presentation on the Status of the Madrid Protocol

The Status of the Madrid Protocol and the challenges of today“: the presentation given by Mr Ewan McIvor (Chair of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Senior Environmental Adviser for the Australian Antarctic Division) at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“. The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

pdf Monaco Assessment Document 2015

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Monaco Assessment Document 2015

The Monaco Assessment brought together a group of biodiversity and Antarctic experts, with the support of the government of Monaco and several partners, to assess the outlook for the region’s biodiversity and its conservation.  This is informed by the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, its five strategic goals, and 20 Aichi Targets, which provide a universally accepted set of biodiversity conservation ambitions which can inform such an outlook, and by which progress in conserving the Antarctic’s biodiversity can be measured globally.

pdf Narrowing the science/policy gap for environmental management – Hughes et al.

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Narrowing the science/policy gap for environmental management - Hughes et al.

Guest editorial in the journal Antarctic Science, published online on 24 August 2016:

Hughes, K., Liggett, D., Roldan, G., Wilmotte, A., & Xavier, J. (2016). Narrowing the science/policy gap for environmental management. Antarctic Science, 28(5), 325-325. doi:10.1017/S0954102016000407

pdf Steven Chown's presentation on the role of SCAR in the Treaty System

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Steven Chown's presentation on the role of SCAR in the Treaty System

The role of SCAR in the Antarctic Treaty System – an environmental protection perspective“: the presentation given by Professor Steven Chown (Head of the School of Biological Sciences at Monash University, Australia, current president of SCAR -Aug 2016) at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“. The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

pdf Transcripts of the Oral Presentations from the Madrid Protocol Mini-Symposium

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Transcripts of the Oral Presentations from the Madrid Protocol Mini-Symposium

A transcript of the six oral presentations made by invited guest speakers at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“.  The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

pdf What does the United Nations Paris Climate Agreement Mean for Antarctica? by Tim Naish

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What does the United Nations Paris Climate Agreement Mean for Antarctica? by Tim Naish

An essay by Timothy Naish on the subject of his SCAR Lecture to the XL Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting 2017, published in the New Zealand Antarctic Society‘s ‘Antarctic‘ Journal in December 2017:

Naish, T., 2017. What does the United Nations Paris Climate Agreement Mean for Antarctica? Antarctic 35(4), 46-51

The lecture slides, text and other papers related to Prof Naish’s SCAR Lecture are available on the SCAR Lecture 2017 page.

pdf Workshop Report on Antarctic Conservation Strategy, September 2013

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Workshop Report on Antarctic Conservation Strategy, September 2013

Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century – Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions
Final Report

A workshop, held at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (24‐25 September 2013), was convened jointly by COMNAP and SCAR to identify practical national Antarctic programme‐led responses to short and longer‐term conservation challenges in Antarctica (as identified by Chown et al., 2012). The outcomes of the workshop were to inform the drafting by SCAR of an Antarctic Conservation Strategy, the aim of which is to produce a more integrated, comprehensive and dynamic approach to conservation in the region and to inform conservation decision‐making and policy.

pdf Yves Frenot's presentation on the Madrid Protocol and the CEP

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Yves Frenot's presentation on the Madrid Protocol and the CEP

The Madrid Protocol and the Committee for Environmental Protection: a historical perspective“: the presentation given by Dr Yves Frenot (Director of the French Polar Institute and former Chair of the CEP 2010-2014) at the Mini-Symposium “Linking Antarctic Science with Environmental Protection: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol“.  The symposium was held on 23 August 2016 as part of the XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty’s Environmental Protocol, signed in Madrid in October 1991.

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