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pdf Attachment to IP011: Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions Final Report

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Attachment to IP011: Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions Final Report

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Attachment to Information Paper 11 (IP011)

Attachment to IP011: Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions Final Report

(version date: 13 Jan 2014)

Venue: British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Cambridge Dates: Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th September 2013

Executive Summary:

A workshop, held at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (24‐25 September 2013), was convened jointly by COMNAP and SCAR to identify practical national Antarctic programme‐led responses to short and longer‐term conservation challenges in Antarctica (as identified by Chown et al., 2012). The outcomes of the workshop were to inform the drafting by SCAR of an Antarctic Conservation Strategy, the aim of which is to produce a more integrated, comprehensive and dynamic approach to conservation in the region and to inform conservation decision‐making and policy.

It was clear that some Antarctic conservation challenges, such as climate change impacts in marine and terrestrial environments, ocean acidification and pollution from global sources, could not be addressed by action within the Antarctic region alone. Nevertheless, Antarctic scientists could usefully undertake important monitoring and research to inform the global debate on these issues and, where appropriate and practical, show leadership by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

Participants felt that national Antarctic programmes were better placed to address local conservation challenges, such as invasive alien species, habitat alteration and activity impacts and pollution from local sources (including fuel handling, waste management and repair and remediation activities). In some cases, the risks presented by these challenges could be reduced by (a) the identification and dissemination of existing best practice, (b) the full implementation of existing regulations and guidelines, and (c) enhanced education of national Antarctic programme personnel visiting Antarctica.

Participants emphasised that Treaty Parties need targeted research, monitoring and evidence to support their conservation decision‐making. Implementing solutions to some current and potential conservation challenges (such as sustainable marine resource use, commercial activities, hydrocarbon exploration, mineral extraction, biological prospecting and geo‐engineering) was linked closely with the process of decision‐making, for which a strong Antarctic Treaty System was essential. An Antarctic Conservation Strategy could help support a strong Antarctic Treaty System by collating evidence and research to support decision‐making.

It was recognised generally that SCAR and COMNAP are well‐placed to work together to enhance conservation in Antarctica and, in particular, through the development of the Antarctic Conservation Strategy. Areas of further work are identified in Appendices to this report.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf BP006: SCAR Lecture: "Back to the Future: Past Antarctic Climates, Ice Sheet History & Their Relevance for Understanding Future Trends"

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BP006: SCAR Lecture: "Back to the Future: Past Antarctic Climates, Ice Sheet History & Their Relevance for Understanding Future Trends"

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Background Paper

BP006: SCAR Lecture: “Back to the Future: Past Antarctic Climates, Ice Sheet History & Their Relevance for Understanding Future Trends”

Submitted: 14/03/2014

Full text:

SCAR Lecture: “Back to the Future: Past Antarctic Climates, Ice Sheet History & Their Relevance for Understanding Future Trends”

C. Escutia, Spanish Research Council, Granada, Spain & the SCAR PAIS Steering Committee

Polar ice is an important component of the modern climate system, affecting global sea level, ocean circulation, heat transport, marine productivity, and planetary albedo. Antarctica became glaciated ~34 million years ago whereas full scale, permanent Northern Hemisphere continental ice only began forming ~3 million years ago. The study of ice cores retrieved from the Antarctic ice cap has afforded major breakthroughs in understanding natural climate variability over the last 800,000 years, and offers insight into the future response of the Earth to anthropogenic forcing. However, the correlations between (i) the records of temperature, CO2, and ice sheet volume (and equivalent sea level), and (ii) the mechanisms responsible for glacial-interglacial cycles (i.e., role of atmospheric CO2) have not been yet fully elucidated.

With current rising atmospheric greenhouse gases resulting in rapidly increasing global temperatures (IPCC, 2013), studies of polar climates and ice sheet dynamics and stability are prominent on the research agenda. The lower values of forecasted atmospheric CO2 and temperatures in the IPCC AR5 report (2013) for the end of this century have not been experienced on our Planet for over 5 million years (i.e. before the Arctic ice sheets formed), and the higher forecasted values since before the ice sheets in Antarctica formed. Antarctica and its margins are therefore the only place to retrieve the long-term records needed for a detailed understanding of how ice sheets responded to past climate forcings and how they might respond in the future.

The overarching goal of the SCAR PAIS (Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics) Scientific Research Programme is to improve confidence in predictions of ice sheet and sea level response to future climate change and ocean warming. For this, PAIS aims to improve understanding of the sensitivity of East, West, and Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheets to a broad range of climatic and oceanic conditions. Study intervals span a range of timescales, including past “greenhouse” climates warmer than today, and times of more recent warming and ice sheet retreat during glacial terminations. The PAIS research is based on data-model integration and intercomparison, and the development of “ice-to-abyss” data transects, extending from the ice sheet interior to the deep sea. The data-transect concept will link ice core, ice sheet-proximal, offshore, and far-field records of past ice sheet behaviour and sea level, yielding an unprecedented view of past changes in ice sheet geometry, volume, and ice sheet-ocean interactions.

See the lecture slides.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf BP009: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Selected Science Highlights for 2013/14

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BP009: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Selected Science Highlights for 2013/14

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Background Paper

BP009: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Selected Science Highlights for 2013/14

Submitted: 27/03/2014


This Background Paper highlights some recent key science papers published since the last Treaty meeting and should be read in conjunction with the Information Paper “The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Annual Report for 2013/14”(IP013). Although not highlighted here, the latest ACCE update (see Information Paper) should also be consulted as it contains many pertinent references to climate change in the Antarctic region. It should also be noted that this is by no way a complete list (there have been many highly significant papers published over the last year) but represents a sample of key science papers highlighted by SCAR groups.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf IP011: Antarctic Conservation Strategy: Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions

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IP011: Antarctic Conservation Strategy: Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Information Paper

IP011: Antarctic Conservation Strategy: Scoping Workshop on Practical Solutions (with COMNAP)

Submitted: 14/03/2014

A workshop, held at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (24 – 25 September 2013), was convened jointly by COMNAP and SCAR to identify practical National Antarctic Program-led responses to short and longer-term conservation challenges in Antarctica (as identified by Chown et al., 2012). The outcomes of the workshop were to inform the drafting by SCAR of an Antarctic Conservation Strategy, the aim of which is to produce a more integrated, comprehensive and dynamic approach to conservation in the region and to inform conservation decision-making and policy. This is an on-going activity by SCAR and further information may be found in ATCM XXXV IP035 Antarctic Conservation for the 21st Century: Background, progress, and future directions. This paper gives an overview of the workshop, summarizes the key conclusions reached and discusses future steps to be taken.

See the final report (ATT to IP011).

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf IP013: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Annual Report for 2013/14

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IP013: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Annual Report for 2013/14

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Information Paper

IP013: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Annual Report for 2013/14

Submitted: 14/03/2014


The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is a non-governmental, Interdisciplinary Scientific Body of the International Council for Science (ICSU), and Observer to the Antarctic Treaty and the UNFCCC. This SCAR Annual Report highlights and provides updates on SCAR activities that are of particular interest to the Treaty Parties, gives details of SCAR Fellowships and Prizes, lists major SCAR meetings and shares any other relevant news from the 2013/14 period.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf IP014: Report on the 2013-2014 Activities of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)

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IP014: Report on the 2013-2014 Activities of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Information Paper

IP014: Report on the 2013-2014 Activities of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)

Submitted: 14/03/2014


The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) is a joint initiative of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), and endorsed by the Partnership for Observations of the Global Ocean (POGO), and the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) and Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). This paper reports on activities and milestones of SOOS in the 2013-2014 period, including meetings and workshops, governance and management, data management, sponsorship and endorsement, and communication and outreach. It also lists planned activities for 2014.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf IP039: SCAR Engagement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

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IP039: SCAR Engagement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Information Paper

IP039: SCAR Engagement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Submitted: 27/03/2014


In 2011 SCAR began an initiative which aimed to ensure that information related to climate change in the Antarctic Region (and in particular the outputs of the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment Report (Turner et al., 2009)) were communicated to bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in an effective manner. This initial work was funded by the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and ASOC. An Information Paper “Communicating the Science of Climate Change” was presented to the 2012 ATCM in Hobart (ATCM XXXV IP 44), outlining SCAR’s future strategy around climate change communications. This paper outlines highlights of this engagement in 2013 and plans for 2014.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf IP042: Developing General Guidelines for Operating in Geothermal Environments

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IP042: Developing General Guidelines for Operating in Geothermal Environments

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Information Paper

IP042: Developing General Guidelines for Operating in Geothermal Environments (with New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States)

Submitted: 28/03/2014


New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom and SCAR, in relation to recent work on the development of a Code of Conduct for the Erebus ice caves and the proposed new ASPA for high altitude geothermal sites in the Ross Sea region, are planning to hold a workshop to begin discussions around developing general guidelines for operating in geothermal environments in Antarctica. The workshop is proposed to be held during the next SCAR Open Science Conference in Auckland, New Zealand 22 August – 3 September. 

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf IP060: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – 2014 Update

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IP060: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – 2014 Update

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Information Paper

IP060: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – 2014 Update

Submitted: 31/03/2014


In 2009 SCAR carried out a major assessment of how the climate of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean had changed in the past, how it might change in the future under a range of greenhouse gas emission scenarios and how these changes affect the biota. The work was published in November 2009 as the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE) report (Turner et al. 2009), with a summary appearing in the peer reviewed literature (Convey et al. 2009). At the request of the ATCM, SCAR agreed to provide regular updates (e.g. ATCM Resolution 4 (2010)), and in 2013 a major review of the ‘key points’ from the original ACCE report was published (Turner et al. 2013). The SCAR ACCE Advisory Group keeps abreast of recent advances in climate science, with a particular focus on Antarctic climate change and the biological implications of such changes. The present paper, prepared by the SCAR ACCE Advisory Group, highlights some notable advances in Antarctic climate science over the last 2 years. A comprehensive reference list is provided so that more details of particular research can be consulted.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf Overview of SCAR Papers Submitted to ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014

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SCAR Papers to ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014.pdf

Overview of SCAR Papers Submitted to ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

An overview of SCAR Papers submitted to ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

pdf SCAR Lecture 2014: Back to the Future: Past Antarctic Climates, Ice Sheet History & Their Relevance for Understanding Future Trends

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ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Lecture slides

SCAR Lecture 2014: Back to the Future: Past Antarctic Climates, Ice Sheet History & Their Relevance for Understanding Future Trends

C. Escutia, Spanish Research Council, Granada, Spain & the SCAR PAIS Steering Committee

See the abstract in the associated background paper (BP006


pdf WP010: Antarctic Environments Portal – Progress Report

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WP010: Antarctic Environments Portal - Progress Report

ATCM XXXVII and CEP XVII 2014, Brasilia, Brazil

Working Paper

WP010: Antarctic Environments Portal – Progress Report (with New Zealand, Norway, Australia and Belgium)

Submitted: 13/03/2014


There is a pressing need to improve the availability of, and access to, policy-ready information on Antarctic environments to support the implementation of the Protocol. The Antarctic Environments Portal ( puts policy-ready information based on peer-reviewed science at the fingertips of the CEP. The Portal is operating in a beta (or development) phase, and will be fully functional by June 2015. It contains summary information on some of the CEP’s priority issues. The Portal will be demonstrated during CEP XVII. Members are invited to provide feedback, and lend their support to the initiative.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
37th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
28 Apr 2014 – 07 May 2014

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