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Folder ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

pdf Article on Antarctic Science and the XXVIII ATCM published in EOS

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Article on Antarctic Science and the XXVIII ATCM published in EOS

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Article on Antarctic Science and the XXVIII ATCM published in EOS (the newspaper of the American Geophysical Union)

Eos, Vol. 86, No. 32, 9 August 2005

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf IP068: SCAR Report to XXVIII ATCM

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ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Information Paper



SCAR, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, is the principal organization dealing with Antarctic scientific research. It is the authoritative voice on Antarctic scientific research from the ionosphere to the mantle, from bacteria to seals, from the ice sheet to the deep sea floor, on the role of Antarctica in the Earth System, and on astronomy from Antarctica. This paper gives an overview of SCAR, details its contributions to the International Polar Year (2007-09), lists new developments and highlights of scientific coordination activities. Appendices include membership of SCAR, list of SCAR Executive Committee members, Secretariat staff and committee members, SCAR structure, SCAR scientific research programmes, and SCAR action and expert groups.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf IP069: Biological Monitoring of Human Impacts in the Antarctic

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IP069: Biological Monitoring of Human Impacts in the Antarctic

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Information Paper

IP069: Biological Monitoring of Human Impacts in the Antarctic


This paper gives a status report on biological monitoring, considering progress since 1994 and discussing a recent Biological Monitoring Workshop. A draft report has been produced and once finalised will be presented to SCAR and COMNAP in July 2005 for consideration of the next steps. Further information will be provided to ATCM XXIX in 2006.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf IP070: 9th Joint (SCAR-COMNAP) Committee on Antarctic Data Management

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IP070: 9th Joint (SCAR-COMNAP) Committee on Antarctic Data Management

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Information Paper

IP070: 9th Joint (SCAR-COMNAP) Committee on Antarctic Data Management (JCADM-9. Buenos Aires, September 12–16, 2005)


This paper gives an overview of the 9th Joint (SCAR-COMNAP) Committee on Antarctic Data Management, which will be held in September 2005. 

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf IP085: Biodiversity in the Antarctic

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IP085: Biodiversity in the Antarctic

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Information Paper



This paper discusses biodiversity in the Antarctic. Note that it was later presented at ATCM XXIX in 2006 at a Working Paper (WP037).

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf IP094: Progress implementing the International Polar Year 2007–2008

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IP094: Progress implementing the International Polar Year 2007–2008

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Information Paper

IP094: Progress implementing the International Polar Year 2007–2008


This paper outline preparations being made for the International Polar Year 2007-2008. On behalf of the ICSU/WMO Joint Committee for IPY, SCAR requests that the ATCM notes the progress made and reaffirms its support for the IPY 2007–2008, urging Parties to include the IPY core projects related to the Antarctic in national research programmes and to provide financial and logistic support for their implementation.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf Overview of SCAR Papers Submitted to ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005

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SCAR Papers to ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005.pdf

Overview of SCAR Papers Submitted to ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

An overview of SCAR Papers submitted to ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf WP033: De-listing Antarctic Specially Protected Species

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WP033: De-listing Antarctic Specially Protected Species

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Working Paper

WP033: De-listing Antarctic Specially Protected Species


At III ATCM in 1964 the Parties addressed conservation issues for the first time and approved the Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic Flora and Fauna. In its Annex A were listed those species which were to be designated as Specially Protected Species. These comprised “All species of the genus Arctocephalus, Fur Seals and Ommatophoca rossii, Ross Seal”. At XXVII ATCM SCAR was asked to examine the available data for the species currently in Annex A and provide a recommendation on the future of these listings. This paper outlines the existing situation, lists the criteria for assessing species for Special Protection and makes recommendations that the criteria for endangerment devised by IUCN be applied in a logical and scientific way and that Arctocephalus gazella (Antarctic fur seal) and Arctocephalus tropicalis (Subantarctic fur seal) be removed from Annex A of Annex II of the Protocol.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

pdf WP034: Proposal to List a Species as a Specially Protected Species under Annex II

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WP034: Proposal to List a Species as a Specially Protected Species under Annex II

ATCM XXVIII and CEP VIII 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Working Paper

WP034: Proposal to List a Species as a Specially Protected Species under Annex II


This Working Paper proposes how the IUCN criteria on endangerment can be applied to Antarctic bird species and provides a classification of threat for endangered bird species. The paper then suggests a procedure and provides a format, using data for the Southern Giant Petrel as an example, for the process by which future proposals could be made to the Committee for Environmental Protection for listing species as Specially Protected Species.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
06 Jun 2005 – 17 Jun 2005

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