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Folder ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

pdf ATT021 to WP018: Contribution of Information to Inform State of the Antarctic Environment Reporting (SAER): A Potential New SCAR Initiative (Attachment)

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ATT021 to WP018: Contribution of Information to Inform State of the Antarctic Environment Reporting (SAER): A Potential New SCAR Initiative (Attachment)

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Attachment 21 to Working Paper 18 (WP018)

ATT021 to WP018: Contribution of Information to Inform State of the Antarctic Environment Reporting (SAER): A Potential New SCAR Initiative (Attachment)

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf ATT022 to IP010: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2023 to the XLV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Attachment)

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ATT022 to IP010: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2023 to the XLV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Attachment)

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Attachment 22 to Information Paper 10 (IP010)

ATT022 to IP010: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2023 to the XLV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf ATT070 to IP102: Assessing the Risk of Climate Change Impacts on Antarctic Heritage Values: An Update on Progress (Attachment)

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ATT070 to IP102: Assessing the Risk of Climate Change Impacts on Antarctic Heritage Values: An Update on Progress (Attachment)

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Attachment 70 to Information Paper 102 (IP102)

ATT070 to IP102: Climate Change & Heritage Vulnerability Resources (Attachment)

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP010: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2023 to the XLV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

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IP010: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2023 to the XLV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP010: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Annual Report 2023 to the XLV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

Submitted: 13 April 2023


This paper presents the annual report of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. The main features of the report are also presented as an infographic (Attachment 22).

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP036: Report of the Activities of Polar Educators International (PEI): 2012-2022

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IP036: Report of the Activities of Polar Educators International (PEI): 2012-2022

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP036: Report of the Activities of Polar Educators International (PEI): 2012-2022

Submitted: 20 April 2023


Since its foundation in 2012, Polar Educators International (PEI) has grown into a network for polar education practice. To date, more than 3000 PEI members from 43 countries have collaborated with researchers to share their polar knowledge and expertise, connecting polar education, research and the global community. The PEI Executive Committee and Council provide a leadership platform for polar scientists and educators who are passionate about promoting the educational value of Antarctica and Antarctic research (in its widest aspects) to many diverse sectors of society. PEI has the support from various organisations (including formal endorsements from SCAR, IASC, ARCUS, APECS) engaged in numerous educational activities (e.g. “Polar Resource Book”, PEI international Workshops, polar science/educational projects). PEI advocates polar literacy and environmental stewardship for international processes and aims to continue fostering international cooperation of teachers around the world on polar education.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP037: Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS): An Overview of the First 15 Years

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IP037: Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS): An Overview of the First 15 Years

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP037: Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS): An Overview of the First 15 Years

Submitted: 20 April 2023


The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) was founded in the 4th International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-08 with the mission to provide a platform for early career researchers (ECRs) to connect internationally, inspire and develop ECRs as future leaders in polar science and promote education & outreach (E&O). This paper briefly summarizes the global distribution of APECS members and its National Committees (NCs) and how APECS promotes diversity, equality and inclusion. Furthermore, this paper looks in detail at the role of APECS in E&O, sustaining the momentum started in the 4th IPY. Lastly, this paper presents the future perspectives that the current Executive Committee (ExCom) has for the near future with a special emphasis on the 5th IPY.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP045: Managing Threats to Antarctic Terrestrial Biodiversity

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IP045: Managing Threats to Antarctic Terrestrial Biodiversity

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP045: Managing Threats to Antarctic Terrestrial Biodiversity

Submitted: 22 April 2023


Recent research published in PLOS Biology by Lee et al. (2022), on strategies for managing threats to Antarctic terrestrial biodiversity, found that an estimated 65% of terrestrial species groups and land-associated seabirds are likely to decline by 2100 under current trajectories. In assessing the benefits of several possible threat management strategies, it found that influencing global policy to effectively mitigate climate change would deliver the greatest benefits, while a range of actions to minimise threats from activities within the Antarctic region would also be highly beneficial. The study concluded that simultaneously pursuing global and regional efforts would provide the best chance of protecting Antarctica’s terrestrial biodiversity into the future. These findings are relevant to the Committee’s work on several priority issues, including to maintain awareness of threats to biodiversity, and to prepare for, and build resilience to the environmental impacts of a changing climate.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP047: Summary of SCAR's Strategic Plan 2023-2028

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IP047: Summary of SCAR's Strategic Plan 2023-2028

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP047: Summary of SCAR’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Submitted: 25 April 2023


The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)’s new Strategic Plan 2023-28, “Urgent Messages from the South: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science and Policy”, focuses on the climate crisis and the role of SCAR as the leading scientific organization on Antarctica.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP048: Systematic Conservation Plan for the Antarctic Peninsula Project Updates and Next Steps

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IP048: Systematic Conservation Plan for the Antarctic Peninsula Project Updates and Next Steps

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP048: Systematic Conservation Plan for the Antarctic Peninsula Project Updates and Next Steps

Submitted: 25 April 2023


The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) undertook a collaborative project to develop the first systematic conservation plan for the Antarctic Peninsula. Primarily finished in 2021, correction of some input data and additional requested analyses resulted in the project concluding in 2022. The large amount of data generated by the project and the creation of a conservation planning decision-support tool tailored to the Antarctic Peninsula is likely to be of interest to a broad audience. The decision-support tool has been created in the form of R code, an open-source programming language and software environment for statistical analysis and graphics representation. This R code, together with the majority of input data used in the project, will be made available for public access and use prior to the next ATCM. Outcomes from the project will also be made available in a peer-reviewed scientific publication.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP049: SCAR Lecture: "Satellite-based Science and the Changing Nature of What it Means to "Explore" Antarctica"

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IP049: SCAR Lecture: "Satellite-based Science and the Changing Nature of What it Means to "Explore" Antarctica"

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP049: SCAR Lecture: “Satellite-based Science and the Changing Nature of What it Means to “Explore” Antarctica”

Submitted: 25 April 2023

View the slides for this lecture.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP050: Plans for a Fifth International Polar Year 2032/33

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IP050: Plans for a Fifth International Polar Year 2032/33

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP050: Plans for a Fifth International Polar Year 2032/33

Submitted: 25 April 2023


Since 2021, an interim planning group has been engaging in early discussions to plan for a 5th International Polar Year in 2032-2033. Aside from the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and SCAR, the initial planning efforts for the 5th IPY are currently supported by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Science Council (ISC), University of the Arctic, International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA), the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and other partners worldwide representing both poles. This paper provides an update on discussions to date and on next steps.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP073: Addressing Critical Knowledge Gaps Identified by the IPCC in Antarctica's Future Contribution to Sea Level Rise by International Collaboration

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IP073: Addressing Critical Knowledge Gaps Identified by the IPCC in Antarctica's Future Contribution to Sea Level Rise by International Collaboration

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP073: Addressing Critical Knowledge Gaps Identified by the IPCC in Antarctica’s Future Contribution to Sea Level Rise by International Collaboration

Submitted: 26 April 2023


ATCM XXL WP0039 DML-RINGS and Enderby Land RINGS – opening extensive international collaboration to close critical data gaps for sea-level projections (Norway, Germany, Australia, Belgium, China, Finland, India, Japan, Sweden, United States) suggests that Parties lend their support to the pan-Antarctic RINGS initiative and encourage coordinated regional efforts to close data gaps, using the DML and Enderby Land effort as a useful example and test case for the broader Antarctic needs. This Information Paper provides further information about the societal and scientific rationale of the RINGS initiative, as well as information about the regional efforts initiated to contribute to RINGS and points to further published information related to this.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP075: Antarctic Environments Portal

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IP075: Antarctic Environments Portal

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP075: Antarctic Environments Portal

Submitted: 27 April 2023


The Antarctic Environments Portal is a web-based resource whose primary aim is to support the work of the decision-making bodies of the Antarctic Treaty System, and in particular the Committee on Environmental Protection, by providing impartial and up-to-date, peer-reviewed briefings based on the best-available science. In January 2020, SCAR took over the management of the Portal from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), including the operation of the portal website that has been designed to provide easy access to the Portal’s briefings (known as Information Summaries).

The Antarctic Environments Portal is recognised as an important contribution to the delivery of strategic science support in the SCAR Strategic Plan (2023-2028).

The Portal Management Board is developing a business plan that will set out options for a flexible and diverse funding structure for the future delivery of the Antarctic Environments Portal.

This Information Paper provides an update on the management and operation of the Portal, including examples of how Portal articles are linked to issues of priority interest for the CEP.

SCAR invites the CEP and Parties to continue to support the Antarctic Environments Portal and engage with its ongoing provision of impartial science advice to the Antarctic Treaty System.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP077: The SCAR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Group

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IP077: The SCAR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Group

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP077: The SCAR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Group

Submitted: 27 April 2023


SCAR’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Group (AG), established in 2021, now has over 150 members. The group is active in a number of areas such as developing a SCAR Code of Conduct on EDI issues, reviewing existing external diversity and inclusion resources, and working with other organisations to share experience and best practices. The AG also includes representatives from COMNAP, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS). The EDI AG is collaborating with the SCAR Executive Committee, Secretariat, and Capacity Building, Education and Training (CBET) Committee to address the issues identified during a scoping phase, and to advance SCAR’s goal of becoming a truly inclusive organisation, in line with the desire expressed in the Final Report from ATCM XLIV, Berlin 2022, “to ensure that everyone working on Antarctic matters [is] safe, welcomed, respected and free from discrimination”.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP078: Plastic Pollution in the Southern Ocean

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IP078: Plastic Pollution in the Southern Ocean

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP078: Plastic Pollution in the Southern Ocean

Submitted: 27 April 2023


Plastic pollution has been reported in the Southern Ocean for at least the past four decades. It is important to understand the origins of plastics, their transport routes and their distribution in the Southern Ocean, sub-Antarctic islands and continental Antarctica. There is an urgent need to assess the impact of macro-, micro-, and nanoplastics on the environment and biota, and how these interact with other anthropogenic stressors, such as toxic chemicals, fisheries, ocean acidification, and climate change. We highlight the benefits of introducing standardised monitoring and impact assessment methodologies and tools, as well as the importance of increased global cooperation in addressing the issues of plastic pollution in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP095: Understanding Future Sea-level Change Around Antarctica

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IP095: Understanding Future Sea-level Change Around Antarctica

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP095: Understanding Future Sea-level Change Around Antarctica

Submitted: 28 April 2023


In addition to global consequences related to future sea level change, there will be changes to sea level around the Antarctic continent. This Information Paper outlines the: (1) Challenges in accurately predicting location-specific sea-level change for Antarctica’s coastline; (2) Risks that future sea-level change represents for operations including science support and tourism, coastal infrastructure and assets, heritage sites, specially protected and managed areas, and bioregions; and (3) Future research requirements and recommendations for actions to mitigate the identified risks. This directly contributes to ongoing work to address specific policy and research recommendations presented in the 2022 SCAR Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE) Decadal Synopsis Report (Chown et al., 2022). The Antarctic region is a driver and responder to change. A changing Antarctic region has implications for how we operate in, manage and protect the region. Research related to sea-level change is ongoing, but key relevant information is presented here.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP096: Seismic Activity and Associated Risk in Antarctica

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IP096: Seismic Activity and Associated Risk in Antarctica

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP096: Seismic Activity and Associated Risk in Antarctica

Submitted: 28 April 2023


In 2021, ATCM Resolution 7 invited SCAR to provide a report on seismic activity in Antarctica, recognising the risks of seismic and volcanic activity for people and infrastructure, and the need to undertake monitoring and research on seismic activity and the risks associated with a high-magnitude seismic or volcanic event. This paper provides information on the causes and locations of seismic activity in Antarctica, and associated seismic hazard. It also provides an inventory of seismic stations which locate and record seismic activity, and recommends ongoing support for seismic monitoring and research. SCAR will continue to work with The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) towards further assessment of seismic risk near Antarctic stations, noting that priority should be given to the northern Antarctic Peninsula, Bransfield Strait, South Shetland Islands and South Orkney Islands, as well as other regions with seismic clusters such as Victoria Land, Ross Island, Queen Mary Land and Adélie Land.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP098: Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) – Key Findings and Recommendations

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IP098: Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) - Key Findings and Recommendations

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP098: Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) – Key Findings and Recommendations

Submitted: 28 April 2023


The Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) is a core program of Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Southern Ocean (ICED), which is co- sponsored by IMBeR and SCAR. It has been an open participatory, multidisciplinary up-to-date assessment of status and trends in Southern Ocean ecosystems for use by policy makers, scientists and the wider public. To date, it has involved over 200 scientists from across the Antarctic and Southern Ocean scientific community (18 countries, >50% female, >40% early career), contributing to 25 research articles published in a special research topic in Frontiers journals (greater than 200,000 views, 38,000 downloads). The international network and outputs of MEASO have direct relevance for a number of priorities and actions in the CEP in relation to its Climate Change Response Work Program and the Five-Year Plan. This paper presents key findings from MEASO on how Southern Ocean species and ecosystems are already being affected by climate change and what the future looks like; where to find fuller explanations behind these conclusions; options for managers to protect these ecosystems and enhance their resilience; suggested processes for a wider participation in protecting the Southern Ocean; and priorities for scientific research to support management into the future.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP100: Anthropogenic Noise in Antarctic Terrestrial Environments

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IP100: Anthropogenic Noise in Antarctic Terrestrial Environments

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP100: Anthropogenic Noise in Antarctic Terrestrial Environments

Submitted: 28 April 2023


Anthropogenic noise resulting from human activities can have detrimental effects on both Antarctic wildlife and wilderness and aesthetic values. This paper provides information on sources, methods of monitoring and wildlife impacts of terrestrial anthropogenic noise, which is an emerging area of Antarctic research.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

pdf IP101: Heightened Risk of Avian Influenza in the Antarctic Treaty Area

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IP101: Heightened Risk of Avian Influenza in the Antarctic Treaty Area

ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland

Information Paper

IP101: Heightened Risk of Avian Influenza in the Antarctic Treaty Area

Submitted: 28 April 2023


While there are no known cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in the Antarctic Treaty Area, advice from avian influenza experts in 2022 suggested there was a heightened risk of the disease (commonly known as “bird flu”) arriving by way of migrating species during the 2022/2023 austral summer. The SCAR Antarctic Wildlife Health Working Group (AWHWG) raised concerns about the likely arrival and significant impact HPAI might have on wildlife in the Antarctic region.

AWHWG advises that the risk of HPAI arriving in the Antarctic Treaty Area remains high for the next two seasons, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025. We wish to bring this to the attention of the CEP. A Background Paper submitted by SCAR and IAATO has already brought the matter to the attention of CCAMLR (SCAR & IAATO, 2022).

Work is underway through SCAR, IAATO and COMNAP to continue developing practical advice to identify suspected cases and to eliminate risk associated with direct human contact.

ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023

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