ATCM XLV and CEP XXV 2023, Helsinki, Finland
Information Paper
IP075: Antarctic Environments Portal
Submitted: 27 April 2023
The Antarctic Environments Portal is a web-based resource whose primary aim is to support the work of the decision-making bodies of the Antarctic Treaty System, and in particular the Committee on Environmental Protection, by providing impartial and up-to-date, peer-reviewed briefings based on the best-available science. In January 2020, SCAR took over the management of the Portal from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), including the operation of the portal website that has been designed to provide easy access to the Portal’s briefings (known as Information Summaries).
The Antarctic Environments Portal is recognised as an important contribution to the delivery of strategic science support in the SCAR Strategic Plan (2023-2028).
The Portal Management Board is developing a business plan that will set out options for a flexible and diverse funding structure for the future delivery of the Antarctic Environments Portal.
This Information Paper provides an update on the management and operation of the Portal, including examples of how Portal articles are linked to issues of priority interest for the CEP.
SCAR invites the CEP and Parties to continue to support the Antarctic Environments Portal and engage with its ongoing provision of impartial science advice to the Antarctic Treaty System.
ATCM – Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEP – Committee for Environmental Protection
45th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
29 May – 8 June 2023