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Folder SCAR Policies

SCAR policies on a range of issues including privacy, complaints, protection of volunteers and vulnerable individuals, investments, risks, fundraising, conflicts of interest.

pdf SCAR Child and Vulnerable Adult Policy 2017

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SCAR Child and Vulnerable Adult Policy 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy

Approved on 16 February 2017

SCAR is charged with initiating, developing and coordinating high quality international scientific research in the Antarctic region (including the Southern Ocean), and on the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system. Our activities mainly deal with adult researchers and stakeholders, however there are times where children or vulnerable adults do participate, particularly in outreach events. We are committed to keeping the welfare of any child or vulnerable adult who is involved with any of our activities paramount and to ensuring that everyone participating in our activities is valued, listened to and respected. 

pdf SCAR Complaints Policy Procedures 2017

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SCAR Complaints Policy Procedures 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Approved on 16 February 2017

SCAR aims to provide the best possible service to our members, volunteers and stakeholders, but if we should, in your opinion, fall short of the high standards we set, there is a redress procedure which you can use.

SCAR values others thoughts and feelings. SCAR welcomes constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn. SCAR trustees, staff and officers will endeavour to listen and take a note of any complaints in a non-judgemental and courteous way. SCAR trustees, staff and officers will apologise if they are in the wrong.

pdf SCAR Conflict of Interest Policy 2017

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SCAR Conflict of Interest Policy 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Conflict of Interest Policy

Approved on 16 Feb 2017

The trustees (Board members) of SCAR are obliged by law to act in the best interests of the charity and not for their own private interest or gain. However, there may be situations where a trustee’s own interests and the interests of SCAR arise simultaneously or appear to clash. The issue is not the integrity of the trustee concerned, but the management of any potential to profit from or otherwise abuse the position of being a trustee generally.

The duty of loyalty owed by the trustees to the charity requires that each trustee is aware of the potential for conflicts of interests and acts openly in dealing with such situations. This policy outlines how to deal with such situations.

pdf SCAR Fundraising and Donations Policy 2017

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SCAR Fundraising and Donations Policy 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Fundraising and Donations Policy

Approved on 16 February 2017

Purpose of this policy:

SCAR welcomes the support of donors to further its mission and objectives. The purpose of this policy is to provide a guide to those authorised to fundraise and accept donations on behalf of SCAR which allows clear and consistent decisions regarding the acceptance or refusal of donations.

The Executive Committee of SCAR, as trustees of the charity, have responsibility to develop, approve and update this policy as necessary. The policy needs to take into account

  • the mission and objectives of SCAR;
  • compliance with relevant regulations, specifically the UK Fundraising Regulators Code of Fundraising Practice;
  • risks to the reputation of SCAR resulting from acceptance or refusal of donations; and
  • the balance of costs incurred in fundraising activities compared to resources gained.

This policy will be publically available from the SCAR website and the Executive Committee will ensure that fundraising aims and achievements are communicated in an open and transparent manner.

This policy also serves as a guide to the SCAR Development Council in their fundraising activities.

pdf SCAR Fundraising and Donations Policy 2024

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SCAR Fundraising and Donations Policy 2024.pdf

pdf SCAR Investment Policy 2017

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SCAR Investment Policy 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Investment Policy

Approved on 16 February 2017


SCAR has had bank account balances attracting no interest in recent years. As there is ample protection for working capital and reserve purposes, SCAR believes that it is prudent and responsible to invest a proportion of these balances in a diversified portfolio of investments.

With this investment policy SCAR aims to provide capital growth to enable it to fulfil its mission and objectives. In the longer term it is intended to draw income from these investments to support SCAR activities.

pdf SCAR Privacy Policy (April 2019)

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SCAR Privacy Policy (April 2019)

This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us and how we keep it safe. You also have legal rights to access the personal data that we hold about you and to control how we use it, which are also explained.

pdf SCAR Risk Management Policy 2017

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SCAR Risk Management Policy 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Risk Management Policy

Approved on 16 February 2017

As part of their overall duties of management, the trustees must ensure that the major risks to which the charity is exposed are reviewed and that systems are established to mitigate those risks.

The trustees consider that a major risk is one which, if it materialised, would have a significant adverse impact on the charity’s ability to function and achieve its purposes, namely initiating, developing and coordinating high quality international scientific research in the Antarctic region (including the Southern Ocean), and on the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system. The trustees recognise that risks can arise not only from the charity’s activities but also from failure to act or exploit opportunities.

The trustees do not consider that all risks should be avoided. They are not averse to taking reasonable risks as part of their strategy to achieve the charity’s objectives. However, they wish to be made aware of the major risks the charity faces so that they can plan how to manage those risks and mitigate their effects.

The trustees have therefore appointed the President and Executive Director to review major risks and make recommendations to the trustees as to how to manage them.

The trustees expect all staff and volunteers when engaging in any activity to consider the risks it poses and to act in accordance with any recommendations made for risk management.

The trustees expect that staff and volunteers will not engage in significant types of activity which are not similar to activities the trustees are already aware of, without first having made to the trustees a proper proposal for the charity engaging in such activity, including an analysis of the risks such activity might pose to the charity. Such new forms of activity might include, for example, new forms of fundraising or new forms of sustained service provision.

The trustees have the same expectation in relation to significant increases in activities already pursued by the charity or significant changes in the way those activities are pursued.

The trustees recognise their obligations under the Charity Commission’s guidance on Reporting Serious Incidents: guidance for charity trustees’. The trustees will ensure that major risks are reported to the Charity Commission and/or other relevant authorities as and when required by law and in accordance with the Commission’s guidance.

The Executive Committee will regularly review the operation of this policy.

pdf SCAR Volunteer Management Policy 2017

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SCAR Volunteer Management Policy 2017

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Volunteer Management Policy

Approved on 16 February 2017

This policy sets out the broad principles for voluntary involvement in the work of SCAR. It is of relevance to all within the organisation, including volunteers, staff, members, and those elected or appointed to positions of responsibility.

This policy is endorsed by the Executive Committee and will be reviewed annually, to ensure that it remains appropriate to the needs of SCAR and its volunteers.

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