The UN climate change process significantly relies on science and systematic observations. The global scientific community of the International Science Council plays a pivotal role in the development of climate science at the international level and in informing international policy processes. Over sixty years, together with other international organisations, the ISC co-sponsored a number of science initiatives, programmes, scientific committees and observing systems, known as Affiliated Bodies, that generated critical knowledge on climate change and created an increasingly comprehensive understanding of the Earth system.
During the COP28, the ISC will organise a virtual Knowledge Sharing Dialogue that will bring together several Affiliated Bodies to share the latest developments in climate science, to present their flagships activities, to discuss the opportunities for engagement as well as to outline the critical needs for sustaining successful scientific collaboration on climate change at the international level. The ISC invites all representatives, staff and other members of all ISC Member organizations and other interested partners to attend this dialogue and explore opportunities for collaborative climate science and action.
Martin Visbeck, ISC Governing Board Member, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), Eoghan Griffin, Executive Officer
- World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Mike Sparrow, Head of the WCRP Secretariat
- Future Earth, Daniel Ospina, Science Officer and Sophie Hebden, Liaison Officer
- Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), Qunli HAN, Head of the International Programme Office
- Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), Belén Martín Míguez, Scientific Officer