A special volume of Antarctic Science journal entitled ‘Evolution of East Antarctic Landscape, Cryosphere and Climate during Quaternary’ would be brought out as an outcome of the SCAR Open Science Conference 2022.
This special issue aims to provide the current perspectives on the geological-geomorphological-cryosphere-climate variability in East Antarctica, with an objective to summarise and synthesize the current scientific knowledge.
Some of the areas that are proposed under the special issue include:
- Sub-ice geology and landscape
- Glacial landforms and climate
- Dynamics of the ice shelves and ice rises
- Hot spots of ice wastage in East Antarctica
- Subglacial and englacial environments
- Holocene climate reconstruction using ice cores and lake records
- Late Quaternary climate records from terrestrial lakes
- Proximal marine record of past environmental changes
- Sea trends and variability
- Riftogenic structures
We invite contributions from all Antarctic researchers interested in the East Antarctic geoscience, cryosphere and climate to the this special issue.
The tentative deadlines are:
Title: 15 August 2022
Manuscript submission: 15 October 2022
More details are available on the Antarctic Science website.
More details would be made available soon.
The information to authors for Antarctic Science journal is available here.