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The XIVth International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences will take …

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SCAR News|

Antarctic Science International Bursaries 2020

The 2020 Antarctic Science International Bursary is now open for …

SCAR News|

SENECA – SourcE and impact of greeNhousE gasses in AntarctiCA

A team of scientists* from Italy, New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland …

SCAR News|

TasmanDrake Research Group on expedition to study Powell Basin

The TasmanDrake project was set up to study the onset …

Community News|

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) seeks an Executive Secretary

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) seeks an Executive Secretary …

Community News|

26th International Symposium on Polar Sciences, May 2020

The 26th International Symposium on Polar Sciences (ISPS), organized by …


High-resolution geophysical survey confirms the deep Beyond EPICA ice-core drilling site

The recovery of a 1.5 million yr long ice core …


Conference: 34th Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP)

Please save the date for FRISP 2020! The 34rd Forum …

SCAR News|

SCAR announces the 2019 Visiting Scholars

SCAR is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 …

SCAR News|

SCAR at the UNFCCC Research Dialogue 11 in Bonn – Report Published

  This year SCAR was delighted to contribute for the …

SCAR News|

Report on First Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London

The very first ‘Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly’ involving Parliamentarians from 13 …

SCAR News|

SCAR mourns loss of Robert H. Rutford (1933-2019)

SCAR is saddened to inform our community that former SCAR …

SCAR News|

Follow Cryosphere Pavilion events at COP25 Madrid

The current UNFCCC meetings at COP25 in Madrid are the …

SCAR News|

60 Years of Treaty-Supported Antarctic Science

To mark the 60th anniversary of the signing of the …


Prof Anne-Marie Brady elected fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Long-standing SC-Hass affiliated researcher Professor Anne-Marie Brady has been made …


Exploring the spread of disease in Antarctic wildlife

A new collaboration between Federation University Australia, the Australian Antarctic …

SCAR News|

Dr Mahesh Badanal Reports on Visiting Scholarship

Dr Mahesh Badanal was awarded a SCAR Visiting Scholarship in …

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