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Folder Medals

Here you will find documents related to SCAR’s Medals for Excellence in Research and International Coordination as well as past citations related to the awards.
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pdf Francisco Herve - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement 2016 ( pdf, 286 KB ) (945 downloads)
pdf Ian Allison - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2012 ( pdf, 150 KB ) (865 downloads)
pdf Ian Allison - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2012 - Response ( pdf, 43 KB ) (892 downloads)
pdf John Priscu - SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research 2012 ( pdf, 155 KB ) (937 downloads)
pdf John Priscu - SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research 2012 - Response ( pdf, 41 KB ) (906 downloads)
pdf Diana Wall - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement 2012 ( pdf, 145 KB ) (983 downloads)
pdf Diana Wall - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement - Response ( pdf, 46 KB ) (902 downloads)
pdf Alan Cooper - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2010 ( pdf, 177 KB ) (922 downloads)
pdf Robert Rutford - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2010 ( pdf, 174 KB ) (969 downloads)
pdf Robert Rutford - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2010 - Response ( pdf, 68 KB ) (826 downloads)
pdf John Turner - SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research 2010 ( pdf, 192 KB ) (810 downloads)
pdf John Turner - SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research 2010 - Response ( pdf, 83 KB ) (829 downloads)
pdf Angelika Brandt - SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research 2008 ( pdf, 184 KB ) (1223 downloads)
pdf Angelika Brandt - SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research 2008 - Response ( pdf, 23 KB ) (944 downloads)
pdf Vladimir Kotlyakov - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement 2008 ( pdf, 202 KB ) (809 downloads)
pdf Vladimir Kotlyakov - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement 2008 - Response ( pdf, 34 KB ) (837 downloads)
pdf Claude Lorius - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2008 ( pdf, 186 KB ) (912 downloads)
pdf Claude Lorius - SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination 2008 - Response ( pdf, 22 KB ) (771 downloads)
pdf Peter Barrett - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement 2006 ( pdf, 59 KB ) (731 downloads)
pdf Peter Barrett - SCAR President's Medal for Outstanding Achievement 2006 - Response ( pdf, 44 KB ) (874 downloads)

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