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SCAR News|

Kick-Off Meeting for Southern Ocean UN Decade – 9th July 2021

Following the publication of the report on Southern Ocean priorities …

SCAR News|

43rd ATCM – Adoption of the Paris Declaration, 23rd June 2021

The 43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting adopted the Paris Declaration …

SCAR News|

SCAR wishes you a wonderful World Albatross Day 2021!

The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, ACAP, has …


Open call to participate in SCAR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Group

SCAR is forming an Action Group on Equality, Diversity and …


Publication on developing resilience to climate change impacts in Antarctica

A new publication, titled “Developing resilience to climate change impacts …

SCAR News|

US-SCAR Antarctic Science Meeting, 12-15 July

Online (Zoom) conference hosted by theUS Scientific Committee on Antarctic …


SCAR Krill Action Group Workshop report now available

The SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) provides a forum to …


Action Group on PoLSciNex-Mitsubishi Fellowship

The PoLSciNex Action Group is recruiting a small number of …


Rokkodai Fellowships available for SC-HASS Conference

The 2021 SCAR SC-HASS conference promotes Japan/Japanese-related Antarctic humanities and …


Successful RINGS Kick-Off Meeting

The new RINGS Action Group hosted its kick-off meeting online …


SC-HASS Biennial Conference: The Global Antarctic

The biennial SC-HASS conference will be held 18-19 November 2021, hosted …

SCAR News|

2021 Visiting Scholar Applications Open

  The 2021 SCAR Visiting Scholar scheme is open for …

SCAR News|

Southern Ocean UN Decade Survey

Based on the recommendations in the global implementation plan of …

SCAR News|

Steven Chown awarded Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Madrid Protocol

The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the French National …


Recordings of Ant-ICON Community Engagement Meeting available

The recordings of the recent Ant-ICON Commmunity Engagement Meeting (12th …


RINGS kick-off meeting, 27 May 2021, 1-2pm

The RINGS Action Group invites you to join their online …

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