Call for Papers – The Polar Journal Special Issue

Contemporary methodologies and approaches in Polar Social Sciences

The Polar Journal has issued a call for papers for their next publication. If you are interested in submitting a paper, further details are set out below.

Title: Contemporary methodologies and approaches in Polar Social Sciences

Special Issue Editors: Julia Olsen (Nord University, Norway), Carina Ren (Aalborg University, Denmark), Hanne Nielsen (University of Tasmania, Australia)

Period of submission: 1 December 2024 – 28 February 2025

First revisions: March 2025 – April/May 2025

Topics for contributions:

  • Participatory methodologies
  • Co-production of knowledge, inclusion of Indigenous, traditional, and local knowledge
  • Inter- or transdisciplinarity – opportunities and benefits, challenges, and friction
  • Learning and living labs
  • Cross-case comparison in Arctic and Polar contexts: why and how to compare?
  • Citizen science
  • Multimodal or visual methods
  • Rethinking or repurposing ‘traditional’ social science methods
  • Navigating research ethics in Polar Social Science (consent, guidelines, GDPR etc.)

For more details: Call for Papers

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