Republic of Korea to Host the Joint SCAR-IASC Polar Conference in 2030

SCAR and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) are excited to announce that the Republic of Korea has been selected as the host for the Joint SCAR-IASC Polar Conference in 2030. This decision was made following a comprehensive selection process by both SCAR and IASC Delegates.

The conference will take place in Incheon, a vibrant and strategically positioned city known for its global connectivity and state-of-the-art infrastructure. The event will bring together polar researchers, experts, indigenous peoples and knowledge holders from around the world to advance our understanding of critical polar issues, fostering collaborations in preparation for the International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-33.

Korea’s bid, led by the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), highlighted the country’s longstanding commitment to polar research. With a rich history of international collaboration, Korea has been a dedicated member of both SCAR and IASC for over three decades. The conference theme, “Frozen Frontiers, Shared Futures: Collaborations to Forge Our Planet’s Tomorrow”, reflects the global importance of understanding and addressing the challenges posed by rapid polar changes and their cascading effects on the planet.

Incheon’s Songdo Convensia will serve as the main venue, providing world-class facilities to accommodate participants. The event promises not only to foster scientific discourse but also to showcase Korea’s cultural heritage and the unique natural beauty of the region.

Dr Hyoung Chul Shin states:

We are deeply honored to be the host of the SCAR-IASC Joint Polar Conference 2030. We believe the 2030 Joint Conference will provide crucial momentum to consolidate the past achievements of polar communities and design how our collaborative efforts should proceed amidst dynamic and forceful climate change. This is particularly important in the lead-up to the 2032-2033 International Polar Year (IPY). We are humbled by the opportunity to facilitate this pivotal gathering that will shape the future of polar research, providing both inspirations and answers to global issues. We also pledge to make this conference one that is friendly to the environment and to future generations.

Dr Hyoung Chul Shin, President of the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)

SCAR and IASC would like to extend their sincere gratitude to Switzerland and Sweden for their strong bids and dedication to polar science.

We look forward to seeing you in Incheon in 2030!

For more details on the conference and the host city, please stay tuned for updates on the SCAR and IASC websites.

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