Seira Duncan

International Arctic Science Committee / University of Eastern Finland

Publications |

Seira Duncan is an Indigenous Eurasian doctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. She is currently affiliated with the International Arctic Science Committee, the European Institute for Asian Studies and Chatham House. Over the past few years, she has completed fellowships at the Arctic Circle, the East-West Center and the Arctic Institute and visiting researcher appointments at the Independent Research Institute of Mongolia, the European Centre for Minority Issues, Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) and the University of Tromsø. She has attended university progammes in Asia, Europe and North America and has worked at universities, research institutions and think tanks. Just last year, she was a Steering Committee Member and Indigenous Youth Lead at the United Nations’ inaugural Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change and Advisor for the Connecting Climate Minds project at Imperial College London.

Research projects / interests:

  • Climate and minority health

Areas of interest:

  • Humanities
  • Literature
  • History
  • Human Geography
  • Anthropology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Environment

Keywords: cognitive/cultural/medical anthropology; psychology; minority; nomadism; indigeneity

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