The SCAR Expert Group on Birds and Marine Mammals (EG-BAMM) is tasked with providing expert knowledge and research leadership in all matters related to birds and mammals in the Antarctic, in order to support research that will quantify the role of birds and marine mammals in the Antarctic marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Birds and marine mammals (eg-bamm)
We work with other components of SCAR towards a multidisciplinary synthesis of biophysical and biochemical coupling mechanisms in the Antarctic and to help collate and provide information on the status and trends of populations of specific species in the SCAR area of interest based on needs identified by SCAR or by the group. EG-BAMM also contributes to the conservation and management of Antarctic and subantarctic birds and mammals through the appropriate utilisation and interpretation of currently available scientific data.
One of the exciting prospects of EG-BAMM is the opportunity to develop new synergies within the wider Southern Ocean science community. This is particularly true in the area of ecosystem structure and dynamics, bearing in mind that these predators can provide an integrated signal of changes in distribution and abundance of prey. Further, the physical and biological coupling mechanisms can be elucidated in these species, due to our ability to track them accurately, measure relevant life history characteristics, and collect pertinent biological data and scales relevant to the organism.
The Antarctic Wildlife Health Network is a working group of EG-BAMM.


Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Monitoring Project

AWHN|Community News|EG-BAMM|
Antarctic Wildlife at Heightened Risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza outbreaks
Obituary: Dr. Daniel Gonzalez-Acuña
SCAR is deeply saddened to learn of the death of …
New publication on Risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in Antarctic wildlife
A new paper on the Risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in Antarctic …
The leaders of the EG-BAMM group are:
Chief Officer | Assoc. Prof. Michelle La Rue | University of Canterbury, New Zealand |
Deputy Chief Officer | Dr Ryan Reisinger | University of Southampton, UK |
Secretary | Manuela Bassoi | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil |
- Andres BARBOSA (Health Working Group)
- Horst BORNEMANN (RAATD project, Biogeographic Atlas)
- Jean-Benoît CHARRASSIN (RAATD project, Biogeographic Atlas, IWC liaison)
- Daniel P. COSTA (RAATD project)
- Bruno DANIS (ANTABIF liaison, EG-ABI liaison)
- Mark HINDELL (CCAMLR liaison, SOOS liaison, SCATS member)
- Mary-Ann LEA (Outreach, Ant-ERA liaison)
- Monica MUELBERT (Alien in Antarctica, Marine Mammal Tag DataBase)
- Petra QUILLFELDT (expertise – small petrels and comparative foraging ecology)
- Richard PHILLIPS (RAATD project, Biogeographic Atlas, ACAP liaison)
- Ben RAYMOND (RAATD project, Biogeographic Atlas, EG-ABI liaison)
- Yan ROPERT-COUDERT (EG-ABI member, SCATS member)
- Peter G. RYAN (RAATD project, Biogeographic Atlas)
- Akinori TAKAHASHI (Ant-ERA liaison, RAATD project, SCATS member)
- Reny TYSON (APECS liaison)
- Jose XAVIER (Trophic working group, Outreach)
Publications, Data and Links of interest to the Birds and Marine Mammals community