Meagan Dewar

Federation University Australia

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Dr Meagan Dewar specialises in host-microbiome interactions and pathogens of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic wildlife. She has a PhD in Microbial Ecology of Seabirds and is a Lecturer in Biological and Environmental Sciences at Federation University. Meagan’s research focuses on investigating the interactions between wildlife and microorganisms in relation to host health, physiology and nutrition. Meagan is also the co-chair of the Antarctic Wildlife Health working group.

Current research projects / interests:

  • Diseases of Antarctic Seabirds – examining changes in microbial community and presence of pathogens in seabirds over the past 2 decades in East Antarctica;
  • Penguin Microibome – understanding the role of the microbiome in penguins;
  • Oral Microbiome of Sharks and AMR – Identification of pathogens in oral cavity of sharks and associated Antimicrobial resistance.

Keywords: Seabirds, Penguins, Microbiome, wildlife disease, wildlife health.

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