Dr Aleks Terauds and Prof Lloyd Peck FRS receive 2024 SCAR Medals in Cambridge

We were thrilled to host the 2024 SCAR Medal Award Ceremony as part of the Closing Ceremony for the SCAR Open Science Conference 2024 in Pucón, Chile, this past August. Although some of our medal winners couldn’t attend in person, we included their heartfelt video messages during the ceremony. Recently, we had the pleasure of welcoming both Professor Lloyd Peck and Dr. Aleks Terauds to the SCAR Secretariat at the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge, UK, for an official medal handover.

Prof Lloyd Peck FRS, SCAR Executive Director Dr Chandrika Nath and Dr Aleks Terauds in front of the Scott Polar Research Institute

2024 SCAR Medal Winners

Prof Lloyd Peck, proudly displaying his SCAR medal next to the sledge dog statue at the Scott Polar Research Institute.
He still fondly remembers the days when sledge dogs roamed Antarctica

Prof. Lloyd Peck FRS, from the British Antarctic Survey, UK, received the 2024 SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research. His extensive contributions to Antarctic science include significant publications on polar gigantism and atomic bomb signals in Antarctic brachiopods. He has also conducted groundbreaking evaluations on catastrophic iceberg scour effects in Antarctica and has explored the sensitivity of marine species to warming, along with numerous insightful reviews on Antarctic marine biodiversity.

Dr. Aleks Terauds proudly showcasing his SCAR medal, just awarded by Dr. Chandrika Nath.
Now he’s torn between framing it or wearing it to feel like the superhero of Antarctic research!

Dr. Aleks Terauds, from the Australian Antarctic Division, was awarded the 2024 SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination. Dr. Terauds has made exemplary contributions to furthering SCAR’s objectives related to international research activities.

Prof. Jan Strugnell, from James Cook University, Australia, was honored with the 2024 SCAR Medal for Education and Communication. She successfully led the Women in Antarctic Research Wikibomb, which mobilized over 100 international volunteers to create more than 100 detailed biographies of women researchers in Antarctica on Wikipedia.




The 2024 SCAR President’s Medal was posthumously awarded to Prof. Craig Cary from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. His pioneering research has significantly enhanced our understanding of microbial diversity and ecological processes in some of the Earth’s most extreme environments.




Congratulations to all the 2024 medal winners once more! The full medal citations, previous medal recipients and information on the nomination process are available from the Medals page.

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