The New Zealand Antarctic Science Platform, the University of Canterbury and Constantia Consulting Ltd. are seeking a PhD student to examine and critique the effectiveness of the science / decision-maker nexus through the lens of Antarctic science.
Based at Gateway Antarctica in the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, the research will explore the nature and utility of the interactions that exist between decision-makers and Antarctic researchers at various stages of research development, planning, conduct and publication. We anticipate that the successful student will have an Honours or Master’s degree in a physical or social science subject, have undertaken some psychology papers as part of their undergraduate courses, be able to demonstrate a strong interest in understanding the science / policy discourse and be able to articulate a basic understanding of Antarctica and Antarctic science.
Fees and a NZ$27,500 stipend are available for a period of 3 years.
Further information is available in the Research Project Description or by emailing Neil Gilbert.