The 2nd annual meeting of the SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) took place on the 15th and 16th of June, 2019 in Concarneau, France. The meeting was attended by 24 scientists from 10 nations from a range of different krill research fields.
The meeting focused on three topics. First, the meeting attendees agreed to a formalized group structure, including committee roles and a SKAG webpage to ensure transparency of all SKAG activities. Next, participants identified important knowledge gaps in krill research and possible solutions to close these gaps to provide critical scientific information for krill fishery management. “Krill Recruitment” and “Krill’s plasticity to climate change” were identified as the two major knowledge gaps to improve mechanistic understanding of krill abundance, distribution behavior and movement. Finally, to provide a platform for early-career krill researchers (promoting and developing their research and cooperation), the roles of communication officers and research coordinator roles were assigned to early-career scientists with senior scientists as mentors for the positions. Opportunities for early-career researchers will also be posted on the website.
The next SKAG meeting will take place alongside the SCAR Open Science conference in Hobart, Australia during 2020, in coordination with the ICED programme.